A grand departure from global error term models such as RW1972 (Rescorla & Wagner, 1972), the MAC1975 model (Mackintosh, 1975) uses local error terms and changes stimulus associability (α) via an error comparison mechanism that promotes learning about uncertain stimuli:
Let vk,j denote the associative strength from stimulus k to stimulus j. On any given trial, the expectation of stimulus j, ej, is given by:
xk denotes the presence (1) or absence (0) of stimulus k, and the set K represents all stimuli in the design.
Changes to the association from stimulus i to j, vi,j, are given by:
where αi is the associability of (or attention devoted to) stimulus i, βj is a learning rate parameter determined by the properties of j, and λj is a the maximum association strength supported by j (the asymptote).
The parameter αi changes as a function of learning, proportionally to the difference between the absolute errors conveyed by i and all the other predictors1, via:
Δαi=xiθiK∑jγj(|λj−K∑k≠ivk,j|−|λj−vi,j|) where θi is an attentional learning rate parameter for stimulus i (usually fixed across all stimuli). Although Mackintosh (1975) did not extend their model to account for the predictive power of within-compound associations, the implementation of the model in this package does. This can sometimes result in unexpected behavior, and as such, Eq. 3 above includes an extra parameter γj (defaulting to 1/K) that denotes whether the expectation of stimulus j contributes to attentional learning. As such, the user can set these parameters manually to reflect the contribution of the different experimental stimuli. For example, in a simple “AB>(US)” design, setting γUS = 1 and γA=γB=0 leads to the behavior of the original model.
There is no specification of response-generating mechanisms in MAC1975. However, the simplest response function that can be adopted is the identity function on stimulus expectations. If so, the responses reflecting the nature of j, rj, are given by:
Mackintosh (1975) did not fully specify the equations governing the change in stimulus associability. Instead, we adopt here the equation Le Pelley et al. (2016) used in their implementation of the model.↩︎