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Amelie Introduction


This vignette describes the anomaly detection algorithm and provides some examples.


The anomaly detection problem is set up here as a binary classification task, where each observation x is classified as anomalous (class 1) or non-anomalous (class 0). We assume that anomalies are much less frequent than normal observations.

The scoring method is as follows. Given an observation x consisting of features {x1,...,xn}, compute the probability density p(x) of the features. If the p(x)<ϵ, where ϵ is a tuned parameter, the observation is classified as anomalous.


Univariate normal distribution

In the univariate case, each of the features xi is assumed to be normally distributed with mean μi and variance σ2i: xiN(μi,σ2i).

For a variable with mean μ and variance σ2, the probability density is given by:


Parameter estimation

The univariate normal distribution is parametrized by mean μ and variance σ2. For a data set {x1,x2,...,xm}, the parameters are estimated using maximum likelihood:

μ=1mmi=1xi σ2=1mmi=1(xiμ)2

Density estimation

For the univariate case, the joint probability density is calculated under the assumptions that features are independent of each other, and each feature is normally distributed. For a set of observations {x1,x2,...,xm} where each observation xiRn, the joint probability then is a product of the individual densities:



Using the above assumptions and definitions, the algorithm is implemented as follows:

  1. Given a data set (x,y), split it into training and cross-validation sets, {x(1),...,x(m)} and {(x(1)cv,y(1)cv),...,(x(k)cv,y(k)cv)}.
    • The training set is not required to have any positive (anomalous) examples.
    • It is a good idea to set aside a separate test data set before the call to anode, for final evaluation.
  2. Fit model p(x)train on training set.
    1. Fit parameters μ and σ2 for each feature.
    2. Calculate p(x)train for each row in training set.
  3. Tune ϵ on cross-validation data set.
    1. Pick starting value for ϵ; min(p(x)train) is used here.
    2. Calculate p(x)cv for each row in CV set using μ and σ2 from step 2.
    3. For each row i in CV set, predict y=1 if p(xi)<ϵ (anomaly), else predict y=0.
    4. Evaluate prediction accuracy on CV set using a score (e.g., f1).
    5. Update ϵ if the score improves.
    6. Stop when best ϵ value is found.
  4. Evaluate algorithm accuracy on the training set.
    • Use p(x)train from step 2 and ϵ from step 3.
  5. After training, evaluate algorithm accuracy on a separate test set.
    • Compute p(xi)test using μ and σ2 from step 2 and ϵ from step 3.

Multivariate anomaly detection algorithm

It is possible to extend the above algorithm by using the multivariate version of the normal distribution. In this case, the features are not assumed to be independent, and p is not a product of independent densities.

For parameters μRn (vector of means) and ΣRnn (covariance matrix), the multivariate probability density function is given by:

p(x;μ,Σ)=1(2π)n/2|Σ|1/2e(12(xμ)TΣ1(xμ)), Where |Σ| is the determinant of Σ.

Unlike the univariate version, the multivariate pdf approach automatically captures correlations between features. However, the latter approach is computationally more expensive due to having to compute the inverse of Σ. The univariate algorithm works even when the training set size is small. For the multivariate version, Σ is non-invertible if the number of observations is smaller than the number of features or the data contains features that are linearly dependent on others.


Create a small data set and train the algorithm using formula notation and matrix notation:

x1 <- c(1,.2,3,1,1,.7,-2,-1)
x2 <- c(0,.5,0,.4,0,1,-.3,-.1)
x <-,list(x1,x2))
y <- c(0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1)
dframe <- data.frame(x,y)

df_fit <- ad(y ~ x1 + x2, dframe)

mat_fit <- ad(x = x, y = y)


Machine Learning Course - the package is based on anomaly detection lectures from Andrew Ng’s Machine Learning course.