objects togethertableby
within an Sweave documenttableby
object to a .CSV filetableby
object to a separate Word or HTML filetableby
in R Shinytableby
in bookdowntableby
for multiple p-valuesOne of the most common tables in medical literature includes summary statistics for a set of variables, often stratified by some group (e.g. treatment arm). Locally at Mayo, the SAS macros %table
and %summary
were written to create summary tables with a single call. With the increasing interest in R, we have developed the function tableby
to create similar tables within the R environment.
In developing the tableby()
function, the goal was to bring the best features of these macros into an R function. However, the task was not simply to duplicate all the functionality, but rather to make use of R’s strengths (modeling, method dispersion, flexibility in function definition and output format) and make a tool that fits the needs of R users. Additionally, the results needed to fit within the general reproducible research framework so the tables could be displayed within an R markdown report.
This report provides step-by-step directions for using the functions associated with tableby()
. All functions presented here are available within the arsenal
package. An assumption is made that users are somewhat familiar with R Markdown documents. For those who are new to the topic, a good initial resource is available at
The first step when using the tableby
function is to load the arsenal
package. All the examples in this report use a dataset called mockstudy
made available by Paul Novotny which includes a variety of types of variables (character, numeric, factor, ordered factor, survival) to use as examples.
data(mockstudy) ##load data
dim(mockstudy) ##look at how many subjects and variables are in the dataset
## [1] 1499 14
# help(mockstudy) ##learn more about the dataset and variables
str(mockstudy) ##quick look at the data
## 'data.frame': 1499 obs. of 14 variables:
## $ case : int 110754 99706 105271 105001 112263 86205 99508 90158 88989 90515 ...
## $ age : int 67 74 50 71 69 56 50 57 51 63 ...
## ..- attr(*, "label")= chr "Age in Years"
## $ arm : chr "F: FOLFOX" "A: IFL" "A: IFL" "G: IROX" ...
## ..- attr(*, "label")= chr "Treatment Arm"
## $ sex : Factor w/ 2 levels "Male","Female": 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 ...
## $ race : chr "Caucasian" "Caucasian" "Caucasian" "Caucasian" ...
## ..- attr(*, "label")= chr "Race"
## $ fu.time : int 922 270 175 128 233 120 369 421 387 363 ...
## $ fu.stat : int 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ...
## $ ps : int 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 ...
## $ hgb : num 11.5 10.7 11.1 12.6 13 10.2 13.3 12.1 13.8 12.1 ...
## $ bmi : num 25.1 19.5 NA 29.4 26.4 ...
## ..- attr(*, "label")= chr "Body Mass Index (kg/m^2)"
## $ alk.phos : int 160 290 700 771 350 569 162 152 231 492 ...
## $ ast : int 35 52 100 68 35 27 16 12 25 18 ...
## $ mdquality.s: int NA 1 1 1 NA 1 1 1 1 1 ...
## $ age.ord : Ord.factor w/ 8 levels "10-19"<"20-29"<..: 6 7 4 7 6 5 4 5 5 6 ...
To create a simple table stratified by treatment arm, use a formula statement to specify the variables that you want summarized. The example below uses age (a continuous variable) and sex (a factor).
<- tableby(arm ~ sex + age, data=mockstudy) tab1
If you want to take a quick look at the table, you can use summary()
on your tableby object and the table will print out as text in your R console window. If you use summary()
without any options you will see a number of statements which translates to “space” in HTML.
If you want a nicer version in your console window then add the text=TRUE
summary(tab1, text=TRUE)
## | | A: IFL (N=428) | F: FOLFOX (N=691) | G: IROX (N=380) | Total (N=1499) | p value|
## |:------------|:---------------:|:-----------------:|:---------------:|:---------------:|-------:|
## |sex | | | | | 0.190|
## |- Male | 277 (64.7%) | 411 (59.5%) | 228 (60.0%) | 916 (61.1%) | |
## |- Female | 151 (35.3%) | 280 (40.5%) | 152 (40.0%) | 583 (38.9%) | |
## |Age in Years | | | | | 0.614|
## |- Mean (SD) | 59.673 (11.365) | 60.301 (11.632) | 59.763 (11.499) | 59.985 (11.519) | |
## |- Range | 27.000 - 88.000 | 19.000 - 88.000 | 26.000 - 85.000 | 19.000 - 88.000 | |
In order for the report to look nice within an R markdown (knitr) report, you just need to specify results="asis"
when creating the R chunk. This changes the layout slightly (compresses it) and bolds the variable names.
A: IFL (N=428) | F: FOLFOX (N=691) | G: IROX (N=380) | Total (N=1499) | p value | |
sex | 0.190 | ||||
Male | 277 (64.7%) | 411 (59.5%) | 228 (60.0%) | 916 (61.1%) | |
Female | 151 (35.3%) | 280 (40.5%) | 152 (40.0%) | 583 (38.9%) | |
Age in Years | 0.614 | ||||
Mean (SD) | 59.673 (11.365) | 60.301 (11.632) | 59.763 (11.499) | 59.985 (11.519) | |
Range | 27.000 - 88.000 | 19.000 - 88.000 | 26.000 - 85.000 | 19.000 - 88.000 |
If you want a data.frame version, simply use
## group.term group.label strata.term variable term label variable.type
## 1 arm Treatment Arm sex sex sex categorical
## 2 arm Treatment Arm sex countpct Male categorical
## 3 arm Treatment Arm sex countpct Female categorical
## 4 arm Treatment Arm age age Age in Years numeric
## 5 arm Treatment Arm age meansd Mean (SD) numeric
## 6 arm Treatment Arm age range Range numeric
## 1
## 2 277.00000, 64.71963 411.00000, 59.47902 228, 60 916.0000, 61.1074
## 3 151.00000, 35.28037 280.00000, 40.52098 152, 40 583.0000, 38.8926
## 4
## 5 59.67290, 11.36454 60.30101, 11.63225 59.76316, 11.49930 59.98532, 11.51877
## 6 27, 88 19, 88 26, 85 19, 88
## test p.value
## 1 Pearson's Chi-squared test 0.1904388
## 2 Pearson's Chi-squared test 0.1904388
## 3 Pearson's Chi-squared test 0.1904388
## 4 Linear Model ANOVA 0.6143859
## 5 Linear Model ANOVA 0.6143859
## 6 Linear Model ANOVA 0.6143859
## base R frequency example
<- table(Gender=mockstudy$sex, "Study Arm"=mockstudy$arm)
tmp tmp
## Study Arm
## Gender A: IFL F: FOLFOX G: IROX
## Male 277 411 228
## Female 151 280 152
# Note: The continuity correction is applied by default in R (not used in %table)
## Pearson's Chi-squared test
## data: tmp
## X-squared = 3.3168, df = 2, p-value = 0.1904
## base R numeric summary example
tapply(mockstudy$age, mockstudy$arm, summary)
## $`A: IFL`
## Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
## 27.00 53.00 61.00 59.67 68.00 88.00
## $`F: FOLFOX`
## Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
## 19.0 52.0 61.0 60.3 69.0 88.0
## $`G: IROX`
## Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
## 26.00 52.00 61.00 59.76 68.00 85.00
summary(aov(age ~ arm, data=mockstudy))
## Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
## arm 2 129 64.7 0.487 0.614
## Residuals 1496 198628 132.8
In the above example, age is shown with a label (Age in Years), but sex is listed “as is” with lower case letters. This is because the data was created in SAS and in the SAS dataset, age had a label but sex did not. The label is stored as an attribute within R.
## Look at one variable's label
## [1] "Age in Years"
## See all the variables with a label
## age arm race
## "Age in Years" "Treatment Arm" "Race"
## bmi
## "Body Mass Index (kg/m^2)"
# Can also use labels(mockstudy)
If you want to add labels to other variables, there are a couple of options. First, you could add labels to the variables in your dataset.
attr(mockstudy$sex,'label') <- 'Gender'
<- tableby(arm ~ sex + age, data=mockstudy)
tab1 summary(tab1)
A: IFL (N=428) | F: FOLFOX (N=691) | G: IROX (N=380) | Total (N=1499) | p value | |
Gender | 0.190 | ||||
Male | 277 (64.7%) | 411 (59.5%) | 228 (60.0%) | 916 (61.1%) | |
Female | 151 (35.3%) | 280 (40.5%) | 152 (40.0%) | 583 (38.9%) | |
Age in Years | 0.614 | ||||
Mean (SD) | 59.673 (11.365) | 60.301 (11.632) | 59.763 (11.499) | 59.985 (11.519) | |
Range | 27.000 - 88.000 | 19.000 - 88.000 | 26.000 - 85.000 | 19.000 - 88.000 |
You can also use the built-in data.frame
method for labels<-
labels(mockstudy) <- c(age = 'Age, yrs', sex = "Gender")
<- tableby(arm ~ sex + age, data=mockstudy)
tab1 summary(tab1)
A: IFL (N=428) | F: FOLFOX (N=691) | G: IROX (N=380) | Total (N=1499) | p value | |
Gender | 0.190 | ||||
Male | 277 (64.7%) | 411 (59.5%) | 228 (60.0%) | 916 (61.1%) | |
Female | 151 (35.3%) | 280 (40.5%) | 152 (40.0%) | 583 (38.9%) | |
Age, yrs | 0.614 | ||||
Mean (SD) | 59.673 (11.365) | 60.301 (11.632) | 59.763 (11.499) | 59.985 (11.519) | |
Range | 27.000 - 88.000 | 19.000 - 88.000 | 26.000 - 85.000 | 19.000 - 88.000 |
Another option is to add labels after you have created the table
<- list(sex = "SEX", age = "Age, yrs")
mylabels summary(tab1, labelTranslations = mylabels)
A: IFL (N=428) | F: FOLFOX (N=691) | G: IROX (N=380) | Total (N=1499) | p value | |
SEX | 0.190 | ||||
Male | 277 (64.7%) | 411 (59.5%) | 228 (60.0%) | 916 (61.1%) | |
Female | 151 (35.3%) | 280 (40.5%) | 152 (40.0%) | 583 (38.9%) | |
Age, yrs | 0.614 | ||||
Mean (SD) | 59.673 (11.365) | 60.301 (11.632) | 59.763 (11.499) | 59.985 (11.519) | |
Range | 27.000 - 88.000 | 19.000 - 88.000 | 26.000 - 85.000 | 19.000 - 88.000 |
Alternatively, you can check the variable labels and manipulate them with a function called labels
, which works on the tableby
## arm sex age
## "Treatment Arm" "Gender" "Age, yrs"
labels(tab1) <- c(arm="Treatment Assignment", age="Baseline Age (yrs)")
## arm sex age
## "Treatment Assignment" "Gender" "Baseline Age (yrs)"
A: IFL (N=428) | F: FOLFOX (N=691) | G: IROX (N=380) | Total (N=1499) | p value | |
Gender | 0.190 | ||||
Male | 277 (64.7%) | 411 (59.5%) | 228 (60.0%) | 916 (61.1%) | |
Female | 151 (35.3%) | 280 (40.5%) | 152 (40.0%) | 583 (38.9%) | |
Baseline Age (yrs) | 0.614 | ||||
Mean (SD) | 59.673 (11.365) | 60.301 (11.632) | 59.763 (11.499) | 59.985 (11.519) | |
Range | 27.000 - 88.000 | 19.000 - 88.000 | 26.000 - 85.000 | 19.000 - 88.000 |
Currently the default behavior is to summarize continuous variables with: Number of missing values, Mean (SD), 25th - 75th quantiles, and Minimum-Maximum values with an ANOVA (t-test with equal variances) p-value. For categorical variables the default is to show: Number of missing values and count (column percent) with a chi-square p-value. This behavior can be modified using the tableby.control function. In fact, you can save your standard settings and use that for future tables. Note that test=FALSE
and total=FALSE
results in the total column and p-value column not being printed.
