Added a
file to track changes to the
Added unit test
Made it consistent throughout the software and the manuscript
that the half-normal prior is for
Added initial step-size as an option of the sampler
Added adapt-delta as an option in the software and set the default value to 0.95
Added explicit report of Rhat in the results and warnings for problematic convergence based on Rhat summaries
Removed in shiny the option HMC vs. Fixed-params
The Stan models are optimized by vectorization and non-centered parameterization
Updated the GUI to allow the user to enter numerical values directly for priors
Added looic as the measure of goodness of fit and the basis for model comparison
Renamed the parameters in lst.par.pri to match with the model instruction page
Added line for generating results for no subgroup effect model in relevant example code
Added model information to the output from function r.rpt.tbl