This document outlines the similarity measures employed by the generalized Robinson–Foulds distances implemented in this package.
Generalized RF distances are introduced elsewhere; before you read further, you may also wish to revisit how to use the ‘TreeDist’ package, and relevant principles of information theory.
Scoring each pair of splits according to their mutual clustering information (Smith, 2020) (see separate vignette) results in a information-based tree distance metric that recognizes similarity in tree structure even when every possible pairing of splits conflicts:
VisualizeMatching(MutualClusteringInfo, AtoJ, swapAJ,
Plot = TreeDistPlot, matchZeros = FALSE, prune = c(5, 18))
## [1] 1.348339
Because no pair of non-trivial splits has zero mutual clustering
information, even a dissimilar pairing (such as HI|ABCDEFG
below) is (slightly) preferable to leaving a
split unpaired.
The total mutual clustering information in a single tree is given by
## [1] 5.120281
The Nye et al. (2006) tree similarity metric scores pairs by considering the elements held in common between subsets of each split.
Consider a pair of splits ABCDEF|GHIJ
. These can be aligned thus:
The first pair of subsets, ABCDEF
, have five elements in common (ABCDE
and together encompass eight elements (ABCDEFIJ
). Their
subset score is thus 58.
The second pair of subsets, GHIJ
and FGH
have two elements (GH
) in common, of the five total
), and hence receive a subset score of 25.
This split alignment then receives an alignment score corresponding to the lower of the two subset scores, 25.
We must now consider the other alignment of this pair of splits,
This yields subset scores of 18 and 29, and thus has an alignment score of 18. This alignment gives a lower score than the other, so is disregarded. The pair of splits is allocated a similarity score corresponding to the better alignment: 25.
As such, splits that match exactly will receive a similarity score of 1, in a manner analogous to the Robinson–Foulds distance. (This is despite the fact that some splits are more likely to match than others.) It is not possible for a pair of splits to receive a zero similarity score.
## [1] 3.5
Böcker et al. (2013) employ the same split similarity calculation as Nye et al. (above), which they suggest ought to be raised to an arbitrary exponent in order to down-weight the contribution of paired splits that are not identical. In order for the metric to converge to the Robinson–Foulds metric as the exponent grows towards infinity, the resulting score is then doubled.
## [1] 4
## [1] 5.638889
The figure below shows how the JRF distance between the two trees plotted above varies with the value of the exponent k, relative to the Nye et al. and Robinson–Foulds distances between the trees:
The theoretical and practical performance of the JRF metric, and its speed of calculation, are best at lower values of k (Smith, 2020), raising the question of whether an exponent is useful.
Böcker et al. (2013) suggest that ‘reasonable’ matchings exhibit a property they term arboreality. Their definition of an arboreal matching supposes that trees are rooted, in which case each split corresponds to a clade. In an arboreal matching on a rooted tree, no pairing of splits conflicts with any other pairing of splits. Consider the case where splits ‘A’ and ‘B’ in tree 1 are paired respectively with splits ‘C’ and ‘D’ in tree 2. If ‘A’ is paired with ‘C’ and ‘B’ with ‘D’, then to avoid conflict:
if A is nested within B, then C must be nested within D
if B is nested within A, then D must be nested within C
if A and B do not overlap, then C and D must not overlap.
Equivalent statements for unrooted trees are a little harder to express.
Unfortunately, constructing arboreal matchings is NP-complete, making an optimal arboreal matching slow to find. A faster alternative is to prohibit pairings of contradictory splits, though distances generated under such an approach are theoretically less coherent and practically no more effective than those calculated when contradictory splits may be paired, so the only advantage of this approach is a slight increase in calculation speed (Smith, 2020).
Bogdanowicz & Giaro (2012) propose an alternative distance, which they term the Matching Split Distance. (This approach was independently proposed by Lin et al. (2012).)
## [1] 5
Note that the visualization shows the difference, rather than the similarity, between splits.
Similar to the Nye et al. similarity metric, this method compares the subsets implied by a pair of splits. Here, the relevant quantity is the number of elements that must be moved from one subset to another in order to make the two splits identical. With the pair of splits
three leaves (‘F’, ‘I’ and ‘J’) must be moved before the splits are
identical; as such, the pair of splits are assigned a difference score
of three.
Formally, where Si splits n leaves into bipartitions Ai and Bi, the difference score is calculated
where m counts the number of leaves that already match, and is defined as
MatchingSplitDistance(read.tree(text='((a, b, c, d, e, f), (g, h, i, j));'),
read.tree(text='((a, b, c, d, e, i, j), (g, h, f));'))
## [1] 3
This distance is difficult to normalize, as it is not easy to calculate its maximum value.
In the matching split distance, m represents a simple count of the number of shared taxa. An alternative is to measure the phylogenetic information content of the largest split consistent with S_1 and S_2:
m = \max\{h(A_1 \cap A_2 | B_1 \cap B_2), h(A_1 \cap B_2 | B_1 \cap A_2)\}
The most information-rich split consistent with
, which contains
## [1] 3.169925
bits of phylogenetic information. This value can be used as a similarity score for this pairing of splits.
## [1] 17.27586