<- tableby.control(test=FALSE, total=FALSE,
mycontrols numeric.test="kwt", cat.test="chisq",
numeric.stats=c("N", "median", "q1q3"),
stats.labels=list(N='Count', median='Median', q1q3='Q1,Q3'))
<- tableby(arm ~ sex + age, data=mockstudy, control=mycontrols)
tab2 summary(tab2)
A: IFL (N=428) | F: FOLFOX (N=691) | G: IROX (N=380) | |
Gender | |||
Male | 277 (64.7%) | 411 (59.5%) | 228 (60.0%) |
Female | 151 (35.3%) | 280 (40.5%) | 152 (40.0%) |
Age, yrs | |||
Count | 428 | 691 | 380 |
Median | 61.000 | 61.000 | 61.000 |
Q1,Q3 | 53.000, 68.000 | 52.000, 69.000 | 52.000, 68.000 |
You can also change these settings directly in the tableby call.
<- tableby(arm ~ sex + age, data=mockstudy, test=FALSE, total=FALSE,
tab3 numeric.stats=c("median","q1q3"), numeric.test="kwt")
A: IFL (N=428) | F: FOLFOX (N=691) | G: IROX (N=380) | |
Gender | |||
Male | 277 (64.7%) | 411 (59.5%) | 228 (60.0%) |
Female | 151 (35.3%) | 280 (40.5%) | 152 (40.0%) |
Age, yrs | |||
Median | 61.000 | 61.000 | 61.000 |
Q1, Q3 | 53.000, 68.000 | 52.000, 69.000 | 52.000, 68.000 |
In addition to modifying summary options globally, it is possible to modify the test and summary statistics for specific variables within the formula statement. For example, both the kwt (Kruskal-Wallis rank-based) and anova (asymptotic analysis of variance) tests apply to numeric variables, and we can use one for the variable “age”, another for the variable “bmi”, and no test for the variable “ast”. A list of all the options is shown at the end of the vignette.
The tests
function can do a quick check on what tests were performed on each variable in tableby.
<- tableby(arm ~ kwt(age) + anova(bmi) + notest(ast), data=mockstudy)
tab.test tests(tab.test)
## Group Variable p.value Method
## 1 Treatment Arm age 0.6390614 Kruskal-Wallis rank sum test
## 2 Treatment Arm bmi 0.8916552 Linear Model ANOVA
## 3 Treatment Arm ast NA No test
A: IFL (N=428) | F: FOLFOX (N=691) | G: IROX (N=380) | Total (N=1499) | p value | |
Age, yrs | 0.639 | ||||
Mean (SD) | 59.673 (11.365) | 60.301 (11.632) | 59.763 (11.499) | 59.985 (11.519) | |
Range | 27.000 - 88.000 | 19.000 - 88.000 | 26.000 - 85.000 | 19.000 - 88.000 | |
Body Mass Index (kg/m^2) | 0.892 | ||||
N-Miss | 9 | 20 | 4 | 33 | |
Mean (SD) | 27.290 (5.552) | 27.210 (5.173) | 27.106 (5.751) | 27.206 (5.432) | |
Range | 14.053 - 53.008 | 16.649 - 49.130 | 15.430 - 60.243 | 14.053 - 60.243 | |
ast | |||||
N-Miss | 69 | 141 | 56 | 266 | |
Mean (SD) | 37.292 (28.036) | 35.202 (26.659) | 35.670 (25.807) | 35.933 (26.843) | |
Range | 10.000 - 205.000 | 7.000 - 174.000 | 5.000 - 176.000 | 5.000 - 205.000 |
Summary statistics for any individual variable can also be modified, but it must be done as secondary arguments to the test function. The function names must be strings that are functions already written for tableby, built-in R functions like mean and range, or user-defined functions.
<- tableby(arm ~ kwt(ast, "Nmiss2","median") + anova(age, "N","mean") +
tab.test notest(bmi, "Nmiss","median"), data=mockstudy)
A: IFL (N=428) | F: FOLFOX (N=691) | G: IROX (N=380) | Total (N=1499) | p value | |
ast | 0.039 | ||||
N-Miss | 69 | 141 | 56 | 266 | |
Median | 29.000 | 25.500 | 27.000 | 27.000 | |
Age, yrs | 0.614 | ||||
N | 428 | 691 | 380 | 1499 | |
Mean | 59.673 | 60.301 | 59.763 | 59.985 | |
Body Mass Index (kg/m^2) | |||||
N-Miss | 9 | 20 | 4 | 33 | |
Median | 26.234 | 26.525 | 25.978 | 26.325 |
The formal tests for categorical variables against the levels of the by variable, chisq and fe, have options to simulate p-values. We show how to turn on the simulations for these with 500 replicates for the Fisher’s test (fe).
<- tableby(arm ~ sex + race, cat.test="fe", simulate.p.value=TRUE, B=500, data=mockstudy)
tab.catsim tests(tab.catsim)
Group Variable p.value
1 Treatment Arm sex 0.2195609 2 Treatment Arm race 0.3093812 Method 1 Fisher’s Exact Test for Count Data with simulated p-valuebased on 500 replicates) 2 Fisher’s Exact Test for Count Data with simulated p-valuebased on 500 replicates)
The chi-square test on 2x2 tables applies Yates’ continuity correction by default, so we provide an option to turn off the correction. We show the results with and without the correction that is applied to treatment arm by sex, if we use subset to ignore one of the three treatment arms.
<- tableby(arm ~ sex + race, cat.test="chisq", subset = !grepl("^F", arm), data=mockstudy)
cat.correct tests(cat.correct)
Group Variable p.value Method
1 Treatment Arm sex 0.1666280 Pearson’s Chi-squared test 2 Treatment Arm race 0.8108543 Pearson’s Chi-squared test
<- tableby(arm ~ sex + race, cat.test="chisq", subset = !grepl("^F", arm),
cat.nocorrect chisq.correct=FALSE, data=mockstudy)
Group Variable p.value Method
1 Treatment Arm sex 0.1666280 Pearson’s Chi-squared test 2 Treatment Arm race 0.8108543 Pearson’s Chi-squared test
You can easily create Word versions of tableby
output via an Rmarkdown report and the default options will give you a reasonable table in Word - just select the “Knit Word” option in RStudio.
The functionality listed in this next paragraph is coming soon but needs an upgraded version of RStudio If you want to modify fonts used for the table, then you’ll need to add an extra line to your header at the beginning of your file. You can take the WordStylesReference01.docx
file and modify the fonts (storing the format preferences in your project directory). To see how this works, run your report once using WordStylesReference01.docx and then WordStylesReference02.docx.
output: word_document
reference_docx: /projects/bsi/gentools/R/lib320/arsenal/doc/WordStylesReference01.docx
For more information on changing the look/feel of your Word document, see the Rmarkdown documentation website.
Here are multiple examples showing how to use some of the different options.
<- tableby(~ bmi + sex + age, data=mockstudy)
tab.noby summary(tab.noby)
Overall (N=1499) | |
Body Mass Index (kg/m^2) | |
N-Miss | 33 |
Mean (SD) | 27.206 (5.432) |
Range | 14.053 - 60.243 |
Gender | |
Male | 916 (61.1%) |
Female | 583 (38.9%) |
Age, yrs | |
Mean (SD) | 59.985 (11.519) |
Range | 19.000 - 88.000 |
summary(tab.test, pfootnote=TRUE)
A: IFL (N=428) | F: FOLFOX (N=691) | G: IROX (N=380) | Total (N=1499) | p value | |
ast | 0.0391 | ||||
N-Miss | 69 | 141 | 56 | 266 | |
Median | 29.000 | 25.500 | 27.000 | 27.000 | |
Age, yrs | 0.6142 | ||||
N | 428 | 691 | 380 | 1499 | |
Mean | 59.673 | 60.301 | 59.763 | 59.985 | |
Body Mass Index (kg/m^2) | |||||
N-Miss | 9 | 20 | 4 | 33 | |
Median | 26.234 | 26.525 | 25.978 | 26.325 |
When comparing groups of ordered data there are a couple of options. The default uses a general independence test available from the coin
package. For two-group comparisons, this is essentially the Armitage trend test. The other option is to specify the Kruskal Wallis test. The example below shows both options.
