This is a brief introduction to the package
(Gajardo et al.
2021). For a general overview on functional data analysis (FDA)
see (Wang, Chiou, and Müller 2016) and key
references for the PACE approach and the associated dynamics are (Yao et al. 2003; Yao, Müller, and Wang 2005; Liu and
Müller 2009; Müller and Yao 2010; Li and Hsing 2010; Zhang and Wang
2016; Zhang and Wang 2018). The basic work-flow behind the PACE
approach for sparse functional data is as follows (see e.g. (Yao, Müller, and Wang 2005; Liu and Müller
2009) for more information):
As a working assumption a dataset is treated as sparse if it has on
average less than 20, potentially irregularly sampled, measurements per
subject. A user can manually change the automatically determined
if that is necessary. For densely
observed functional data simplified procedures are available to obtain
the eigencomponents and associated functional principal components
scores (see eg. (Castro, Lawton, and Sylvestre
1986) for more information). In particular in this case we:
In the case of sparse FPCA the most computational intensive part is the smoothing of the sample’s raw covariance function. For this, we employ a local weighted bilinear smoother.
A sibling MATLAB package for fdapace
can be
found here.
The simplest scenario is that one has two lists
and tList
is a list of vectors, each containing the
observed values Yij for the
ith subject and
is a list of vectors containing
corresponding time points. In this case one uses:
The generated FPCAobj
will contain all the
basic information regarding the desired FPCA.
# Set the number of subjects (N) and the
# number of measurements per subjects (M)
N <- 200;
M <- 100;
# Define the continuum
s <- seq(0,10,length.out = M)
# Define the mean and 2 eigencomponents
meanFunct <- function(s) s + 10*exp(-(s-5)^2)
eigFunct1 <- function(s) +cos(2*s*pi/10) / sqrt(5)
eigFunct2 <- function(s) -sin(2*s*pi/10) / sqrt(5)
# Create FPC scores
Ksi <- matrix(rnorm(N*2), ncol=2);
Ksi <- apply(Ksi, 2, scale)
Ksi <- Ksi %*% diag(c(5,2))
# Create Y_true
yTrue <- Ksi %*% t(matrix(c(eigFunct1(s),eigFunct2(s)), ncol=2)) + t(matrix(rep(meanFunct(s),N), nrow=M))
L3 <- MakeFPCAInputs(IDs = rep(1:N, each=M), tVec=rep(s,N), t(yTrue))
FPCAdense <- FPCA(L3$Ly, L3$Lt)
# Plot the FPCA object
## [1] 5.050606 1.999073
# Create sparse sample
# Each subject has one to five readings (median: 3)
ySparse <- Sparsify(yTrue, s, sparsity = c(1:5))
# Give your sample a bit of noise
ySparse$yNoisy <- lapply(ySparse$Ly, function(x) x + 0.5*rnorm(length(x)))
# Do FPCA on this sparse sample
# Notice that sparse FPCA will smooth the data internally (Yao et al., 2005)
# Smoothing is the main computational cost behind sparse FPCA
FPCAsparse <- FPCA(ySparse$yNoisy, ySparse$Lt, list(plot = TRUE))
calculates the bandwidth utilized by each
smoother using generalised cross-validation or k-fold cross-validation automatically.
Dense data are not smoothed by default. The argument
can be switched between
and cross-sectional
if one wants to utilize different estimation techniques when work with
dense data.
The bandwidth used for estimating the smoothed mean and the smoothed
covariance are available under ...bwMu
respectively. Users can nevertheless provide
their own bandwidth estimates:
Visualising the fitted trajectories is a good way to see if the new bandwidth made any sense:
uses a Gaussian kernel when smoothing
sparse functional data; other kernel types (eg.
