One of the main goals of biogrowth is to ease
comparison between different modeling approaches. For that reason, the
package includes several growth models, as well as the possibility to
fix any model parameters. With this same goal, the package also includes
the function compare_growth_fits()
to ease the comparison
between model fits, both using graphical representations and statistical
indexes. The type of information returned by this function varies
slightly depending on the type of model. For that reason, this vignette
is divided in subsections for each type.
For this demonstration, we will use the data on the growth of Salmonella spp. included in the package.
#> # A tibble: 6 × 2
#> time logN
#> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 0 3.36
#> 2 1.95 3.4
#> 3 2.78 3.44
#> 4 3.78 3.31
#> 5 4.8 3.39
#> 6 5.7 3.65
This data comprises data gathered under constant environmental
conditions. Therefore, we will describe it using only primary models
in fit_growth()
). We
will compare three modeling approaches. The first one is the Baranyi
fit1 <- fit_growth(growth_salmonella,
list(primary = "Baranyi"),
start = c(lambda = 0, logNmax = 8, mu = .1, logN0 = 2),
known = c(),
environment = "constant"
The second one is the Baranyi model fixing the duration of the lag
phase to zero (lambda=0
fit2 <- fit_growth(growth_salmonella,
list(primary = "Baranyi"),
start = c(logNmax = 8, mu = .1, logN0 = 2),
known = c(lambda = 0),
environment = "constant"
And the third one is the modified Gompertz model:
fit3 <- fit_growth(growth_salmonella,
list(primary = "modGompertz"),
start = c(C = 8, mu = .1, logN0 = 2, lambda = 0),
known = c(),
environment = "constant"
Once the three models have been fitted, we can call
. This function takes as only argument
a list of models. Although it does not have to be named, we recommend
naming it because every output will be labeled according to these
my_models <- list(
Baranyi = fit1,
`Baranyi no-lag` = fit2,
`mod Gompertz` = fit3
salmonella_models <- compare_growth_fits(my_models)
The function return an instance of GrowthComparison
several S3 methods for comparing among the models fitted. The print
method shows the type of model fitted, as well as several statistical
indexes describing the goodness of fit. The models are arranged in
descending AIC, so the first row would included the preferred model.
#> Comparison between models fitted to data under isothermal conditions
#> Statistical indexes arranged by AIC:
#> # A tibble: 3 × 5
#> model AIC df ME RMSE
#> <chr> <dbl> <int> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 Baranyi -29.7 17 0.000000401 0.0919
#> 2 mod Gompertz -18.7 17 0.000000395 0.119
#> 3 Baranyi no-lag 4.49 18 -0.000000513 0.224
also includes an S3 plot method to
evaluate the model fits. It can make three type of plots. The default
one is a comparison between the fitted curves and the experimental data.
Note that the model names in the legend are the sames as those defined
in the input argument.
By passing, type=2
to the plot function, the function
instead compares the parameter estimates. In this plot, the dots show
the estimated values and the error bars their associated standard
errors. Note that different models have different model parameters
(e.g. the modified Gompertz uses C
instead of logNmax), so some
bars may be missing in some facets. The same happens if some model
parameter was fixed prior to model fitting.
The last type of plot is a plot of the residuals. This plot includes a trend line of the residuals (calculated using loess). Clear deviations of this trend line with respect to the horizontal dashed line (residual = 0) is often an indicator of a poor model fit.
The statistical indexes of the fit can be retrieved using the
#> # A tibble: 3 × 5
#> model AIC df ME RMSE
#> <chr> <dbl> <int> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 Baranyi -29.7 17 0.000000401 0.0919
#> 2 mod Gompertz -18.7 17 0.000000395 0.119
#> 3 Baranyi no-lag 4.49 18 -0.000000513 0.224
And the table of parameter estimates using coef()
#> # A tibble: 11 × 4
#> model parameter estimate std.err
#> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 Baranyi lambda 5.77 0.561
#> 2 Baranyi logNmax 8.47 0.0752
#> 3 Baranyi mu 0.215 0.00545
#> 4 Baranyi logN0 3.31 0.0574
#> 5 Baranyi no-lag logNmax 8.60 0.209
#> 6 Baranyi no-lag mu 0.184 0.00604
#> 7 Baranyi no-lag logN0 2.75 0.103
#> 8 mod Gompertz C 5.44 0.164
#> 9 mod Gompertz mu 0.253 0.0101
#> 10 mod Gompertz logN0 3.35 0.0743
#> 11 mod Gompertz lambda 7.17 0.676
In the case of models fitted under dynamic environmental conditions,
the input arguments, output and S3 methods are identical to the ones for
static environmental conditions. Please check the documentation of
for an example.