$age.ordnew <- ordered(c("a",NA,as.character(mockstudy$age.ord[-(1:2)])))
mockstudytable(mockstudy$age.ord, mockstudy$sex)
## Male Female
## 10-19 1 0
## 20-29 8 11
## 30-39 37 30
## 40-49 127 83
## 50-59 257 179
## 60-69 298 170
## 70-79 168 101
## 80-89 20 9
table(mockstudy$age.ordnew, mockstudy$sex)
## Male Female
## 10-19 1 0
## 20-29 8 11
## 30-39 37 30
## 40-49 127 83
## 50-59 257 179
## 60-69 297 170
## 70-79 168 100
## 80-89 20 9
## a 1 0
## [1] "ordered" "factor"
summary(tableby(sex ~ age.ordnew, data = mockstudy), pfootnote = TRUE)
Male (N=916) | Female (N=583) | Total (N=1499) | p value | |
age.ordnew | 0.0401 | |||
N-Miss | 0 | 1 | 1 | |
10-19 | 1 (0.1%) | 0 (0.0%) | 1 (0.1%) | |
20-29 | 8 (0.9%) | 11 (1.9%) | 19 (1.3%) | |
30-39 | 37 (4.0%) | 30 (5.2%) | 67 (4.5%) | |
40-49 | 127 (13.9%) | 83 (14.3%) | 210 (14.0%) | |
50-59 | 257 (28.1%) | 179 (30.8%) | 436 (29.1%) | |
60-69 | 297 (32.4%) | 170 (29.2%) | 467 (31.2%) | |
70-79 | 168 (18.3%) | 100 (17.2%) | 268 (17.9%) | |
80-89 | 20 (2.2%) | 9 (1.5%) | 29 (1.9%) | |
a | 1 (0.1%) | 0 (0.0%) | 1 (0.1%) |
summary(tableby(sex ~ age.ord, data = mockstudy), pfootnote = TRUE)
Male (N=916) | Female (N=583) | Total (N=1499) | p value | |
age.ord | 0.0491 | |||
10-19 | 1 (0.1%) | 0 (0.0%) | 1 (0.1%) | |
20-29 | 8 (0.9%) | 11 (1.9%) | 19 (1.3%) | |
30-39 | 37 (4.0%) | 30 (5.1%) | 67 (4.5%) | |
40-49 | 127 (13.9%) | 83 (14.2%) | 210 (14.0%) | |
50-59 | 257 (28.1%) | 179 (30.7%) | 436 (29.1%) | |
60-69 | 298 (32.5%) | 170 (29.2%) | 468 (31.2%) | |
70-79 | 168 (18.3%) | 101 (17.3%) | 269 (17.9%) | |
80-89 | 20 (2.2%) | 9 (1.5%) | 29 (1.9%) |
First look at the information that is presented by the survfit()
function, then see how the same results can be seen with tableby. The default is to show the median survival (time at which the probability of survival = 50%).
survfit(Surv(fu.time, fu.stat)~sex, data=mockstudy)
## Call: survfit(formula = Surv(fu.time, fu.stat) ~ sex, data = mockstudy)
## n events median 0.95LCL 0.95UCL
## sex=Male 916 829 550 515 590
## sex=Female 583 527 543 511 575
survdiff(Surv(fu.time, fu.stat)~sex, data=mockstudy)
## Call:
## survdiff(formula = Surv(fu.time, fu.stat) ~ sex, data = mockstudy)
## N Observed Expected (O-E)^2/E (O-E)^2/V
## sex=Male 916 829 830 0.000370 0.000956
## sex=Female 583 527 526 0.000583 0.000956
## Chisq= 0 on 1 degrees of freedom, p= 1
summary(tableby(sex ~ Surv(fu.time, fu.stat), data=mockstudy))
Male (N=916) | Female (N=583) | Total (N=1499) | p value | |
Surv(fu.time, fu.stat) | 0.975 | |||
Events | 829 | 527 | 1356 | |
Median Survival | 550.000 | 543.000 | 546.000 |
It is also possible to obtain summaries of the % survival at certain time points (say the probability of surviving 1-year).
summary(survfit(Surv(fu.time/365.25, fu.stat)~sex, data=mockstudy), times=1:5)
## Call: survfit(formula = Surv(fu.time/365.25, fu.stat) ~ sex, data = mockstudy)
## sex=Male
## time n.risk n.event survival std.err lower 95% CI upper 95% CI
## 1 626 286 0.6870 0.0153 0.6576 0.7177
## 2 309 311 0.3437 0.0158 0.3142 0.3761
## 3 152 151 0.1748 0.0127 0.1516 0.2015
## 4 57 61 0.0941 0.0104 0.0759 0.1168
## 5 24 16 0.0628 0.0095 0.0467 0.0844
## sex=Female
## time n.risk n.event survival std.err lower 95% CI upper 95% CI
## 1 380 202 0.6531 0.0197 0.6155 0.693
## 2 190 189 0.3277 0.0195 0.2917 0.368
## 3 95 90 0.1701 0.0157 0.1420 0.204
## 4 51 32 0.1093 0.0133 0.0861 0.139
## 5 18 12 0.0745 0.0126 0.0534 0.104
summary(tableby(sex ~ Surv(fu.time/365.25, fu.stat), data=mockstudy, times=1:5, surv.stats=c("NeventsSurv","NriskSurv")))
Male (N=916) | Female (N=583) | Total (N=1499) | p value | |
Surv(fu.time/365.25, fu.stat) | 0.975 | |||
time = 1 | 286 (68.7) | 202 (65.3) | 488 (67.4) | |
time = 2 | 597 (34.4) | 391 (32.8) | 988 (33.7) | |
time = 3 | 748 (17.5) | 481 (17.0) | 1229 (17.3) | |
time = 4 | 809 (9.4) | 513 (10.9) | 1322 (10.1) | |
time = 5 | 825 (6.3) | 525 (7.4) | 1350 (6.8) | |
time = 1 | 626 (68.7) | 380 (65.3) | 1006 (67.4) | |
time = 2 | 309 (34.4) | 190 (32.8) | 499 (33.7) | |
time = 3 | 152 (17.5) | 95 (17.0) | 247 (17.3) | |
time = 4 | 57 (9.4) | 51 (10.9) | 108 (10.1) | |
time = 5 | 24 (6.3) | 18 (7.4) | 42 (6.8) |
Date variables by default are summarized with the number of missing values, the median, and the range. For example purposes we’ve created a random date. Missing values are introduced for impossible February dates.
<- nrow(mockstudy)
N $dtentry <- mdy.Date(month=sample(1:12,N,replace=T), day=sample(1:29,N,replace=T),
summary(tableby(sex ~ dtentry, data=mockstudy))
Male (N=916) | Female (N=583) | Total (N=1499) | p value | |
dtentry | 0.661 | |||
N-Miss | 2 | 3 | 5 | |
Median | 2007-05-25 | 2007-05-08 | 2007-05-22 | |
Range | 2005-01-02 - 2009-12-28 | 2005-01-01 - 2009-12-25 | 2005-01-01 - 2009-12-28 |
Often one wants to summarize a number of variables. Instead of typing by hand each individual variable, an alternative approach is to create a formula using the paste
command with the collapse="+"
## create a vector specifying the variable names
<- names(mockstudy)
## select the 8th through the last variables
## paste them together, separated by the + sign
<- paste(myvars[8:10], collapse="+")
[1] “ps+hgb+bmi”
## create a formula using the as.formula function
as.formula(paste('arm ~ ', RHS))
arm ~ ps + hgb + bmi
## use the formula in the tableby function
summary(tableby(as.formula(paste('arm ~', RHS)), data=mockstudy))
A: IFL (N=428) | F: FOLFOX (N=691) | G: IROX (N=380) | Total (N=1499) | p value | |
ps | 0.903 | ||||
N-Miss | 69 | 141 | 56 | 266 | |
Mean (SD) | 0.529 (0.597) | 0.547 (0.595) | 0.537 (0.606) | 0.539 (0.598) | |
Range | 0.000 - 2.000 | 0.000 - 2.000 | 0.000 - 2.000 | 0.000 - 2.000 | |
hgb | 0.639 | ||||
N-Miss | 69 | 141 | 56 | 266 | |
Mean (SD) | 12.276 (1.686) | 12.381 (1.763) | 12.373 (1.680) | 12.348 (1.719) | |
Range | 9.060 - 17.300 | 9.000 - 18.200 | 9.000 - 17.000 | 9.000 - 18.200 | |
Body Mass Index (kg/m^2) | 0.892 | ||||
N-Miss | 9 | 20 | 4 | 33 | |
Mean (SD) | 27.290 (5.552) | 27.210 (5.173) | 27.106 (5.751) | 27.206 (5.432) | |
Range | 14.053 - 53.008 | 16.649 - 49.130 | 15.430 - 60.243 | 14.053 - 60.243 |
These steps can also be done using the formulize
## The formulize function does the paste and as.formula steps
<- formulize('arm',myvars[8:10])
tmp tmp
arm ~ ps + hgb + bmi
## More complex formulas could also be written using formulize
<- formulize('arm',c('ps','hgb^2','bmi'))
## use the formula in the tableby function
summary(tableby(tmp, data=mockstudy))
A: IFL (N=428) | F: FOLFOX (N=691) | G: IROX (N=380) | Total (N=1499) | p value | |
ps | 0.903 | ||||
N-Miss | 69 | 141 | 56 | 266 | |
Mean (SD) | 0.529 (0.597) | 0.547 (0.595) | 0.537 (0.606) | 0.539 (0.598) | |
Range | 0.000 - 2.000 | 0.000 - 2.000 | 0.000 - 2.000 | 0.000 - 2.000 | |
hgb | 0.639 | ||||
N-Miss | 69 | 141 | 56 | 266 | |
Mean (SD) | 12.276 (1.686) | 12.381 (1.763) | 12.373 (1.680) | 12.348 (1.719) | |
Range | 9.060 - 17.300 | 9.000 - 18.200 | 9.000 - 17.000 | 9.000 - 18.200 | |
Body Mass Index (kg/m^2) | 0.892 | ||||
N-Miss | 9 | 20 | 4 | 33 | |
Mean (SD) | 27.290 (5.552) | 27.210 (5.173) | 27.106 (5.751) | 27.206 (5.432) | |
Range | 14.053 - 53.008 | 16.649 - 49.130 | 15.430 - 60.243 | 14.053 - 60.243 |
To change summary statistics or statistical tests en masse, consider using paste0()
together with formulize()
<- c('age','sex','hgb')
varlist1 <- paste0("anova(", c('bmi','alk.phos','ast'), ", 'meansd')")
summary(tableby(formulize("arm", c(varlist1, varlist2)),
data = mockstudy, numeric.test = "kwt"), pfootnote = TRUE)
A: IFL (N=428) | F: FOLFOX (N=691) | G: IROX (N=380) | Total (N=1499) | p value | |
Age, yrs | 0.6391 | ||||
Mean (SD) | 59.673 (11.365) | 60.301 (11.632) | 59.763 (11.499) | 59.985 (11.519) | |
Range | 27.000 - 88.000 | 19.000 - 88.000 | 26.000 - 85.000 | 19.000 - 88.000 | |
Gender | 0.1902 | ||||
Male | 277 (64.7%) | 411 (59.5%) | 228 (60.0%) | 916 (61.1%) | |
Female | 151 (35.3%) | 280 (40.5%) | 152 (40.0%) | 583 (38.9%) | |
hgb | 0.5701 | ||||
N-Miss | 69 | 141 | 56 | 266 | |
Mean (SD) | 12.276 (1.686) | 12.381 (1.763) | 12.373 (1.680) | 12.348 (1.719) | |
Range | 9.060 - 17.300 | 9.000 - 18.200 | 9.000 - 17.000 | 9.000 - 18.200 | |
Body Mass Index (kg/m^2) | 0.8923 | ||||
Mean (SD) | 27.290 (5.552) | 27.210 (5.173) | 27.106 (5.751) | 27.206 (5.432) | |
alk.phos | 0.2263 | ||||
Mean (SD) | 175.577 (128.608) | 161.984 (121.978) | 173.506 (138.564) | 168.969 (128.492) | |
ast | 0.5073 | ||||
Mean (SD) | 37.292 (28.036) | 35.202 (26.659) | 35.670 (25.807) | 35.933 (26.843) |
Here are two ways to get the same result (limit the analysis to subjects age>5 and in the F: FOLFOX treatment group).
