R package provides a set of functions to
estimate the effect of each income source on income inequalities based
on the decomposition of Lerman and Yitzhaki (1985) doi:10.2307/1928447. This R
package offers tidy output, presenting results in tidy tibbles, making
it easy for users to explore and utilize the results for further
analysis and visualization.
The functions include :
A sample data on income sources has been provided in the package :
#> Rows: 200
#> Columns: 6
#> $ region <chr> "Rural", "Urban", "Urban", "Rural", "Urban", "Urban", "Rural", "Rural", "Urban", "Urban", "Urban", "Urban", "Rural", "Ur…
#> $ sample_wgt <dbl> 991, 1328, 493, 963, 1065, 934, 1043, 259, 400, 649, 514, 758, 715, 1119, 1052, 1927, 418, 538, 987, 147, 1788, 1019, 13…
#> $ wage <dbl> 0, 538, 0, 0, 0, 0, 967, 0, 121, 1985, 0, 1338, 500, 441, 0, 273, 468, 563, 513, 0, 253, 887, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1788, 1941, 0,…
#> $ self_employment_rev <dbl> 0, 0, 0, 0, 2191, 0, 298, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 438, 1332, 701, 0, 0, 419, 1402, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0…
#> $ farming_rev <dbl> 0, 0, 414, 268, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 646, 504, 0, 356, 0, 0, 155, 0, 0, 349, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1…
#> $ other_rev <dbl> 338, 586, 4026, 377, 23, 779, 200, 1554, 450, 0, 2638, 0, 294, 297, 239, 266, 340, 191, 228, 1212, 225, 364, 1800, 5438,…
The sample data contains 200 observations representing households and 6 columns :
column categorizes households based on whether
they reside in urban or rural areas.sample_wgt
column contains the sampling weights
assigned to each observation.wage
, self_employment_rev
, and other_rev
represent different
sources of income for the household. Specifically, wage
refers to wages and salaries earned, self_employment_rev
denotes revenue from independent activities, farming_rev
signifies income from farming, and other_rev
income from other sources.Gini correlation was first introduced in Schechtman and Yitzhaki (1987). It is a non-symmetric measure and can take the following two forms, depending on which variable is given in its actual values and which one is ranked:
If X and Y are random variables from continuous distribution functions FX and GY respectively
and similarly, Γ(Y,X)=Cov(Y,FX(X))Cov(Y,GY(Y)) The range of the gini correlation coefficient is [−1,1]
function takes as first argument the variable
in its actual values, and as second argument the variable of the
distribution with the rank information. An optional argument for
sampling weights is also available.
If we want to calculate the gini correlation coefficient of salaries distribution ranked with the total income distribution, then we can call the function as follow:
The Lerman and Yitzhaki decomposition method aims to understand the contribution of different income sources to overall income inequality.
Suppose the total income of households comes from 4 income sources as
described in sample_income_data
dataset. The decomposition
of Lerman and Yitzhaki provide estimation of the contribution of each
income source to the income inequality as measured by Gini
The final output of the decomposition is represented by the
Absolute Contibution
for each income source which sum up to
the overall Gini(income), and the
Relative Contribution
which sum up to
The steps of estimation include :
1- Calculation of the Share
of each income source to the
total income; 2- Calculation of Gini
coefficients for each
income source; 3- Calculation of Gini_corr
correlation coefficient) between the distribution each income source and
the total income.
Absolute Contribution
is calculated as follow:
Absolute Contribution
= Share
* Gini_corr
and then
Relative Contribution
Absolute Contribution
/ Gini(income)
provide a tibble containing all the
components described above. It takes as a first argument the
containing the income sources variables. And then we
pass the columns names (or positions), separated by commas, indicating
income sources.
The function provides two optional arguments:
for sampling weights; - and .by
results disaggregation, in that case the output will be a grouped
We can also pass the income sources variables by their positions in the data frame:
gini_decomp_source(sample_income_data, 3:6, .by = region, .wgt = sample_wgt)
#> # A tibble: 8 × 7
#> # Groups: region [2]
#> region income_source Share Gini Gini_corr Absolute_Contribution Relative_Contribution
#> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 Rural farming_rev 0.412 0.815 0.854 0.287 0.654
#> 2 Rural other_rev 0.301 0.402 0.395 0.0478 0.109
#> 3 Rural self_employment_rev 0.0674 0.907 0.471 0.0288 0.0655
#> 4 Rural wage 0.219 0.706 0.488 0.0755 0.172
#> 5 Urban farming_rev 0.00189 0.989 0.737 0.00138 0.00354
#> 6 Urban other_rev 0.373 0.618 0.634 0.146 0.374
#> 7 Urban self_employment_rev 0.165 0.827 0.327 0.0446 0.114
#> 8 Urban wage 0.460 0.648 0.665 0.198 0.508
The decomposition method described above can be represented in the following equation:
Where Yk and Sk are the distribution and the
of income source k, respectively. And Y denotes the distribution of the total
Thus, Absolute Contribution
for the kth income source is the product SkΓ(Yk,Y)Gini(Yk)
Stark and al. (1986) showed that this decomposition equation offers a simple method to assess the marginal effect on total income inequality following a marginal percentage variation in income from a given source, equal for all households. Thus, the impact of an increase in income from source k, for all households, in such a way that Yk is multiplied by (1+ek), where ek is sufficiently small can be represented as follow :
This expression show a measure for the marginal contribution of source k to the overall inequality. It can be expressed differently to reveal the relative marginal contribution of inequality due to a marginal variation in the income from source k:
ηk=Γ(Yk,Y)Gini(Yk)Gini(Y) ηk will denote the elasticity of Gini index associated with a percentage change in the mean income (for each income source)
This definition clearly demonstrates that the marginal impact of a source of income depends on its income elasticity of the Gini index. Thus, a percentage increase in the income from a source with a lower ηk (higher) than 1, will decrease (increase), the overall income inequality. When the ηk is close to 1, it means that the variation in this source does not affect overall inequality.
function calculate the
along with the Marginal_Impact
of a
change in the mean of each income source on the overall Gini index.
The function has the same set of arguments as the previous function
sample_income_data |>
gini_income_elasticity(wage, self_employment_rev, farming_rev, other_rev,
.by = region,
.wgt = sample_wgt)
#> # A tibble: 8 × 7
#> # Groups: region [2]
#> region income_source Share Gini Gini_corr Elasticity Marginal_Impact
#> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 Rural farming_rev 0.412 0.815 0.854 1.59 0.241
#> 2 Rural other_rev 0.301 0.402 0.395 0.362 -0.192
#> 3 Rural self_employment_rev 0.0674 0.907 0.471 0.973 -0.00182
#> 4 Rural wage 0.219 0.706 0.488 0.784 -0.0474
#> 5 Urban farming_rev 0.00189 0.989 0.737 1.87 0.00164
#> 6 Urban other_rev 0.373 0.618 0.634 1.00 0.000976
#> 7 Urban self_employment_rev 0.165 0.827 0.327 0.693 -0.0506
#> 8 Urban wage 0.460 0.648 0.665 1.10 0.0480
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