#clam 2.0
Depth segments of abrupt sedimentation can now be excised with the option slump
different colours for C14 and calendar dates
accumulation rates are calculated and added as a fifth column to the _ages.txt file
future ages can be avoided in the dates and the age-depth model
option to rotate the axes, or reverse the order for the age or depth axes
optional calibt calibration (Christen and Perez 2009)
option to provide .txt files with ages and probs for depths
single instead of mirrored calibrated histograms can be drawn in age-depth graphs
New function mix.curves
New functions pMC.age, age.pMC to convert between 14C ages and percent modern carbon
New function proxy plot
histograms and confidence ranges for accumulation rates can be calculated for specific depths or ages
probability distributions are now normalised, so that precise ages have higher heights than imprecise ages. This can be turned off
more consistent naming of dmax, dmin, etc.
Warnings are provided in case of clearly wrong settings (e.g. type > 5)
Internal calculations for C14 dates are now done in F14C (as in OxCal)
core name added to age-plots
can now leave thickness column out of .csv file (so, need 6 columns only)
instead of standard deviation, the statistically more correct probability is used (e.g., what was formerly sdev=2 is now prob=0.95)
use of file _depths.txt now needs to be activated explicitly
corrected a bug with calibrating single dates on old or young extremes of the calibration curve
corrected wrong behaviour when outliers and mixed.effect are used together
corrected a reservoir effect bug in mixed.effect
corrected a bug in hpds around 0 BC/AD when BCAD=TRUE
corrected a wrong reaction to clam(BCAD=TRUE)
corrected wrong yr.axis titles in png and pdf
corrected a bug in title option calibrate()
better error message when type=5 & hiatus
enhanced treatment of plotting parameters (par)
better rounding for ages.txt
squashed many more small to invisible bugs