. This example also selects a subset of variables. The tableby
function is then applied to this subsetted data.<- subset(mockstudy, subset=age>50 & arm=='F: FOLFOX', select = c(sex,ps:bmi))
newdata dim(mockstudy)
## [1] 1499 16
## 428 691 380
## [1] 557 4
## [1] "sex" "ps" "hgb" "bmi"
summary(tableby(sex ~ ., data=newdata))
Male (N=333) | Female (N=224) | Total (N=557) | p value | |
ps | 0.652 | |||
N-Miss | 64 | 44 | 108 | |
Mean (SD) | 0.554 (0.600) | 0.528 (0.602) | 0.543 (0.600) | |
Range | 0.000 - 2.000 | 0.000 - 2.000 | 0.000 - 2.000 | |
hgb | < 0.001 | |||
N-Miss | 64 | 44 | 108 | |
Mean (SD) | 12.720 (1.925) | 12.063 (1.395) | 12.457 (1.760) | |
Range | 9.000 - 18.200 | 9.100 - 15.900 | 9.000 - 18.200 | |
bmi | 0.650 | |||
N-Miss | 9 | 6 | 15 | |
Mean (SD) | 27.539 (4.780) | 27.337 (5.508) | 27.458 (5.081) | |
Range | 17.927 - 47.458 | 16.649 - 49.130 | 16.649 - 49.130 |
to subset the data.summary(tableby(sex ~ ps + hgb + bmi, subset=age>50 & arm=="F: FOLFOX", data=mockstudy))
Male (N=333) | Female (N=224) | Total (N=557) | p value | |
ps | 0.652 | |||
N-Miss | 64 | 44 | 108 | |
Mean (SD) | 0.554 (0.600) | 0.528 (0.602) | 0.543 (0.600) | |
Range | 0.000 - 2.000 | 0.000 - 2.000 | 0.000 - 2.000 | |
hgb | < 0.001 | |||
N-Miss | 64 | 44 | 108 | |
Mean (SD) | 12.720 (1.925) | 12.063 (1.395) | 12.457 (1.760) | |
Range | 9.000 - 18.200 | 9.100 - 15.900 | 9.000 - 18.200 | |
Body Mass Index (kg/m^2) | 0.650 | |||
N-Miss | 9 | 6 | 15 | |
Mean (SD) | 27.539 (4.780) | 27.337 (5.508) | 27.458 (5.081) | |
Range | 17.927 - 47.458 | 16.649 - 49.130 | 16.649 - 49.130 |
## create a variable combining the levels of mdquality.s and sex
with(mockstudy, table(interaction(mdquality.s,sex)))
## 0.Male 1.Male 0.Female 1.Female
## 77 686 47 437
summary(tableby(arm ~ interaction(mdquality.s,sex), data=mockstudy))
A: IFL (N=428) | F: FOLFOX (N=691) | G: IROX (N=380) | Total (N=1499) | p value | |
interaction(mdquality.s, sex) | 0.493 | ||||
N-Miss | 55 | 156 | 41 | 252 | |
0.Male | 29 (7.8%) | 31 (5.8%) | 17 (5.0%) | 77 (6.2%) | |
1.Male | 214 (57.4%) | 285 (53.3%) | 187 (55.2%) | 686 (55.0%) | |
0.Female | 12 (3.2%) | 21 (3.9%) | 14 (4.1%) | 47 (3.8%) | |
1.Female | 118 (31.6%) | 198 (37.0%) | 121 (35.7%) | 437 (35.0%) |
## create a new grouping variable with combined levels of arm and sex
summary(tableby(interaction(mdquality.s, sex) ~ age + bmi, data=mockstudy, subset=arm=="F: FOLFOX"))
0.Male (N=31) | 1.Male (N=285) | 0.Female (N=21) | 1.Female (N=198) | Total (N=535) | p value | |
Age, yrs | 0.190 | |||||
Mean (SD) | 63.065 (11.702) | 60.653 (11.833) | 60.810 (10.103) | 58.924 (11.366) | 60.159 (11.612) | |
Range | 41.000 - 82.000 | 19.000 - 88.000 | 42.000 - 81.000 | 29.000 - 83.000 | 19.000 - 88.000 | |
Body Mass Index (kg/m^2) | 0.894 | |||||
N-Miss | 0 | 6 | 1 | 5 | 12 | |
Mean (SD) | 26.633 (5.094) | 27.387 (4.704) | 27.359 (4.899) | 27.294 (5.671) | 27.307 (5.100) | |
Range | 20.177 - 41.766 | 17.927 - 47.458 | 19.801 - 39.369 | 16.799 - 44.841 | 16.799 - 47.458 |
Certain transformations need to be surrounded by I()
so that R knows to treat it as a variable transformation and not some special model feature. If the transformation includes any of the symbols / - + ^ *
then surround the new variable by I()
<- tableby(arm ~ I(age/10) + log(bmi) + factor(mdquality.s, levels=0:1, labels=c('N','Y')),
trans data=mockstudy)
A: IFL (N=428) | F: FOLFOX (N=691) | G: IROX (N=380) | Total (N=1499) | p value | |
Age, yrs | 0.614 | ||||
Mean (SD) | 5.967 (1.136) | 6.030 (1.163) | 5.976 (1.150) | 5.999 (1.152) | |
Range | 2.700 - 8.800 | 1.900 - 8.800 | 2.600 - 8.500 | 1.900 - 8.800 | |
Body Mass Index (kg/m^2) | 0.811 | ||||
N-Miss | 9 | 20 | 4 | 33 | |
Mean (SD) | 3.287 (0.197) | 3.286 (0.183) | 3.279 (0.200) | 3.285 (0.192) | |
Range | 2.643 - 3.970 | 2.812 - 3.894 | 2.736 - 4.098 | 2.643 - 4.098 | |
factor(mdquality.s, levels = 0:1, labels = c(“N”, “Y”)) | 0.694 | ||||
N-Miss | 55 | 156 | 41 | 252 | |
N | 41 (11.0%) | 52 (9.7%) | 31 (9.1%) | 124 (9.9%) | |
Y | 332 (89.0%) | 483 (90.3%) | 308 (90.9%) | 1123 (90.1%) |
The labels for these variables aren’t exactly what we’d like, so we can change modify those after the fact. Instead of typing out the very long variable names, you can modify specific labels by position.
## arm
## "Treatment Arm"
## I(age/10)
## "Age, yrs"
## log(bmi)
## "Body Mass Index (kg/m^2)"
## factor(mdquality.s, levels = 0:1, labels = c("N", "Y"))
## "factor(mdquality.s, levels = 0:1, labels = c(\"N\", \"Y\"))"
labels(trans)[2:4] <- c('Age per 10 yrs', 'log(BMI)', 'MD Quality')
## arm
## "Treatment Arm"
## I(age/10)
## "Age per 10 yrs"
## log(bmi)
## "log(BMI)"
## factor(mdquality.s, levels = 0:1, labels = c("N", "Y"))
## "MD Quality"
A: IFL (N=428) | F: FOLFOX (N=691) | G: IROX (N=380) | Total (N=1499) | p value | |
Age per 10 yrs | 0.614 | ||||
Mean (SD) | 5.967 (1.136) | 6.030 (1.163) | 5.976 (1.150) | 5.999 (1.152) | |
Range | 2.700 - 8.800 | 1.900 - 8.800 | 2.600 - 8.500 | 1.900 - 8.800 | |
log(BMI) | 0.811 | ||||
N-Miss | 9 | 20 | 4 | 33 | |
Mean (SD) | 3.287 (0.197) | 3.286 (0.183) | 3.279 (0.200) | 3.285 (0.192) | |
Range | 2.643 - 3.970 | 2.812 - 3.894 | 2.736 - 4.098 | 2.643 - 4.098 | |
MD Quality | 0.694 | ||||
N-Miss | 55 | 156 | 41 | 252 | |
N | 41 (11.0%) | 52 (9.7%) | 31 (9.1%) | 124 (9.9%) | |
Y | 332 (89.0%) | 483 (90.3%) | 308 (90.9%) | 1123 (90.1%) |
Note that if we had not changed mdquality.s
to a factor, it would have been summarized as though it were a continuous variable.
[1] “integer”
summary(tableby(arm~mdquality.s, data=mockstudy))
A: IFL (N=428) | F: FOLFOX (N=691) | G: IROX (N=380) | Total (N=1499) | p value | |
mdquality.s | 0.695 | ||||
N-Miss | 55 | 156 | 41 | 252 | |
Mean (SD) | 0.890 (0.313) | 0.903 (0.297) | 0.909 (0.289) | 0.901 (0.299) | |
Range | 0.000 - 1.000 | 0.000 - 1.000 | 0.000 - 1.000 | 0.000 - 1.000 |
Another option would be to specify the test and summary statistics. In fact, if I had a set of variables coded 0/1 and that was all I was summarizing, then I could change the global option for continuous variables to use the chi-square test and show countpct.