In the case of global fits, the compare_growth_fits()
function has many similarities with respect to fittings using
. We first need to fit (at least) two
growth models to a set of experiments:
sec_models <- list(temperature = "CPM", pH = "CPM")
known_pars <- list(Nmax = 1e8, N0 = 1e0, Q0 = 1e-3,
temperature_n = 2, temperature_xmin = 20,
temperature_xmax = 35,
pH_n = 2, pH_xmin = 5.5, pH_xmax = 7.5, pH_xopt = 6.5,
temperature_xopt = 30)
my_start <- list(mu_opt = .8)
global_fit <- fit_growth(multiple_counts,
environment = "dynamic",
algorithm = "regression",
approach = "global",
env_conditions = multiple_conditions
sec_models <- list(temperature = "CPM", pH = "CPM")
known_pars <- list(Nmax = 1e8, N0 = 1e0, Q0 = 1e-3,
temperature_n = 1, temperature_xmin = 20,
temperature_xmax = 35,
pH_n = 2, pH_xmin = 5.5, pH_xmax = 7.5, pH_xopt = 6.5,
temperature_xopt = 30)
my_start <- list(mu_opt = .8)
global_fit2 <- fit_growth(multiple_counts,
environment = "dynamic",
algorithm = "regression",
approach = "global",
env_conditions = multiple_conditions
Then, we can call the function passing a (named) list with the models as only argument:
This returns and instance of GlobalGrowthComparison
This function has the same S3 methods as GrowthComparison
The only difference is that the comparison of the growth curves is
divided by facets for each experiment
The same applies to the residuals plot
The rest, are exactly the same
#> Comparison between models fitted using a global approach
#> Statistical indexes arranged by AIC:
#> # A tibble: 2 × 5
#> model AIC df ME RMSE
#> <chr> <dbl> <int> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 n=2 66.0 49 0.0460 0.458
#> 2 n=1 71.8 49 0.0715 0.486
plot(global_comparison, type = 2)
#> # A tibble: 2 × 5
#> model AIC df ME RMSE
#> <chr> <dbl> <int> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 n=2 66.0 49 0.0460 0.458
#> 2 n=1 71.8 49 0.0715 0.486
#> # A tibble: 2 × 4
#> model parameter estimate std.err
#> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 n=2 mu_opt 0.510 0.00581
#> 2 n=1 mu_opt 0.464 0.00559
For comparing the fit of secondary growth models, the package
includes the compare_secondary_fits()
function. The
approach of this function is very similar to the one implemented in
. As an illustration, we will use the
example data included in the package.
#> temperature pH mu
#> 1 0.000000 5 9.768505e-04
#> 2 5.714286 5 2.624919e-03
#> 3 11.428571 5 0.000000e+00
#> 4 17.142857 5 1.530706e-04
#> 5 22.857143 5 2.301817e-05
#> 6 28.571429 5 3.895598e-04
We first need to fit at least two different models to this dataset. In this case, we will compare the effect of using n=1 or n=2 in the secondary model for temperature.
sec_model_names <- c(temperature = "Zwietering", pH = "CPM")
known_pars <- list(mu_opt = 1.2, temperature_n = 1,
pH_n = 2, pH_xmax = 6.8, pH_xmin = 5.2)
my_start <- list(temperature_xmin = 5, temperature_xopt = 35,
pH_xopt = 6.5)
fit1 <- fit_secondary_growth(example_cardinal, my_start, known_pars, sec_model_names)
known_pars <- list(mu_opt = 1.2, temperature_n = 2,
pH_n = 2, pH_xmax = 6.8, pH_xmin = 5.2)
fit2 <- fit_secondary_growth(example_cardinal, my_start, known_pars, sec_model_names)
We can now pass both models to compare_secondary_fits()
as a named list
my_models <- list(`n=1` = fit1, `n=2` = fit2)
secondary_comparison <- compare_secondary_fits(my_models)
The function returns an instance of
. It includes similar S3 methods
as those defined for the other types of model fits. The main difference
is that it cannot plot directly the fitted model against the data. The
reason for that is that fit_secondary_growth
can use an
arbitrary number of dimensions (in the example: temperature and pH).
Therefore, representing the predictions as a function of a unique factor
is not very informative.
#> Comparison between secondary growth models fitted to a dataset of growth rates
#> Statistical indexes arranged by AIC:
#> # A tibble: 2 × 5
#> model AIC df ME RMSE
#> <chr> <dbl> <int> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 n=1 -226. 61 -0.00641 0.0393
#> 2 n=2 -122. 61 -0.0501 0.0884
#> `geom_smooth()` using formula = 'y ~ x'
#> # A tibble: 6 × 4
#> model parameter estimate std.err
#> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 n=1 temperature_xmin 5.32 0.150
#> 2 n=1 temperature_xopt 34.3 0.763
#> 3 n=1 pH_xopt 6.51 0.0117
#> 4 n=2 temperature_xmin 3.96 1.17
#> 5 n=2 temperature_xopt 34.3 1.10
#> 6 n=2 pH_xopt 6.50 0.0306
#> # A tibble: 2 × 5
#> model AIC df ME RMSE
#> <chr> <dbl> <int> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 n=1 -226. 61 -0.00641 0.0393
#> 2 n=2 -122. 61 -0.0501 0.0884