Geocoding and Reverse Geocoding Services are widely used to provide data about coordinate and location information, including longitude, latitude, formatted location name, administrative region with different levels. There are some package can provide geocode service such as tidygeocoder, baidumap and baidugeo. However, some of them not always provide precise information in China, and some of them is unavailable with upgrade backend API.
amapGeocode is built to provide high precise geocoding and reverse geocoding service which powered by AutoNavi Map API service. Here are two main functions to use are getCoord()
which takes a character location name as an input and getLocation()
which takes two numeric longitude and latitude values as inputs.
The getCoord()
function extracts coordinate information from input character location name and output the result as data.table
or JSON (as list)
. And the getLocation()
function extracts location information from input numeric longitude and latitude values and output the result as tibble
or JSON (as list)
. With the tibble
format as output, it’s highly readable and easy to be used to tidy
Before start geocoding and reverse geocoding, please apply a AutoNavi Map API Key. Set amap_key
globally by following command:
options(amap_key = 'REPLACE THIS BY YOUR KEY')
Then get result of geocoding, by getCoord
res getCoord('成都中医药大学')
::kable(res) knitr
The response we get from AutoNavi Map API is JSON or XML. For readability, we transform them to data.table
, by setting to_table
argument as TRUE
by default.
If anyone want to get response as JSON or XML, just set to_table = FALSE
. If anyone want to extract information from JSON or XML. The result can further be parsed by extractCoord
res getCoord('成都中医药大学', output = 'XML',to_table = FALSE)
is created to get result as a data.table.
tb extractCoord(res)
::kable(tb) knitr
get result of reverse geocoding, by getLocation
res getLocation(104.043284, 30.666864)
::kable(res) knitr
res getLocation(104.043284, 30.666864, output = 'XML',to_table = FALSE)
is created to get result as a data.table.
tb extractLocation(res)
::kable(tb) knitr
get result of reverse geocoding, by getAdmin
res getAdmin('四川省')
::kable(res) knitr
res getAdmin('四川省', output = 'XML', to_table = FALSE)
is created to get result as a data.table.
tb extractAdmin(res)
::kable(tb) knitr
It’s very common for API upgrades to make the downstream application, like amapGeocode, to be unavailable. Feel free to let me know once it’s broken or just open an .