summary(tableby(arm ~ chisq(mdquality.s, "Nmiss","countpct"), data=mockstudy))
A: IFL (N=428) | F: FOLFOX (N=691) | G: IROX (N=380) | Total (N=1499) | p value | |
mdquality.s | 0.694 | ||||
N-Miss | 55 | 156 | 41 | 252 | |
0 | 41 (11.0%) | 52 (9.7%) | 31 (9.1%) | 124 (9.9%) | |
1 | 332 (89.0%) | 483 (90.3%) | 308 (90.9%) | 1123 (90.1%) |
<- tableby(arm ~ sex + alk.phos + age, data=mockstudy)
mytab <- mytab[c('age','sex','alk.phos')]
mytab2 summary(mytab2)
A: IFL (N=428) | F: FOLFOX (N=691) | G: IROX (N=380) | Total (N=1499) | p value | |
Age, yrs | 0.614 | ||||
Mean (SD) | 59.673 (11.365) | 60.301 (11.632) | 59.763 (11.499) | 59.985 (11.519) | |
Range | 27.000 - 88.000 | 19.000 - 88.000 | 26.000 - 85.000 | 19.000 - 88.000 | |
Gender | 0.190 | ||||
Male | 277 (64.7%) | 411 (59.5%) | 228 (60.0%) | 916 (61.1%) | |
Female | 151 (35.3%) | 280 (40.5%) | 152 (40.0%) | 583 (38.9%) | |
alk.phos | 0.226 | ||||
N-Miss | 69 | 141 | 56 | 266 | |
Mean (SD) | 175.577 (128.608) | 161.984 (121.978) | 173.506 (138.564) | 168.969 (128.492) | |
Range | 11.000 - 858.000 | 10.000 - 1014.000 | 7.000 - 982.000 | 7.000 - 1014.000 |
summary(mytab[c('age','sex')], digits = 2)
A: IFL (N=428) | F: FOLFOX (N=691) | G: IROX (N=380) | Total (N=1499) | p value | |
Age, yrs | 0.614 | ||||
Mean (SD) | 59.67 (11.36) | 60.30 (11.63) | 59.76 (11.50) | 59.99 (11.52) | |
Range | 27.00 - 88.00 | 19.00 - 88.00 | 26.00 - 85.00 | 19.00 - 88.00 | |
Gender | 0.190 | ||||
Male | 277 (64.7%) | 411 (59.5%) | 228 (60.0%) | 916 (61.1%) | |
Female | 151 (35.3%) | 280 (40.5%) | 152 (40.0%) | 583 (38.9%) |
summary(mytab[c(3,1)], digits = 3)
A: IFL (N=428) | F: FOLFOX (N=691) | G: IROX (N=380) | Total (N=1499) | p value | |
Age, yrs | 0.614 | ||||
Mean (SD) | 59.673 (11.365) | 60.301 (11.632) | 59.763 (11.499) | 59.985 (11.519) | |
Range | 27.000 - 88.000 | 19.000 - 88.000 | 26.000 - 85.000 | 19.000 - 88.000 | |
Gender | 0.190 | ||||
Male | 277 (64.7%) | 411 (59.5%) | 228 (60.0%) | 916 (61.1%) | |
Female | 151 (35.3%) | 280 (40.5%) | 152 (40.0%) | 583 (38.9%) |
summary(sort(mytab, decreasing = TRUE))
A: IFL (N=428) | F: FOLFOX (N=691) | G: IROX (N=380) | Total (N=1499) | p value | |
Age, yrs | 0.614 | ||||
Mean (SD) | 59.673 (11.365) | 60.301 (11.632) | 59.763 (11.499) | 59.985 (11.519) | |
Range | 27.000 - 88.000 | 19.000 - 88.000 | 26.000 - 85.000 | 19.000 - 88.000 | |
alk.phos | 0.226 | ||||
N-Miss | 69 | 141 | 56 | 266 | |
Mean (SD) | 175.577 (128.608) | 161.984 (121.978) | 173.506 (138.564) | 168.969 (128.492) | |
Range | 11.000 - 858.000 | 10.000 - 1014.000 | 7.000 - 982.000 | 7.000 - 1014.000 | |
Gender | 0.190 | ||||
Male | 277 (64.7%) | 411 (59.5%) | 228 (60.0%) | 916 (61.1%) | |
Female | 151 (35.3%) | 280 (40.5%) | 152 (40.0%) | 583 (38.9%) |
summary(mytab[mytab < 0.5])
A: IFL (N=428) | F: FOLFOX (N=691) | G: IROX (N=380) | Total (N=1499) | p value | |
Gender | 0.190 | ||||
Male | 277 (64.7%) | 411 (59.5%) | 228 (60.0%) | 916 (61.1%) | |
Female | 151 (35.3%) | 280 (40.5%) | 152 (40.0%) | 583 (38.9%) | |
alk.phos | 0.226 | ||||
N-Miss | 69 | 141 | 56 | 266 | |
Mean (SD) | 175.577 (128.608) | 161.984 (121.978) | 173.506 (138.564) | 168.969 (128.492) | |
Range | 11.000 - 858.000 | 10.000 - 1014.000 | 7.000 - 982.000 | 7.000 - 1014.000 |
head(mytab, 1) # can also use tail()
tableby Object
Function Call: tableby(formula = arm ~ sex + alk.phos + age, data = mockstudy)
Variable(s): arm ~ sex
objects togetherIt is possible to combine two tableby objects so that they print out together. Overlapping by-variables will have their x-variables concatenated, and (if all=TRUE
) non-overlapping by-variables will have their tables printed separately.
## demographics
<- tableby(arm ~ sex + age, data=mockstudy,
tab1 control=tableby.control(numeric.stats=c("Nmiss","meansd"), total=FALSE))
## lab data
<- tableby(arm ~ hgb + alk.phos, data=mockstudy,
tab2 control=tableby.control(numeric.stats=c("Nmiss","median","q1q3"),
numeric.test="kwt", total=FALSE))
<- merge(tab1, tab2)
tab12 class(tab12)
[1] “tableby” “arsenal_table”
A: IFL (N=428) | F: FOLFOX (N=691) | G: IROX (N=380) | p value | |
Gender | 0.190 | |||
Male | 277 (64.7%) | 411 (59.5%) | 228 (60.0%) | |
Female | 151 (35.3%) | 280 (40.5%) | 152 (40.0%) | |
Age, yrs | 0.614 | |||
Mean (SD) | 59.673 (11.365) | 60.301 (11.632) | 59.763 (11.499) | |
hgb | 0.570 | |||
N-Miss | 69 | 141 | 56 | |
Median | 12.100 | 12.200 | 12.400 | |
Q1, Q3 | 11.000, 13.450 | 11.100, 13.600 | 11.175, 13.625 | |
alk.phos | 0.104 | |||
N-Miss | 69 | 141 | 56 | |
Median | 133.000 | 116.000 | 122.000 | |
Q1, Q3 | 89.000, 217.000 | 85.000, 194.750 | 87.750, 210.250 |
For tables with two different outcomes, consider the all=TRUE
tableby(sex ~ age, data = mockstudy),
tableby(arm ~ bmi, data = mockstudy),
all = TRUE
Male (N=916) | Female (N=583) | Total (N=1499) | p value | |
Age, yrs | 0.048 | |||
Mean (SD) | 60.455 (11.369) | 59.247 (11.722) | 59.985 (11.519) | |
Range | 19.000 - 88.000 | 22.000 - 88.000 | 19.000 - 88.000 |
A: IFL (N=428) | F: FOLFOX (N=691) | G: IROX (N=380) | Total (N=1499) | p value | |
Body Mass Index (kg/m^2) | 0.892 | ||||
N-Miss | 9 | 20 | 4 | 33 | |
Mean (SD) | 27.290 (5.552) | 27.210 (5.173) | 27.106 (5.751) | 27.206 (5.432) | |
Range | 14.053 - 53.008 | 16.649 - 49.130 | 15.430 - 60.243 | 14.053 - 60.243 |
When creating a pdf the tables are automatically numbered and the title appears below the table. In Word and HTML, the titles appear un-numbered and above the table.
<- tableby(arm ~ sex + age, data=mockstudy)
t1 summary(t1, title='Demographics')
A: IFL (N=428) | F: FOLFOX (N=691) | G: IROX (N=380) | Total (N=1499) | p value | |
Gender | 0.190 | ||||
Male | 277 (64.7%) | 411 (59.5%) | 228 (60.0%) | 916 (61.1%) | |
Female | 151 (35.3%) | 280 (40.5%) | 152 (40.0%) | 583 (38.9%) | |
Age, yrs | 0.614 | ||||
Mean (SD) | 59.673 (11.365) | 60.301 (11.632) | 59.763 (11.499) | 59.985 (11.519) | |
Range | 27.000 - 88.000 | 19.000 - 88.000 | 26.000 - 85.000 | 19.000 - 88.000 |
With multiple left-hand sides, you can pass a vector or list to determine labels for each table:
summary(tableby(list(arm, sex) ~ age, data = mockstudy), title = c("arm table", "sex table"))
A: IFL (N=428) | F: FOLFOX (N=691) | G: IROX (N=380) | Total (N=1499) | p value | |
Age, yrs | 0.614 | ||||
Mean (SD) | 59.673 (11.365) | 60.301 (11.632) | 59.763 (11.499) | 59.985 (11.519) | |
Range | 27.000 - 88.000 | 19.000 - 88.000 | 26.000 - 85.000 | 19.000 - 88.000 |
Male (N=916) | Female (N=583) | Total (N=1499) | p value | |
Age, yrs | 0.048 | |||
Mean (SD) | 60.455 (11.369) | 59.247 (11.722) | 59.985 (11.519) | |
Range | 19.000 - 88.000 | 22.000 - 88.000 | 19.000 - 88.000 |
Depending on the report you are writing you have the following options:
Show how many subjects have each variable
Show how many subjects are missing each variable
Show how many subjects are missing each variable only if there are any missing values
Don’t indicate missing values at all
## look at how many missing values there are for each variable
## case age arm sex race fu.time fu.stat ps
## 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 266
## hgb bmi alk.phos ast mdquality.s age.ord age.ordnew dtentry
## 266 33 266 266 252 0 1 5
## Show how many subjects have each variable (non-missing)
summary(tableby(sex ~ ast + age, data=mockstudy,
control=tableby.control(numeric.stats=c("N","median"), total=FALSE)))
Male (N=916) | Female (N=583) | p value | |
ast | 0.921 | ||
N | 754 | 479 | |
Median | 27.000 | 27.000 | |
Age, yrs | 0.048 | ||
N | 916 | 583 | |
Median | 61.000 | 60.000 |
## Always list the number of missing values
summary(tableby(sex ~ ast + age, data=mockstudy,
control=tableby.control(numeric.stats=c("Nmiss2","median"), total=FALSE)))
Male (N=916) | Female (N=583) | p value | |
ast | 0.921 | ||
N-Miss | 162 | 104 | |
Median | 27.000 | 27.000 | |
Age, yrs | 0.048 | ||
N-Miss | 0 | 0 | |
Median | 61.000 | 60.000 |
## Only show the missing values if there are some (default)
summary(tableby(sex ~ ast + age, data=mockstudy,
Male (N=916) | Female (N=583) | p value | |
ast | 0.921 | ||
N-Miss | 162 | 104 | |
Mean | 35.873 | 36.029 | |
Age, yrs | 0.048 | ||
Mean | 60.455 | 59.247 |
## Don't show N at all
summary(tableby(sex ~ ast + age, data=mockstudy,
Male (N=916) | Female (N=583) | p value | |
ast | 0.921 | ||
Mean | 35.873 | 36.029 | |
Age, yrs | 0.048 | ||
Mean | 60.455 | 59.247 |
One might also consider the use of includeNA()
to include NAs in the counts and percents for categorical variables.
