dynatop 0.2.3
- removed dependancy on rgdal
- Fix bug in get_states method
dynatop 0.2.2
- Fixed missing time step in some Courant number calculations
- Fixed accounting of channel inflow in mass balance computations and
added matching test. Previously impacted simulations with a sub
- Added Runoff Attenuation Feature (RAF) representation to surface of
Hillslope HRU
dynatop 0.2.1
- Fix so using a single channel works correctly
- Fix so fluxes passed correctly during initialisation
- Fix bug in get_states() so returns correctly when record=FALSE
- Tidying for release to CRAN
Breaking changes
- New model structure allowing for the transmissivity profile to be
specified per HRU
- New transmissivity profile (double exponential) meaning additional
parameter columns (m_2, omega) in the model
Other changes
- dropping of Boost bisection algorithm for direct implementation with
user specified tolerance and maximum iterations
- C++ code refactored for speed improvements, making use of a single
hillslope_hru class
- Refinements to the vignettes and documentation to reflect
- changes to improve plotting
- Adapted R and C++ code to pass data frames of hillslope and channel
- tidy up of C++ code
- Fix bug in hillslope HRU solution which was indexing incorrect PET
value - this will only impact simulations with multiple PET series, if
constant then results should be identical to v0.2.0.9030.
- Revert Channel routing to compute average flux over the time
New features
Breaking Changes
- Adapted hillslope solution to Finite Volume to address mass balance
issues in v0.2.0.9020
- Improved mass balance checking and output
New features
- Addition of two further transmissivity profiles - these
implementations should be considered experimental
Breaking Changes
- Alterations to model structure
- Two new data.frames added for defining Precipitation and PET inputs.
These can now be specified as weighted sums of observed series.
- The parameter vector
is dropped. Numeric
parameters are now stored in the $hillslope
data.frames. This is to allow for cleaner code and
future development of different model storage less dependent of
- Adapted to use a contour (cross section) solution. This brings
brings the model into line with the original dynamic TOPMODEL
- Complete rewrite of the hillslope simulation code making better use
of std C++ classes and Boost libraries.
Breaking Changes
- Model structure altered to contain a further data frame containing
all the HRU linkages
dynatop 0.13
New features
- C++ implementation of hillslope simulation code can now return
states and is fully feature compatible with R implementation.
- R implementation of hillslope simulations will be depreciated in a
future release.
dynatop 0.12
New features
- Main hydrological simulation code implemented in C++ using Rcpp for
better performance.
- The R version of the code can be used instead by setting the use_R
input parameter to TRUE. This will be depreciated in a later
- Currently C++ code does not return intermediate states, use the R
version if these are required
dynatop 0.11
New features
- improved calculations within the saturated zone
- improved mass_check
- more complete vignette - model equation and coding notes
dynatop 0.1
Breaking Changes
- Code base reformulated in an Object orientated form using the
package. Except for change below algorithms as for
- Input format of model changed to reflect
- Removal of banding functions since these are now in dynatopGIS
- All units now in m and seconds
- Precipitation and PET inputs now expected to be metres accrued over
the time step rather then m per hour
New Features
- Reformulation allows for data and code to saved in a single object
allowing fuller reproducibility
- Additional plotting and data extraction functions
dynatop 0.0.4
Breaking changes
- New solutions to the surface and saturated zone means models for
previous versions of dynatop will not work. See the model description
and the
package (0.0.4) for a method of
generating models in the revised format
Other changes
- The surface store, previously labelled has been relabelled since this is felt to be more
- The
package is allowing the use of sparse
- Computation bands have been introduced for the surface and saturated
zones. These allow the revised solutions below. See the associated
vignette on banding HSUs
- A revised approximation to the surface water movement has been
implemented allowing for larger numbers of HSUs without the performance
overhead of computing large matrix exponential.
- A four point kinematic wave solution to the saturated zone is
utilised. This is both more performant and has better representation of
hillslope length then the numerical ODE solution used in v0.0.3.
dynatop 0.0.3
New features
- Added time delay histogram river routing. See vignettes on theory
and use.
Bug fixes
- Fixed some mass balance issues in dynatop relating to the saturated
zone solution in dynatop
- Improved handling of case of infinite saturated zone deficit
Breaking changes
- The model structure has been adapted to allow for the channel
connectivity and specification of gauges and inputs on the channel
network. See the model object vignette. If using dynatopGIS then rerun
Other changes
- Fixed minor formatting issues in the vignettes
- Added vignette on checking mass balances
dynatop 0.0.2
Bug fixes
- Added purl=FALSE where error=TRUE in vignette
Other changes
- Removed unused Rcpp functions and library dependencies
dynatop 0.0.1
Other changes
- Removed vignette data from package to reduce size. Now on git
- Minor spelling and format changes to vignette
This package is the result of an almost complete rewrite of the
dynatopmodel package formally CRAN and the associated development code
(not in the public domain).
This package contains the code for model evaluation and helpers for
preparing time series input data. The package dynatopGIS
contains the tools for preparing models from GIS data.
New Features
- New definition of a dynamic TOPMODEL ‘object’ - separates out GIS
data for more compact size - introduces the concept of Hydrological
Response Unit (HRU) types - Altered HRU definition table to allow for
more transparent and easy reparametrisation - Altered HRU definition
table to allow for more transparent use of multiple input series
(referenced by name, not input column)
- Altered input of time series data to a single xts object containing
names columns
- New output list containing: - model object, with final states of the
system - xts object of flows to channel HRUs
- Rewritten initialisation and main execution loop of dynamic TOPMODEL
so that - Channels are handled explicitly not as ‘special cases’
(parametrisations) of hillslope units - Analytical solution of root zone
can handle case where both pet and precip are positive - Initialisation
does not return a new workspace
- Vignettes documenting - use of dynamic TOPMODEL - Equations and
solution methodology - Performance of code for larger simulations
- ‘Hard’ checks are now implemented, previously code was performing
various ‘corrections’ sometimes without warning.
- Model simulation can be initialised by passed in states allowing for
chinking of the longer simulations.
Regressions of note
- Plotting functions and performance calculations have not been
- The time delay histogram method for river routing is not
- Model no longer outputs states and fluxes at every time step