The Wasserstein Regression
Inference (WRI
) package performs
statistical inference in density regression, in which the response is a
one-dimensional probability density and predictors are scalars. The
package implements methods proposed in the paper, Wasserstein
F-tests and confidence bands for the Frechet regression of density
response curves. Link to
Paper on Arxiv.
Install and library WRI
# install.packages('WRI')
We will use dataset strokeCTdensity
to illustrate
functions in WRI
package. This dataset contains clinical,
radiological scalar variables, and hematoma density curves for 393
stroke patients.
= strokeCTdensity$predictors
predictor = strokeCTdensity$densitySupport
dSup = strokeCTdensity$densityCurve densityCurves
is the estimation function which works
similar to lm
. To compute the fitted values, it requires a
formula, response and predictor data. We give explanation of other
arguments below.
: whether the response matrix Ymat
contains 'quantile'
or 'density'
: the common grid for density/quantile functions in
grid vector when Ytype == 'quantile'
Since most derivation in WRI works in the space of quantile functions and its derivatives, the probability density functions are converted into quantile functions. However, the transformation will result in certain deviation between the original density function and 1/q(t), where q(t)=Q′(t),t=F(x). Note that it is q(t)’s that are directly used in the WRI functions.
Below we set t
as equally spaced grid vector and
nonequally spaced vector, which is denser near the boundary to compare
the resulting 1/q(t).
= den2Q_qd(densityCurves, dSup, t_vec = seq(0, 1, length.out = 120))
equal_t = den2Q_qd(densityCurves, dSup, t_vec = unique(c(seq(0, 0.05, 0.001), seq(0.05, 0.95, 0.05), seq(0.95, 1, 0.001)))) nonequal_t
When the quantile support vector is finer near the boundary, 1/q(t) is closer to original density
function f(x). Thus, when user
inputs density functions as response curves,
i.e. Ytype == 'density'
, the support for quantile functions
is set as nonequal_t
functionThe density curves and predictor variables are input into
separately, as illustrated below.
= wass_regress(rightside_formula = ~., Xfit_df = predictor, Ytype = 'density', Ymat = densityCurves, Sup = dSup) res
The wass_regress
function returns a WRI object. This
object can be used with the other functions in this package to run
hypothesis tests, calculate Wasserstein R2, and compute confidence bands.
The summary
method for WRI objects combines the global
F-test, Wassertstein R2, and
partial F-tests for individual effects into one easily-readable
#> Call:
#> wass_regress(rightside_formula = ~., Xfit_df = predictor, Ytype = "density",
#> Ymat = densityCurves, Sup = dSup)
#> Partial F test for individual effects:
#> F-stat p-value(truncated) p-value(satterthwaite)
#> log_b_vol 0.256 0.002 0.000
#> b_shapInd 0.062 0.002 0.000
#> midline_shift 0.035 0.002 0.000
#> weight 0.028 0.002 0.000
#> DM 0.012 0.028 0.022
#> AntiPt 0.007 0.114 0.116
#> age 0.000 0.914 0.885
#> B_TimeCT 0.000 0.920 0.857
#> Warfarin 0.003 0.365 0.372
#> Wasserstein R-squared: 0.224
#> F-statistic (by Satterthwaite method): 141.008 on 11.218 DF, p-value: 1.356e-24
The Wasserstein coefficient of determination, R2 can be calculated with
. The formula for the Wasserstein R2 is as follows:
R2=1−∑ni=1d2W(fi,ˆfi)∑ni=1d2W(fi,¯fi), Where ¯fi is the unconditional Wasserstein mean estimate and ˆfi is the conditional mean estimate.
This value represents the fraction of Wasserstein variability explained by the model, and can therefore be used to assess the goodness of fit for a model.
function performs the global F-tests. It
provides four methods of computing the p-value, two (truncated and
satterthwaite) through asymptotic analysis and two resampling techniques
(permutation and bootstrap). Please note that the resampling methods can
be slow.
permutation = TRUE
will also compute
permutation p-value. The number of permutation samples can be controlled
with the numPermu
argument.bootstrap = TRUE
will also compute bootstrap
p-value. The number of bootstrap samples can be controlled with the
argument.Note on Degrees of Freedom : The degrees of freedom are approximated by a chi-square distribution, so there is only 1 degree of freedom for our F-statistic. This is done because the F-statistic is asymptotically equivalent to a chi-squared distribution.
