Processing math: 100%

Introduction to Rating Tables

Peter Hurford


A rating table is an exportable CSV representation of a Generalized Additive Model. It contains information about the features and coefficients used to make predictions. Users can influence predictions by downloading and editing values in a rating table, then uploading the table and using it to create a new model. See the page about interpreting Generalized Additive Model output in the Datarobot user guide for more details on how to interpret and edit rating tables.

Connect to DataRobot

To explore rating tables, let’s first connect to DataRobot. First, you must load the DataRobot R package library.

If you have set up a credentials file, library(datarobot) will initialize a connection to DataRobot automatically. Otherwise, you can specify your endpoint and apiToken as in this example to connect to DataRobot directly. For more information on connecting to DataRobot, see the “Introduction to DataRobot” vignette.

endpoint <- "https://<YOUR DATAROBOT URL GOES HERE>/api/v2"
ConnectToDataRobot(endpoint = endpoint, token = apiToken)

Retrieving Rating Tables

You can retrieve a rating table from the list of rating tables in a project:

projectId <- "59dab74bbd2a54035786bfc0"
ratingTables <- ListRatingTables(projectId)
ratingTable <- ratingTables[[1]]

$validationJobId NULL

$validationError [1] “”

$projectId [1] “59dab74bbd2a54035786bfc0”

$ratingTableName [1] “Rating Table for 59dab774bd2a54035d157fa7”

$parentModelId [1] “59dab774bd2a54035d157fa7”

$modelJobId NULL

$id [1] “59dab7a06f42a6df428bc14c”

$originalFilename [1] “rating_table.csv”

$modelId [1] “59dab774bd2a54035d157fa7”

attr(,“class”) [1] “dataRobotRatingTable”

Or you can retrieve a rating table from a specific model. The model must already have a rating table.

projectId <- "59dab74bbd2a54035786bfc0"
ratingTableModels <- ListRatingTableModels(projectId)
ratingTableModel <- ratingTableModels[[1]]
ratingTableId <- ratingTableModel$ratingTableId
ratingTable <- GetRatingTable(projectId, ratingTableId)

$validationJobId NULL

$validationError [1] “”

$projectId [1] “59dab74bbd2a54035786bfc0”

$ratingTableName [1] “Rating Table for 59dab774bd2a54035d157fa7”

$parentModelId [1] “59dab774bd2a54035d157fa7”

$modelJobId NULL

$id [1] “59dab7a06f42a6df428bc14c”

$originalFilename [1] “rating_table.csv”

$modelId [1] “59dab774bd2a54035d157fa7”

attr(,“class”) [1] “dataRobotRatingTable”

Or retrieve model by id. The model must have a rating table.

projectId <- "59dab74bbd2a54035786bfc0"
modelId <- "59dd0b01d9575702bec96e4"
ratingTableModel <- GetRatingTableModel(projectId, modelId)
ratingTableId <- ratingTableModel$ratingTableId
ratingTable <- GetRatingTable(projectId, ratingTableId)

$validationJobId NULL

$validationError [1] “”

$projectId [1] “59dab74bbd2a54035786bfc0”

$ratingTableName [1] “Rating Table for 59dab774bd2a54035d157fa7”

$parentModelId [1] “59dab774bd2a54035d157fa7”

$modelJobId NULL

$id [1] “59dab7a06f42a6df428bc14c”

$originalFilename [1] “rating_table.csv”

$modelId [1] “59dab774bd2a54035d157fa7”

attr(,“class”) [1] “dataRobotRatingTable”

Downloading Rating Tables

Once you have a rating table, you can download the contents to a CSV.

DownloadRatingTable(projectId, ratingTableId, "myRatingTable.csv")

Modifying Rating Tables

You can then modify the values in the CSV and re-upload a new rating table back to DataRobot.