$ <- factor(mockstudy$ps)
mockstudyattr(mockstudy$, "label") <- "ps"
summary(tableby(sex ~ includeNA(, data = mockstudy, cat.stats = "countpct"))
Male (N=916) | Female (N=583) | Total (N=1499) | p value | |
ps | 0.354 | |||
0 | 391 (42.7%) | 244 (41.9%) | 635 (42.4%) | |
1 | 329 (35.9%) | 202 (34.6%) | 531 (35.4%) | |
2 | 34 (3.7%) | 33 (5.7%) | 67 (4.5%) | |
(Missing) | 162 (17.7%) | 104 (17.8%) | 266 (17.7%) |
Within tableby.control function there are 4 options for controlling the number of significant digits shown.
digits: controls the number of digits after the decimal place for continuous values
digits.count: controls the number of digits after the decimal point for counts
digits.pct: controls the number of digits after the decimal point for percents
digits.p: controls the number of digits after the decimal point for p-values
summary(tableby(arm ~ sex + age + fu.time, data=mockstudy), digits=4, digits.p=2, digits.pct=1)
A: IFL (N=428) | F: FOLFOX (N=691) | G: IROX (N=380) | Total (N=1499) | p value | |
Gender | 0.19 | ||||
Male | 277 (64.7%) | 411 (59.5%) | 228 (60.0%) | 916 (61.1%) | |
Female | 151 (35.3%) | 280 (40.5%) | 152 (40.0%) | 583 (38.9%) | |
Age, yrs | 0.61 | ||||
Mean (SD) | 59.6729 (11.3645) | 60.3010 (11.6323) | 59.7632 (11.4993) | 59.9853 (11.5188) | |
Range | 27.0000 - 88.0000 | 19.0000 - 88.0000 | 26.0000 - 85.0000 | 19.0000 - 88.0000 | |
fu.time | < 0.01 | ||||
Mean (SD) | 553.5841 (419.6065) | 731.2460 (487.7443) | 607.2421 (435.5092) | 649.0841 (462.5109) | |
Range | 9.0000 - 2170.0000 | 0.0000 - 2472.0000 | 17.0000 - 2118.0000 | 0.0000 - 2472.0000 |
With the exception of digits.p
, all of these can be specified on a per-variable basis using the in-formula functions that specify which tests are run:
summary(tableby(arm ~ chisq(sex, digits.pct=1) + anova(age, digits=4) +
anova(fu.time, digits = 1), data=mockstudy))
A: IFL (N=428) | F: FOLFOX (N=691) | G: IROX (N=380) | Total (N=1499) | p value | |
Gender | 0.190 | ||||
Male | 277 (64.7%) | 411 (59.5%) | 228 (60.0%) | 916 (61.1%) | |
Female | 151 (35.3%) | 280 (40.5%) | 152 (40.0%) | 583 (38.9%) | |
Age, yrs | 0.614 | ||||
Mean (SD) | 59.6729 (11.3645) | 60.3010 (11.6323) | 59.7632 (11.4993) | 59.9853 (11.5188) | |
Range | 27.0000 - 88.0000 | 19.0000 - 88.0000 | 26.0000 - 85.0000 | 19.0000 - 88.0000 | |
fu.time | < 0.001 | ||||
Mean (SD) | 553.6 (419.6) | 731.2 (487.7) | 607.2 (435.5) | 649.1 (462.5) | |
Range | 9.0 - 2170.0 | 0.0 - 2472.0 | 17.0 - 2118.0 | 0.0 - 2472.0 |
For purposes of this example, the code below creates a trimmed mean function (trims 10%) and use that to summarize the data. Note the use of the ...
which tells R to pass extra arguments on - this is required for user-defined functions. In this case, na.rm=T
is passed to myfunc
. The weights argument is also required, even though it isn’t passed on to the internal function in this particular example.
<- function(x, weights=rep(1,length(x)), ...){
trim10 mean(x, trim=.1, ...)
summary(tableby(sex ~ hgb, data=mockstudy,
control=tableby.control(numeric.stats=c("Nmiss","trim10"), numeric.test="kwt",
stats.labels=list(Nmiss='Missing values', trim10="Trimmed Mean, 10%"))))
Male (N=916) | Female (N=583) | Total (N=1499) | p value | |
hgb | < 0.001 | |||
Missing values | 162 | 104 | 266 | |
Trimmed Mean, 10% | 12.6 | 11.9 | 12.3 |
For statistics to be formatted appropriately, you may want to use as.tbstat()
or as.countpct()
. For example, suppose you want to create a trimmed mean function that trims by both 5 and 10 percent. The first example shows them separated by a comma; the second puts the 10% trimmed mean in brackets
<- function(x, weights=rep(1,length(x)), ...){
trim510comma <- c(mean(x, trim = 0.05, ...), mean(x, trim = 0.1, ...))
tmp as.tbstat(tmp, sep = ", ")
}<- function(x, weights=rep(1,length(x)), ...){
trim510bracket <- c(mean(x, trim = 0.05, ...), mean(x, trim = 0.1, ...))
tmp as.tbstat(tmp, sep = " ", parens = c("[", "]"))
summary(tableby(sex ~ hgb, data=mockstudy, numeric.stats=c("Nmiss", "trim510comma"), test = FALSE))
Male (N=916) | Female (N=583) | Total (N=1499) | |
hgb | |||
N-Miss | 162 | 104 | 266 |
trim510comma | 12.570, 12.564 | 11.924, 11.910 | 12.308, 12.291 |
summary(tableby(sex ~ hgb, data=mockstudy, numeric.stats=c("Nmiss", "trim510bracket"), test = FALSE))
Male (N=916) | Female (N=583) | Total (N=1499) | |
hgb | |||
N-Miss | 162 | 104 | 266 |
trim510bracket | 12.570 [12.564] | 11.924 [11.910] | 12.308 [12.291] |
Or perhaps it’s useful to put the amount of trimming in parentheses. Since it is a percent, we can flag it as such:
<- function(x, weights=rep(1,length(x)), ...){
trim10pct <- mean(x, trim = 0.05, ...)
tmp as.countpct(c(tmp, 10), sep = " ", parens = c("(", ")"), which.count = 0, which.pct = 2, pct = "%")
}summary(tableby(sex ~ hgb, data=mockstudy, numeric.stats=c("Nmiss", "trim10pct"),
digits = 2, digits.pct = 0, test = FALSE))
Male (N=916) | Female (N=583) | Total (N=1499) | |
hgb | |||
N-Miss | 162 | 104 | 266 |
trim10pct | 12.57 (10%) | 11.92 (10%) | 12.31 (10%) |
When comparing groups, they are often unbalanced when it comes to nuisances such as age and sex. The tableby
function allows you to create weighted summary statistics. If this option us used then p-values are not calculated (test=FALSE
##create fake group that is not balanced by age/sex
$fake_arm <- ifelse(mockstudy$age>60 & mockstudy$sex=='Female',sample(c('A','B'),replace=T, prob=c(.2,.8)),
mockstudysample(c('A','B'),replace=T, prob=c(.8,.4)))
$agegp <- cut(mockstudy$age, breaks=c(18,50,60,70,90), right=FALSE)
## create weights based on agegp and sex distribution
<- with(mockstudy,table(agegp, sex))
tab1 <- with(mockstudy, table(agegp, sex, fake_arm))
tab2 tab2
## , , fake_arm = A
## sex
## agegp Male Female
## [18,50) 73 62
## [50,60) 128 94
## [60,70) 139 7
## [70,90) 102 0
## , , fake_arm = B
## sex
## agegp Male Female
## [18,50) 79 48
## [50,60) 130 84
## [60,70) 156 166
## [70,90) 109 122
<- rep(tab1, length(unique(mockstudy$fake_arm)))/tab2
gpwts >50] <- 30
## apply weights to subjects
<- with(mockstudy, cbind(as.numeric(agegp), as.numeric(sex), as.numeric(as.factor(fake_arm))))
index $wts <- gpwts[index]
## show weights by treatment arm group
tapply(mockstudy$wts,mockstudy$fake_arm, summary)
## $A
## Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
## 1.774 1.894 2.069 2.276 2.082 24.714
## $B
## Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
## 1.000 1.042 1.924 1.677 1.985 2.292
<- tableby(fake_arm ~ age + sex + Surv(fu.time/365, fu.stat), data=mockstudy, test=FALSE)
orig summary(orig, title='No Case Weights used')
A (N=605) | B (N=894) | Total (N=1499) | |
Age, yrs | |||
Mean (SD) | 57.413 (11.618) | 61.726 (11.125) | 59.985 (11.519) |
Range | 22.000 - 85.000 | 19.000 - 88.000 | 19.000 - 88.000 |
Gender | |||
Male | 442 (73.1%) | 474 (53.0%) | 916 (61.1%) |
Female | 163 (26.9%) | 420 (47.0%) | 583 (38.9%) |
Surv(fu.time/365, fu.stat) | |||
Events | 554 | 802 | 1356 |
Median Survival | 1.504 | 1.493 | 1.496 |
<- tableby(fake_arm ~ age + sex + Surv(fu.time/365, fu.stat), data=mockstudy, weights=wts)
tab1 summary(tab1, title='Case Weights used')
A (N=1377) | B (N=1499) | Total (N=2876) | |
Age, yrs | |||
Mean (SD) | 58.009 (10.925) | 60.151 (11.428) | 59.126 (11.235) |
Range | 22.000 - 85.000 | 19.000 - 88.000 | 19.000 - 88.000 |
Gender | |||
Male | 916 (66.5%) | 916 (61.1%) | 1832 (63.7%) |
Female | 461 (33.5%) | 583 (38.9%) | 1044 (36.3%) |
Surv(fu.time/365, fu.stat) | |||
Events | 1252 | 1348 | 2599 |
Median Survival | 1.534 | 1.496 | 1.532 |
When using weighted summary statistics, it is often desirable to then show a p-value from a model that corresponds to the weighted analysis. It is possible to add your own p-value and modify the column title for that new p-value. Another use for this would be to add standardized differences or confidence intervals instead of a p-value.
To add the p-value, you simply need to create a data frame and use the function modpval.tableby()
. The first few columns in the data.frame are required: (1) the by-variable, (2) the strata value (if the table has a strata term), (3) the x-variable, and (4) the new p-value (or test statistic). Another optional column can be used to indicate what method was used to calculate the p-value. If you specify use.pname=TRUE
then the column name indicating the p-value will be also be used in the tableby summary.
<- data.frame(
mypval byvar = "fake_arm",
variable = c('age','sex','Surv(fu.time/365, fu.stat)'),
adj.pvalue = c(.953,.811,.01),
method = c('Age/Sex adjusted model results')
)<- modpval.tableby(tab1, mypval, use.pname=TRUE)
tab2 summary(tab2, title='Case Weights used, p-values added', pfootnote=TRUE)
A (N=1377) | B (N=1499) | Total (N=2876) | adj.pvalue | |
Age, yrs | 0.9531 | |||
Mean (SD) | 58.009 (10.925) | 60.151 (11.428) | 59.126 (11.235) | |
Range | 22.000 - 85.000 | 19.000 - 88.000 | 19.000 - 88.000 | |
Gender | 0.8111 | |||
Male | 916 (66.5%) | 916 (61.1%) | 1832 (63.7%) | |
Female | 461 (33.5%) | 583 (38.9%) | 1044 (36.3%) | |
Surv(fu.time/365, fu.stat) | 0.0101 | |||
Events | 1252 | 1348 | 2599 | |
Median Survival | 1.534 | 1.496 | 1.532 |
If the cat.simplify
option is set to TRUE
, then only the second level of two-level categorical varialbes is shown. In the example below, sex
has two levels, and “Female” is the second level, hence only the counts and percents for Female are shown. Similarly, “mdquality.s” was turned to a factor, and “1” is the second level, but since there are missings, the table ignores cat.simplify
and displays all levels (since the output can no longer be displayed on one line).