= globalFtest(res, alpha = 0.05, permutation = TRUE, numPermu = 200)
globalF_res kable(globalF_res$summary_df, digits = 3)
method | statistic | critical_value | p_value |
truncated | 0.338 | 0.049 | 0.002 |
satterthwaite | 0.338 | 0.048 | 0.000 |
permutation | 0.338 | 0.062 | 0.005 |
sprintf('The wasserstein F-statistic is %.3f on %.3f degrees of freedom', globalF_res$wasserstein.F_stat, globalF_res$chisq_df)
#> [1] "The wasserstein F-statistic is 141.008 on 11.218 degrees of freedom"
can be used to test individual effects or
submodel fits. Using the stroke data as an example, we test whether the
clinical variables are significant for head CT hematoma densities when
radiological variables are in the model.
# the reduced model only has four radiological variables
= wass_regress(~ log_b_vol + b_shapInd + midline_shift + B_TimeCT, Xfit_df = predictor, Ymat = densityCurves, Ytype = 'density', Sup = dSup)
reduced_res = wass_regress(rightside_formula = ~., Xfit_df = predictor, Ymat = densityCurves, Ytype = 'density', Sup = dSup)
= partialFtest(reduced_res, full_res, alpha = 0.05)
partialFtable kable(partialFtable, digits = 3)
method | statistic | critical_value | p_value | |
95% | truncated | 0.056 | 0.100 | 0.828 |
satterthwaite | 0.056 | 0.099 | 0.839 |
With p-value greater than 0.05, we are confident to conclude that when radiological variables are in the model, clinical variables are not significant for explaining the variance in head CT hematoma densities.
functionThe confidenceBands
function computes the intrinsic
Wasserstein−∞ bands and
Wasserstein density bands. In the function, these refer to
band and density
band respectively,
which are controlled by type
argument (options are
‘quantile’, ‘density’ or ‘both’). By default, the function visualizes
confidence bands for one object. But it allows to compute k confidence bands simultaneously if a
k×p dataframe
is provided. All the results, including upper and
lower bounds, predicted density function etc, are returned in a
= colMeans(predictor)
xpred = confidenceBands(res, Xpred_df = xpred, type = 'both') confidence_Band
We set log(hematoma volume) equal to the first quartile (Q1) or third quartile (Q3) of the observed values, with all other predictors set at their mean (for continuous variables) or mode (for binary variables). Then compare the CT hematoma densities in these two cases.
<- function(vec) {
mean_Mode return(ifelse(length(unique(vec)) < 3, modeest::mfv(vec), mean(vec)))
}= apply(predictor, 2, mean_Mode)
mean_mode_vec = rbind(mean_mode_vec, mean_mode_vec)
predictorDF 1] = quantile(predictor$log_b_vol, probs = c(1/4, 3/4)) predictorDF[ ,
= confidenceBands(res, predictorDF, level = 0.95, delta = 0.01, type = 'both', figure = F)
res_cb = ncol(res_cb$quan_list$Q_lx)
m = matrix(NA, nrow = 2, ncol = m - ncol(res_cb$den_list$f_lx))
= with(res_cb, data.frame(
cb_plot_df fun = rep(c('quantile function', 'density function'), each = 2*m),
Q1Q3 = rep(rep(c('Q1', 'Q3'), each = m), 2),
value_m = c(as.vector(t(quan_list$Qpred)), as.vector(t(cbind(cdf_list$fpred)))),
value_u = c(as.vector(t(quan_list$Q_ux)), as.vector(t(cbind(den_list$f_ux, na.mat)))),
value_l = c(as.vector(t(quan_list$Q_lx)), as.vector(t(cbind(den_list$f_lx, na.mat)))),
support_full = c(rep(quan_list$t, 2), as.vector(t(cbind(cdf_list$Fsup)))),
support_short = c(rep(quan_list$t, 2), as.vector(t(cbind(den_list$Qpred, na.mat))))
ggplot(data = cb_plot_df, aes(color = Q1Q3)) +
geom_line(aes(x = support_full, y = value_m)) +
geom_ribbon(aes(x = support_short, ymin = value_l, ymax = value_u, fill = Q1Q3), alpha = 0.25) +
facet_wrap( ~ fun, scales = "free_y") +
ylab('Confidence band') +