DownloadRatingTable(projectId, ratingTableId, "myRatingTable.csv")
newRatingTableJobId <- CreateRatingTable(project,
                                         ratingTableName = "Modified File")
newRatingTable <- GetRatingTableFromJobId(project, newRatingTableJobId)

$validationJobId NULL

$validationError [1] “”

$projectId [1] “59dab74bbd2a54035786bfc0”

$ratingTableName [1] “Rating Table for 59dab774bd2a54035d157fa7”

$parentModelId [1] “59dab774bd2a54035d157fa7”

$modelJobId NULL

$id [1] “59dab7a06f42a6df428bc14c”

$originalFilename [1] “rating_table.csv”

$modelId [1] “59dab774bd2a54035d157fa7”

attr(,“class”) [1] “dataRobotRatingTable”

Making New GAMs from New Rating Tables

You can then take the new rating tables you make and create new models from them.

newModelJobId <- RequestNewRatingTableModel(project, newRatingTable)
newRatingTableModel <- GetRatingTableModelFromJobId(project, newModelJobId)

$featurelistId [1] “59dd4731c0d33327b8f55610”

$processes [1] “One-Hot Encoding”
[2] “Ordinal encoding of categorical variables”
[3] “Missing Values Imputed”
[4] “Matrix of word-grams occurrences”
[5] “Generalized Additive Model”
[6] “Text fit on Residuals (L2 / Binomial Deviance)”

$featurelistName [1] “Informative Features”

$projectId [1] “59dd4723d957570407bc37b4”

$modelType [1] “Generalized Additive Model”

$samplePct [1] 64.041

$isFrozen [1] FALSE

$metrics metricsAUC metricsAUC$backtesting NULL

metricsAUC$holdout NULL

metricsAUC$backtestingScores NULL

metricsAUC$crossValidation NULL

metricsAUC$validation [1] 0.77283

metricsRate@Top5% metricsRate@Top5%$backtesting NULL

metricsRate@Top5%$holdout NULL

metricsRate@Top5%$backtestingScores NULL

metricsRate@Top5%$crossValidation NULL

metricsRate@Top5%$validation [1] 1

metricsRate@TopTenth% metricsRate@TopTenth%$backtesting NULL

metricsRate@TopTenth%$holdout NULL

metricsRate@TopTenth%$backtestingScores NULL

metricsRate@TopTenth%$crossValidation NULL

metricsRate@TopTenth%$validation [1] 1

metricsRMSE metricsRMSE$backtesting NULL

metricsRMSE$holdout NULL

metricsRMSE$backtestingScores NULL

metricsRMSE$crossValidation NULL

metricsRMSE$validation [1] 0.41992

metricsLogLoss metricsLogLoss$backtesting NULL

metricsLogLoss$holdout NULL

metricsLogLoss$backtestingScores NULL

metricsLogLoss$crossValidation NULL

metricsLogLoss$validation [1] 0.50643

metricsFVE Binomial metricsFVE Binomial$backtesting NULL

metricsFVE Binomial$holdout NULL

metricsFVE Binomial$backtestingScores NULL

metricsFVE Binomial$crossValidation NULL

metricsFVE Binomial$validation [1] 0.23955

metricsGini Norm metricsGini Norm$backtesting NULL

metricsGini Norm$holdout NULL

metricsGini Norm$backtestingScores NULL

metricsGini Norm$crossValidation NULL

metricsGini Norm$validation [1] 0.54566

metricsRate@Top10% metricsRate@Top10%$backtesting NULL

metricsRate@Top10%$holdout NULL

metricsRate@Top10%$backtestingScores NULL

metricsRate@Top10%$crossValidation NULL

metricsRate@Top10%$validation [1] 1

$modelCategory [1] “model”

$blueprintId [1] “24ea7590216323555b8fe51fe006dfba”

$ratingTableId [1] “59dd4778e643feefd5d87c9b”

$id [1] “59dd474bd95757040120a8e8”

attr(,“class”) [1] “dataRobotRatingTableModel”