<- tableby(arm~sex + factor(mdquality.s), data=mockstudy, cat.simplify=TRUE)
table2 summary(table2, labelTranslations=c(sex="Female", "factor(mdquality.s)"="MD Quality"))
A: IFL (N=428) | F: FOLFOX (N=691) | G: IROX (N=380) | Total (N=1499) | p value | |
Female | 151 (35.3%) | 280 (40.5%) | 152 (40.0%) | 583 (38.9%) | 0.190 |
MD Quality | 0.694 | ||||
N-Miss | 55 | 156 | 41 | 252 | |
0 | 41 (11.0%) | 52 (9.7%) | 31 (9.1%) | 124 (9.9%) | |
1 | 332 (89.0%) | 483 (90.3%) | 308 (90.9%) | 1123 (90.1%) |
Similarly, if numeric.simplify
is set to TRUE
, then any numerics which only have one row of summary statistics are simplified into a single row. Note again that ast
has missing values and so is not simplified to a single row.
summary(tableby(arm ~ age + ast, data = mockstudy,
numeric.simplify=TRUE, numeric.stats=c("Nmiss", "meansd")))
A: IFL (N=428) | F: FOLFOX (N=691) | G: IROX (N=380) | Total (N=1499) | p value | |
Age, yrs | 59.673 (11.365) | 60.301 (11.632) | 59.763 (11.499) | 59.985 (11.519) | 0.614 |
ast | 0.507 | ||||
N-Miss | 69 | 141 | 56 | 266 | |
Mean (SD) | 37.292 (28.036) | 35.202 (26.659) | 35.670 (25.807) | 35.933 (26.843) |
The in-formula functions to change which tests are run can also be used to specify these options for each variable at a time.
summary(tableby(arm ~ anova(age, "meansd", numeric.simplify=TRUE) +
chisq(sex, cat.simplify=TRUE), data = mockstudy))
A: IFL (N=428) | F: FOLFOX (N=691) | G: IROX (N=380) | Total (N=1499) | p value | |
Age, yrs | 59.673 (11.365) | 60.301 (11.632) | 59.763 (11.499) | 59.985 (11.519) | 0.614 |
Gender | 151 (35.3%) | 280 (40.5%) | 152 (40.0%) | 583 (38.9%) | 0.190 |
The cat.simplify
and ord.simplify
argument also accept the special string "label"
, which appends the shown level’s label to the overall label:
summary(tableby(arm ~ sex, cat.simplify = "label", data = mockstudy))
A: IFL (N=428) | F: FOLFOX (N=691) | G: IROX (N=380) | Total (N=1499) | p value | |
Gender (Female) | 151 (35.3%) | 280 (40.5%) | 152 (40.0%) | 583 (38.9%) | 0.190 |
within an Sweave documentFor those users who wish to create tables within an Sweave document, the following code seems to work.
\section{Read in Data}
tab1 <- tableby(arm~sex+age, data=mockstudy)
\section{Convert Summary.Tableby to LaTeX}
<<echo=TRUE, results='hide', message=FALSE>>=
capture.output(summary(tab1), file="")
## Convert R Markdown Table to LaTeX
render("", pdf_document(keep_tex=TRUE))
object to a .CSV fileWhen looking at multiple variables it is sometimes useful to export the results to a csv file. The
function creates a data frame object that can be exported or further manipulated within R.
<- summary(tableby(arm~sex+age, data=mockstudy), text = NULL)
## A: IFL (N=428) F: FOLFOX (N=691) G: IROX (N=380) Total (N=1499) p value
## 1 Gender 0.190
## 2 Male 277 (64.7%) 411 (59.5%) 228 (60.0%) 916 (61.1%)
## 3 Female 151 (35.3%) 280 (40.5%) 152 (40.0%) 583 (38.9%)
## 4 Age, yrs 0.614
## 5 Mean (SD) 59.673 (11.365) 60.301 (11.632) 59.763 (11.499) 59.985 (11.519)
## 6 Range 27.000 - 88.000 19.000 - 88.000 26.000 - 85.000 19.000 - 88.000
# write.csv(tab1, '/my/path/here/my_table.csv')
object to a separate Word or HTML file## write to an HTML document
<- tableby(arm ~ sex + age, data=mockstudy)
tab1 write2html(tab1, "~/trash.html")
## write to a Word document
write2word(tab1, "~/trash.doc", title="My table in Word")
in R ShinyThe easiest way to output a tableby()
object in an R Shiny app is to use the tableOutput()
UI in combination with the renderTable()
server function and
# A standalone shiny app
ui = fluidPage(tableOutput("table")),
server = function(input, output) {
$table <- renderTable({ ~ age, data = mockstudy), text = "html"))
sanitize.text.function = function(x) x)
} )
This can be especially powerful if you feed the selections from a selectInput(multiple = TRUE)
into formulize()
to make the table dynamic!
in bookdownSince the backbone of tableby()
is knitr::kable()
, tables still render well in bookdown. However, print.summary.tableby()
doesn’t use the caption=
argument of kable()
, so some tables may not have a properly numbered caption. To fix this, use the method described on the bookdown site to give the table a tag/ID.
summary(tableby(sex ~ age, data = mockstudy), title="(\\#tab:mytableby) Caption here")
for multiple p-valuesThe padjust()
function is a new S3 generic piggybacking off of p.adjust()
. It works on both tableby
and summary.tableby
<- summary(tableby(sex ~ age + fu.time + bmi + mdquality.s, data = mockstudy))
tab tab
Male (N=916) | Female (N=583) | Total (N=1499) | p value | |
Age, yrs | 0.048 | |||
Mean (SD) | 60.455 (11.369) | 59.247 (11.722) | 59.985 (11.519) | |
Range | 19.000 - 88.000 | 22.000 - 88.000 | 19.000 - 88.000 | |
fu.time | 0.978 | |||
Mean (SD) | 649.345 (454.332) | 648.674 (475.472) | 649.084 (462.511) | |
Range | 0.000 - 2472.000 | 9.000 - 2441.000 | 0.000 - 2472.000 | |
Body Mass Index (kg/m^2) | 0.012 | |||
N-Miss | 22 | 11 | 33 | |
Mean (SD) | 27.491 (5.030) | 26.760 (5.984) | 27.206 (5.432) | |
Range | 14.053 - 60.243 | 15.430 - 53.008 | 14.053 - 60.243 | |
mdquality.s | 0.827 | |||
N-Miss | 153 | 99 | 252 | |
Mean (SD) | 0.899 (0.301) | 0.903 (0.296) | 0.901 (0.299) | |
Range | 0.000 - 1.000 | 0.000 - 1.000 | 0.000 - 1.000 |
padjust(tab, method = "bonferroni")
Male (N=916) | Female (N=583) | Total (N=1499) | p value | |
Age, yrs | 0.191 | |||
Mean (SD) | 60.455 (11.369) | 59.247 (11.722) | 59.985 (11.519) | |
Range | 19.000 - 88.000 | 22.000 - 88.000 | 19.000 - 88.000 | |
fu.time | 1.000 | |||
Mean (SD) | 649.345 (454.332) | 648.674 (475.472) | 649.084 (462.511) | |
Range | 0.000 - 2472.000 | 9.000 - 2441.000 | 0.000 - 2472.000 | |
Body Mass Index (kg/m^2) | 0.048 | |||
N-Miss | 22 | 11 | 33 | |
Mean (SD) | 27.491 (5.030) | 26.760 (5.984) | 27.206 (5.432) | |
Range | 14.053 - 60.243 | 15.430 - 53.008 | 14.053 - 60.243 | |
mdquality.s | 1.000 | |||
N-Miss | 153 | 99 | 252 | |
Mean (SD) | 0.899 (0.301) | 0.903 (0.296) | 0.901 (0.299) | |
Range | 0.000 - 1.000 | 0.000 - 1.000 | 0.000 - 1.000 |
You can now use list()
on the left-hand side of tableby()
to give multiple endpoints.
summary(tableby(list(sex, mdquality.s, ps) ~ age + bmi, data = mockstudy))
Male (N=916) | Female (N=583) | Total (N=1499) | p value | |
Age, yrs | 0.048 | |||
Mean (SD) | 60.455 (11.369) | 59.247 (11.722) | 59.985 (11.519) | |
Range | 19.000 - 88.000 | 22.000 - 88.000 | 19.000 - 88.000 | |
Body Mass Index (kg/m^2) | 0.012 | |||
N-Miss | 22 | 11 | 33 | |
Mean (SD) | 27.491 (5.030) | 26.760 (5.984) | 27.206 (5.432) | |
Range | 14.053 - 60.243 | 15.430 - 53.008 | 14.053 - 60.243 |
0 (N=124) | 1 (N=1123) | Total (N=1247) | p value | |
Age, yrs | 0.766 | |||
Mean (SD) | 60.089 (11.627) | 59.763 (11.537) | 59.796 (11.542) | |
Range | 29.000 - 82.000 | 19.000 - 88.000 | 19.000 - 88.000 | |
Body Mass Index (kg/m^2) | 0.225 | |||
N-Miss | 3 | 18 | 21 | |
Mean (SD) | 26.684 (6.331) | 27.309 (5.274) | 27.247 (5.388) | |
Range | 16.071 - 60.243 | 14.053 - 53.008 | 14.053 - 60.243 |
0 (N=635) | 1 (N=531) | 2 (N=67) | Total (N=1233) | p value | |
Age, yrs | 0.335 | ||||
Mean (SD) | 59.935 (11.261) | 60.800 (11.721) | 59.254 (12.090) | 60.271 (11.507) | |
Range | 22.000 - 85.000 | 26.000 - 88.000 | 28.000 - 80.000 | 22.000 - 88.000 | |
Body Mass Index (kg/m^2) | 0.028 | ||||
N-Miss | 7 | 20 | 1 | 28 | |
Mean (SD) | 27.539 (5.222) | 26.842 (5.436) | 26.178 (5.808) | 27.169 (5.358) | |
Range | 14.053 - 48.384 | 15.430 - 60.243 | 16.071 - 44.922 | 14.053 - 60.243 |
To avoid confusion about which table is which endpoint, you can set
in summary()
. This takes the labels for each by-variable and puts them in the top-left of the table.
