This package provides fast algorithms to calculate the marginal posterior probabilities of data points having a non-zero mean:
\pi_n(\theta_i \neq 0 \mid X), \qquad i=1,\ldots,n.
Given these, it is easy to calculate the posterior mean, which is also provided:
\mathbb{E}[\theta | X] = (\mathbb{E}[\theta_i | X], \ldots, \mathbb{E}[\theta_n | X])
Main Methods
There are two main methods: general_sequence_model and fast_spike_slab_beta.
This method can handle the general hierarchical prior described above. This means it requires the user to provide a choice for \pi_n as input, and to specify whether the slab prior G should be a Laplace or a Cauchy distribution.
The run time of this method scales as O(n^2) in the sample size n. It has been used to handle sample sizes up to 20\,000 within half an hour of computation time.
This method is a faster special-purpose method for the spike-and-slab prior with
\Lambda_n = \text{Beta}(\kappa,\lambda)
This corresponds to the beta-binomial prior
\pi_n(s) \propto \frac{\Gamma(\kappa + s) \Gamma(\lambda + n - s)}{s! (n-s)!}
in the general hierarchical prior. This method further requires specifying whether the slab prior G should be a Laplace or a Cauchy distribution.
The run time of this method scales as O(m n^{3/2}), where m is a user-supplied parameter that controls the precision of the method. Larger values of m give more precision but slow down the algorithm. The default value of m=20 has been seen to provide sufficient precision for data sets of different sizes. The method has been used to handle sample sizes up to 100\,000 within half and our of computation time.
Advanced Usage
The package is organized as a set of supporting functions in R, which wrap around two C++ functions that implement the main algorithms. The C++ function corresponding to general_sequence_model is accessible directly via SSS_hierarchical_prior and SSS_hierarchical_prior_binomial. The C++ function corresponding to fast_spike_slab_beta can be accessed via SSS_discrete_spike_slab. There are further supporting functions whose name starts with ‘SSS_’.
Implementing Custom Slab Distributions
The C++ functions do not take the data X directly as input. Instead, they require two vectors \Phi = (\Phi_1,\ldots,\Phi_n) and \Psi = (\Psi_1, \ldots, \Psi_n) that specify the densities of the data points X_1,\dots,X_n conditional on \theta_i being 0 or \theta_i being distributed according to G, respectively:
\Phi_i = \phi_\sigma(X_i)
\Psi_i = \int_{-\infty}^\infty \phi_\sigma(X_i - \theta_i) d G(\theta_i),
where \phi_\sigma(X_i) is the density of a Gaussian with mean 0 and standard deviation \sigma. Advanced users may implement their own slab distributions G by calculating the \Psi vector themselves. Custom values for \Phi and \Psi may also be used to model non-Gaussian noise or to incorporate into \Phi a shrinkage prior rather than a point-mass at zero.