) are also available (see
). The kernel used for smoothing the mean and
covariance surface is the same. It can be found under
of the returned object. For
instance, one can switch the default Gaussian kernel
) for a rectangular kernel
) as follows:
FPCAsparseRect <- FPCA(ySparse$yNoisy, ySparse$Lt, optns = list(kernel = 'rect')) # Use rectangular kernel
returns automatically the smallest number
of components required to explain 99% of a sample’s variance. Using the
function selectK
one can determine the number of
relevant components according to AIC, BIC or a different
Fraction-of-Variance-Explained threshold. For example:
## $K
## [1] 3
## $criterion
## [1] 0.9876603
## $K
## [1] 2
## $criterion
## [1] 993.4442
When working with functional data (usually not very sparse) the
estimation of derivatives is often of interest. Using
one can directly obtain numerical
derivatives by defining the appropriate order p
provides for the first two derivatives (
p =1
or 2
). Because the
numerically differentiated data are smoothed the user can define
smoothing specific arguments (see ?fitted.FPCA
more information); the derivation is done by using the derivative of the
linear fit. Similarly using the function FPCAder
one can augment an FPCA
object with functional
derivatives of a sample’s mean function and eigenfunctions.
fittedCurvesP0 <- fitted(FPCAsparse) # equivalent: fitted(FPCAsparse, derOptns=list(p = 0));
# Get first order derivatives of fitted curves, smooth using Epanechnikov kernel
fittedCurcesP1 <- fitted(FPCAsparse, derOptns=list(p = 1, kernelType = 'epan'))
## Warning in fitted.FPCA(FPCAsparse, derOptns = list(p = 1, kernelType = "epan")): Potentially you use too many components to estimate derivatives.
## Consider using SelectK() to find a more informed estimate for 'K'.
We use the medfly25
dataset that this available
with fdapace
to showcase
and its related functionality.
is a dataset containing the eggs laid
from 789 medflies (Mediterranean fruit flies, Ceratitis capitata) during
the first 25 days of their lives. It is a subset of the dataset used by
Carey at al. (1998) (Carey et al. 1998);
only flies having lived at least 25 days are shown. The data are rather
noisy, dense and with a characteristic flat start. For that reason in
contrast with above we will use a smoothing estimating procedure despite
having dense data.
# load data
# Turn the original data into a list of paired amplitude and timing lists
Flies <- MakeFPCAInputs(medfly25$ID, medfly25$Days, medfly25$nEggs)
fpcaObjFlies <- FPCA(Flies$Ly, Flies$Lt, list(plot = TRUE, methodMuCovEst = 'smooth', userBwCov = 2))
Based on the scree-plot we see that the first three components appear
to encapsulate most of the relevant variation. The number of
eigencomponents to reach a 99.99% FVE is 11 but just 3 eigencomponents are enough to reach a
95.0%. We can easily inspect the following visually, using the
## Loading required package: ks
CreatePathPlot(fpcaObjFlies, subset = c(3,5,135), main = 'K = 11', pch = 4); grid()
CreatePathPlot(fpcaObjFlies, subset = c(3,5,135), K = 3, main = 'K = 3', pch = 4) ; grid()
One can perform outlier detection (Febrero,
Galeano, and González-Manteiga 2007) as well as visualize data
using a functional box-plot. To achieve these tasks one can use the
functions CreateOutliersPlot
. Different ranking methodologies
(KDE, bagplot Hyndman and Shang (2010) or
point-wise) are available and can potentially identify different aspects
of a sample. For example here it is notable that the kernel density
estimator KDE
variant identifies two main clusters
within the main body of sample. By construction the
method would use a single bag and this
feature would be lost. Both functions return a (temporarily) invisible
copy of a list containing the labels associated with each of sample
curve0 .CreateOutliersPlot
returns a (temporarily)
invisible copy of a list containing the labels associated with each of
sample curve.
CreateFuncBoxPlot(fpcaObjFlies, xlab = 'Days', ylab = '# of eggs laid', optns = list(K =3, variant='bagplot'))
Functional data lend themselves naturally to questions about their rate
of change; their derivatives. As mentioned previously using
one can generate estimates of the sample’s
derivatives ( fitted.FPCA
) or the derivatives of
the principal modes of variation (FPCAder
). In all
cases, one defines a derOptns
list of options to
control the derivation parameters. Getting derivatives is obtained by
using a local linear smoother as above.
CreatePathPlot(fpcaObjFlies, subset = c(3,5,135), K = 3, main = 'K = 3', showObs = FALSE) ; grid()
CreatePathPlot(fpcaObjFlies, subset = c(3,5,135), K = 3, main = 'K = 3', showObs = FALSE, derOptns = list(p = 1, bw = 1.01 , kernelType = 'epan') ) ; grid()