summary(tableby(list(sex, mdquality.s, ps) ~ age + bmi, data = mockstudy), = TRUE)
Gender | Male (N=916) | Female (N=583) | Total (N=1499) | p value |
Age, yrs | 0.048 | |||
Mean (SD) | 60.455 (11.369) | 59.247 (11.722) | 59.985 (11.519) | |
Range | 19.000 - 88.000 | 22.000 - 88.000 | 19.000 - 88.000 | |
Body Mass Index (kg/m^2) | 0.012 | |||
N-Miss | 22 | 11 | 33 | |
Mean (SD) | 27.491 (5.030) | 26.760 (5.984) | 27.206 (5.432) | |
Range | 14.053 - 60.243 | 15.430 - 53.008 | 14.053 - 60.243 |
mdquality.s | 0 (N=124) | 1 (N=1123) | Total (N=1247) | p value |
Age, yrs | 0.766 | |||
Mean (SD) | 60.089 (11.627) | 59.763 (11.537) | 59.796 (11.542) | |
Range | 29.000 - 82.000 | 19.000 - 88.000 | 19.000 - 88.000 | |
Body Mass Index (kg/m^2) | 0.225 | |||
N-Miss | 3 | 18 | 21 | |
Mean (SD) | 26.684 (6.331) | 27.309 (5.274) | 27.247 (5.388) | |
Range | 16.071 - 60.243 | 14.053 - 53.008 | 14.053 - 60.243 |
ps | 0 (N=635) | 1 (N=531) | 2 (N=67) | Total (N=1233) | p value |
Age, yrs | 0.335 | ||||
Mean (SD) | 59.935 (11.261) | 60.800 (11.721) | 59.254 (12.090) | 60.271 (11.507) | |
Range | 22.000 - 85.000 | 26.000 - 88.000 | 28.000 - 80.000 | 22.000 - 88.000 | |
Body Mass Index (kg/m^2) | 0.028 | ||||
N-Miss | 7 | 20 | 1 | 28 | |
Mean (SD) | 27.539 (5.222) | 26.842 (5.436) | 26.178 (5.808) | 27.169 (5.358) | |
Range | 14.053 - 48.384 | 15.430 - 60.243 | 16.071 - 44.922 | 14.053 - 60.243 |
You can also specify a second grouping variable that doesn’t get tested (but instead separates results): a strata variable.
summary(tableby(list(sex, ps) ~ age + bmi, strata = arm, data = mockstudy))
Treatment Arm | Male (N=916) | Female (N=583) | Total (N=1499) | p value | |
A: IFL | Age, yrs | 0.572 | |||
Mean (SD) | 59.903 (11.347) | 59.252 (11.422) | 59.673 (11.365) | ||
Range | 28.000 - 83.000 | 27.000 - 88.000 | 27.000 - 88.000 | ||
Body Mass Index (kg/m^2) | 0.050 | ||||
N-Miss | 7 | 2 | 9 | ||
Mean (SD) | 27.685 (5.072) | 26.575 (6.287) | 27.290 (5.552) | ||
Range | 14.053 - 48.384 | 16.880 - 53.008 | 14.053 - 53.008 | ||
F: FOLFOX | Age, yrs | 0.286 | |||
Mean (SD) | 60.691 (11.598) | 59.729 (11.679) | 60.301 (11.632) | ||
Range | 19.000 - 88.000 | 22.000 - 83.000 | 19.000 - 88.000 | ||
Body Mass Index (kg/m^2) | 0.768 | ||||
N-Miss | 12 | 8 | 20 | ||
Mean (SD) | 27.259 (4.715) | 27.139 (5.789) | 27.210 (5.173) | ||
Range | 17.927 - 47.458 | 16.649 - 49.130 | 16.649 - 49.130 | ||
G: IROX | Age, yrs | 0.051 | |||
Mean (SD) | 60.702 (10.999) | 58.355 (12.113) | 59.763 (11.499) | ||
Range | 29.000 - 85.000 | 26.000 - 82.000 | 26.000 - 85.000 | ||
Body Mass Index (kg/m^2) | 0.020 | ||||
N-Miss | 3 | 1 | 4 | ||
Mean (SD) | 27.672 (5.505) | 26.262 (6.021) | 27.106 (5.751) | ||
Range | 17.377 - 60.243 | 15.430 - 45.354 | 15.430 - 60.243 |
Treatment Arm | 0 (N=635) | 1 (N=531) | 2 (N=67) | Total (N=1233) | p value | |
A: IFL | Age, yrs | 0.413 | ||||
Mean (SD) | 60.101 (10.948) | 60.579 (12.026) | 56.842 (13.226) | 60.131 (11.535) | ||
Range | 27.000 - 81.000 | 28.000 - 88.000 | 34.000 - 75.000 | 27.000 - 88.000 | ||
Body Mass Index (kg/m^2) | 0.023 | |||||
N-Miss | 1 | 6 | 1 | 8 | ||
Mean (SD) | 27.850 (5.318) | 26.224 (5.347) | 26.954 (5.560) | 27.128 (5.385) | ||
Range | 14.053 - 48.384 | 17.029 - 53.008 | 17.177 - 37.223 | 14.053 - 53.008 | ||
F: FOLFOX | Age, yrs | 0.272 | ||||
Mean (SD) | 60.173 (11.096) | 61.342 (11.918) | 63.138 (9.303) | 60.845 (11.391) | ||
Range | 22.000 - 82.000 | 26.000 - 88.000 | 44.000 - 80.000 | 22.000 - 88.000 | ||
Body Mass Index (kg/m^2) | 0.225 | |||||
N-Miss | 5 | 11 | 0 | 16 | ||
Mean (SD) | 27.569 (5.004) | 27.192 (5.248) | 25.904 (5.338) | 27.315 (5.134) | ||
Range | 16.649 - 43.867 | 16.799 - 49.130 | 20.833 - 44.922 | 16.649 - 49.130 | ||
G: IROX | Age, yrs | 0.312 | ||||
Mean (SD) | 59.361 (11.904) | 60.081 (11.037) | 55.737 (13.523) | 59.451 (11.653) | ||
Range | 26.000 - 85.000 | 28.000 - 84.000 | 28.000 - 76.000 | 26.000 - 85.000 | ||
Body Mass Index (kg/m^2) | 0.642 | |||||
N-Miss | 1 | 3 | 0 | 4 | ||
Mean (SD) | 27.143 (5.462) | 26.910 (5.824) | 25.861 (6.890) | 26.970 (5.694) | ||
Range | 17.615 - 46.204 | 15.430 - 60.243 | 16.071 - 44.734 | 15.430 - 60.243 |
The default summary statistics, by varible type, are:
: Continuous variables will show by default Nmiss, meansd, range
: Categorical and factor variables will show by default Nmiss, countpct
: Ordered factors will show by default Nmiss, countpct
: Survival variables will show by default Nmiss, Nevents, medsurv
: Date variables will show by default Nmiss, median, range
There are a number of extra functions defined specifically for the tableby function.
: a count of the number of observations for a particular groupNmiss
: only show the count of the number of missing values if there are some missing valuesNmiss2
: always show a count of the number of missing values for a variable within each groupmeansd
: print the mean and standard deviation in the format mean(sd)
: print the mean and standard error in the format mean(se)
: print the mean and a (t) confidence intervalcount
: print the number of values in a categorycountN
: print the number of values in a category plus the total N for the group in the format N/Total
: print the number of values in a category plus the column-percentage in the format N (%)
: print the number of values in a category plus the row-percentage in the format N (%)
: print the number of values in a category plus the cell-percentage in the format N (%)
: print the proportion in a category plus a binomial confidence interval.rowbinomCI
: print the row proportion in a category plus a binomial confidence interval.medianq1q3
: print the median, 25th, and 75th quantiles median (Q1, Q3)
: print the 25th and 75th quantiles Q1, Q3
: print the inter-quartile range.medianrange
: print the median, minimum and maximum values median (minimum, maximum)
: print the median and median absolute deviation (mad)Nevents
: print number of events for a survival object within each grouping levelmedSurv
: print the median survivalNeventsSurv
: print number of events and survival at given timesNriskSurv
: print the number still at risk and survival at given timesNrisk
: print the number still at risk at given timesmedTime
: print the median follow-up timesum
, gsd
, gmeansd
, gmeanCI
: geometric means, sds, and confidence intervals.The tests used to calculate p-values differ by the variable type, but can be specified explicitly in the formula statement or in the control function.
The following tests are accepted:
: analysis of variance test; the default test for continuous variables. When the grouping variable has two levels, it is equivalent to the two-sample t-test with equal variance.
: Kruskal-Wallis test, optional test for continuous variables. When the grouping variable has two levels, it is equivalent to the Wilcoxon Rank Sum test.
: An explicit Wilcoxcon test.
: Median test test, optional test for continuous variables.
: chi-square goodness of fit test for equal counts of a categorical variable across categories; the default for categorical or factor variables
: Fisher’s exact test for categorical variables; optional
: log-rank test, the default test for time-to-event variables
: The independence_test
function from the coin
is used to test for trends. Whenthe grouping variable has two levels, it is equivalent to the Armitage trend test. This is the default for ordered factors
: Don’t perform a test.
settingsA quick way to see what arguments are possible to utilize in a function is to use the args()
command. Settings involving the number of digits can be set in tableby.control
or in summary.tableby
## function (test = TRUE, total = TRUE, total.pos = c("after", "before"),
## test.pname = NULL, numeric.simplify = FALSE, cat.simplify = FALSE,
## cat.droplevels = FALSE, ordered.simplify = FALSE, date.simplify = FALSE,
## numeric.test = "anova", cat.test = "chisq", ordered.test = "trend",
## surv.test = "logrank", date.test = "kwt", selectall.test = "notest",
## test.always = FALSE, numeric.stats = c("Nmiss", "meansd",
## "range"), cat.stats = c("Nmiss", "countpct"), ordered.stats = c("Nmiss",
## "countpct"), surv.stats = c("Nmiss", "Nevents", "medSurv"),
## date.stats = c("Nmiss", "median", "range"), selectall.stats = c("Nmiss",
## "countpct"), stats.labels = list(), digits = 3L, digits.count = 0L,
## digits.pct = 1L, digits.p = 3L, format.p = TRUE, digits.n = 0L,
## conf.level = 0.95, wilcox.correct = FALSE, wilcox.exact = NULL,
## chisq.correct = FALSE, simulate.p.value = FALSE, B = 2000,
## times = 1:5, ...)
settingsThe summary.tableby
function has options that modify how the table appears (such as adding a title or modifying labels).
## function (object, ..., labelTranslations = NULL, text = FALSE,
## title = NULL, pfootnote = FALSE, = "")