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Mingyang Ren

Table of contents

  1. Description
  2. Methodology
  3. Quick Start


Consistent Estimation of the Number of Communities via Regularized Network Embedding: The network analysis plays an important role in numerous application domains including biomedicine. Estimation of the number of communities is a fundamental and critical issue in network analysis. Most existing studies assume that the number of communities is known a priori, or lack of rigorous theoretical guarantee on the estimation consistency. This method proposes a regularized network embedding model to simultaneously estimate the community structure and the number of communities in a unified formulation. The proposed model equips network embedding with a novel composite regularization term, which pushes the embedding vector towards its center and pushes similar community centers collapsed with each other. A rigorous theoretical analysis is conducted, establishing asymptotic consistency in terms of community detection and estimation of the number of communities.


Model setting

Consider an undirected network with n nodes and a symmetric adjacency matrix \boldsymbol{A} = (a_{ij})^{n}_{i,j=1} with a_{ij} \in \{0,1\}, where a_{ij}=1 if there is an edge between node i and node j, and a_{ij}=0 otherwise. To incorporate node heterogeneity, we consider the network embedding model, \begin{equation}\label{generate} \begin{aligned} a_{i j}=a_{j i} \stackrel{i n d .}{\sim} \operatorname{Bernoulli} (p_{i j}) \ \text{with} \ \operatorname{logit}\left(p_{i j}\right)=\log \frac{p_{i j}}{1-p_{i j}}=\boldsymbol{z}_{i}^{T} \boldsymbol{z}_{j} , \end{aligned} \end{equation} for any i < j, where \boldsymbol{z}_{i} is the embedding vector of node i in an r-dimensional space with r \ll n. The embedding vectors preserve the inherent structure of the undirected network, in that the embedding vectors of similar nodes shall be close as well. Consequently, a community in the undirected network correspond to a subset of nodes whose embedding vectors may vary one from another but are all tightly clustered together in the same neighborhood. Specifically, each node i with the embedding vector \boldsymbol{z}_{i} corresponds to a community center, denoted by \boldsymbol{b}_i, and two nodes i and j are said to be in the same community if and only if they share the same community center, \boldsymbol{b}_i = \boldsymbol{b}_j.

Reguarlized network embedding

We propose a regularized network embedding model to jointly estimate the community structure and the unknown community number. Let \boldsymbol{Z} = ( \boldsymbol{z}_1, \cdots, \boldsymbol{z}_n )^{\top}, and L(\boldsymbol{Z}; \boldsymbol{A}) = \frac{1}{n^2} \sum_{i,j=1}^{n}\left\{ \log [ 1+\exp (\boldsymbol{z}_{i}^{\top} \boldsymbol{z}_{j} )] - \boldsymbol{z}_{i}^{\top} \boldsymbol{z}_{j} a_{i j} \right\} denotes the negative log-likelihood of the network embedding model in (\ref{generate}). The proposed model is formulated as a form of regularization likelihood, \begin{equation} \begin{aligned} \min_{\boldsymbol{Z}, \boldsymbol{B}} Q( \boldsymbol{Z}, \boldsymbol{B}; \boldsymbol{A} ) & = L(\boldsymbol{Z}; \boldsymbol{A}) + J_1 (\boldsymbol{Z}, \boldsymbol{B}) + J_2 ( \boldsymbol{B}) + J_3 (\boldsymbol{Z}), \\ J_1 (\boldsymbol{Z}, \boldsymbol{B}) & = \lambda_1 \| \boldsymbol{Z} - \boldsymbol{B} \|_F^2, \\ J_2 (\boldsymbol{B}) & = \sum_{i<j} \omega_{ij} p ( \| \boldsymbol{b}_i - \boldsymbol{b}_j \|_2; \lambda_2), \\ J_3 (\boldsymbol{Z}) & = \sum_{m=1}^{r^{\prime}} p ( \| \boldsymbol{Z}_{(m)} \|_2; \lambda_3 ), \end{aligned} \end{equation} where \boldsymbol{Z}_{(m)} is the m-th column of \boldsymbol{Z}, \boldsymbol{B} = ( \boldsymbol{b}_1, \cdots, \boldsymbol{b}_n )^{\top} with community center \boldsymbol{b}_i \in \mathbb{R}^{r}, \omega_{ij} \in \{ 0, 1\} determines the weight on the fusion penalty between \boldsymbol{b}_i and \boldsymbol{b}_j, \lambda_1 and \lambda_2 are two positive tuning parameters, and p(t ; \lambda) can be any concave regularization term. We adopt the minimax concave penalty (MCP). As for \omega_{ij}, a natural choice is to set \omega_{ij}=1 for all (i,j) pairs.

Quick Start

First, we call the built-in simulation data set (K^* = 4) and the sequences of the tuning parameters (\lambda_1, \lambda_2, and \lambda_3).

A                   =$A
K.true              =$K.true
Z.true              =$Z.true
B.true              =$B.true
P.true              =$P.true
Theta.true          =$Theta.true
cluster.matrix.true =$cluster.matrix.true

n       = dim(A)[1]
lam.max = 3
lam.min = 0.5
lam1.s  = 2/log(n)
lam2.s  = sqrt(8*log(n)/n)
lam3.s  = 1/8/log(n)/sqrt(n)
lambda  = genelambda.obo(nlambda1=3,lambda1_max=lam.max*lam1.s,lambda1_min=lam.min*lam1.s,

Apply the proposed method.

sample.index.n = rbind(combn(n,2),1:(n*(n-1)/2))
int.list       =          = int.list$          = int.list$
res            = network.comm.num(A, sample.index.n, lambda,,

# output results
K.hat = res$Opt_K # the estimated number of communities
Z.hat = res$Opt_Z # the estimated embedding vectors corresponding to n nodes
cluster.matrix.hat = res$Opt_cluster.matrix # the n * n estimated membership matrix
evaluation(Z.hat, Z.true, cluster.matrix.hat, cluster.matrix.true,
           P.true, Theta.true, K.hat, K.true)
