flimo : Fixed Landscape Inference MethOd

CRAN version

Fixed Landscape Inference MethOd allows likelihood free efficient inference for stochastic models.

The framework is simply:

This R-package works on its own and also with the Julia language for more efficiency.

More details about the inference method and the package can be found in the following paper : https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2210.06520. Please cite it if you use flimo.


The package uses the language Julia for some features. The link between R and Julia is done with the R-package [JuliaConnectoR] https://github.com/stefan-m-lenz/JuliaConnectoR.

Follow their recommendation:

“The package requires that Julia (version ≥ 1.0) is installed and that the Julia executable is in the system search PATH or that the JULIA_BINDIR environment variable is set to the bin directory of the Julia installation.”


You can install the released version of flimo from CRAN with:



The flimo algorithm allows to infer parameters of continuous stochastic models. It is based on simple simulations of the process, with a specific randomness management.

The parameters of the model are grouped in a θ vector.

The user needs to define one number and to build two functions:

These two functions can also be combined directly by the user into an objective function of the form: objective(θ, quantiles) to minimize.

The use of flimo is then easy:

#flimoptim(ndraw, data, dsumstats, simulatorQ)


#flimoptim(ndraw, obj = objective)

The various options and features are documented in the package manual. In particular, it is almost always necessary to adjust nsim (which affects the speed and accuracy of the calculation), lower and upper (the bounds of the parameter space).


Vignette provides two basic examples to learn how tu use flimo.

Modes in the R-interface

The first mode (“R”) is basic R: the optimization functions are the ones implemented in optim (package stats). Two methods are available: “L-BFGS-B” and “Brent”.

The second mode (“Julia”) uses Julia functions wrapped in package Jflimo.jl (see next section). It is designed to be up to 100 times faster than R for non-trivial models. The interface is in R but the user has to write two functions in Julia language: simulatorQ and dsumstats. Both of these names are mandatory for the Julia functions.

See Vignette to see how to build them.

Using Julia

Julia is relatively easy to learn. You can find a tutorial here:


The Julia Jflimo package is available online https://metabarcoding.org/flimo/jflimo. To install it and other necessary packages once Julia is installed, the user can use the following function (only the first time):


To write efficient code, you should follow these [Performances Tips]https://docs.julialang.org/en/v1/manual/performance-tips/. Package TimerOutputs is also a good tool.

The two examples of the vignette using Julia are presented at the end of this page.

Building simulatorQ with R

In concrete terms, each random draw must be replaced by a call to the quantile function of the same distribution, taking into account the fact that several simulations can be done at the same time.

The quantile functions are then applied to a matrix quantiles that the user does not have to define himself, which is obtained in the package flimo by:

ndraw <- 5 #random draws for one simulation, e.g. 5 cycles here
nsim <- 10 #number of simulations to average
quantiles <- matrix(runif(ndraw*nsim), nrow = nsim)

In the code of usual simulators, each line


should be replaced by

qdistrib(quantiles[,i:(i+n-1)], parameters)


rnorm(5, mean = 0, sd = 1)
#> [1]  0.8672414 -1.5784402 -0.2918760  0.9841565 -1.0402933


qnorm(quantiles[,1:5], mean = 0, sd = 1)
#>              [,1]       [,2]        [,3]       [,4]        [,5]
#>  [1,] -0.34782224 -0.3967510 -1.30725379  0.5689414  0.16688808
#>  [2,]  0.12917020  0.2906169 -1.50181525  0.6019140  0.23814810
#>  [3,] -0.08018577  0.5334808  0.70101730 -0.3246339 -1.31112015
#>  [4,]  0.99915793 -0.4276736  0.80845545 -0.7295606 -0.83459642
#>  [5,]  2.18809576 -1.9612868  0.90043668  0.4904709 -0.15344521
#>  [6,]  0.30922129  1.0470538 -0.13561444  0.7846481 -0.56685544
#>  [7,]  1.52570792 -1.5697612 -0.07396329  0.7584592  0.41790599
#>  [8,]  0.08070942 -1.8478335  1.36840144  0.1754735  0.07035972
#>  [9,]  0.12500653 -0.7833601 -0.82447021 -0.3877886  0.14260788
#> [10,]  1.22803757  0.1919990 -1.08012009 -1.8801307  2.56684815

Each row is an independent simulation.

Handling discrete models

The usual gradient-based optimization algorithm can’t covnerge in that framework because the quantile functions of discrete distributions are constant by pieces.


Two applications are available in the [applications directory]https://metabarcoding.org/flimo/flimo/applications:

Examples of the Vignette with Julia


Example 1: Poisson distribution


#Create data

Theta_true1 <- 100 #data parameter
n1 <- 5 #data size

simulator1 <- function(Theta, n){
  #classical random simulator
  rpois(n, lambda = Theta)

data1 <- simulator1(Theta_true1, n1)

#Simulations with quantiles

ndraw1 <- n1 #number of random draws for one simulation

simulatorQ1 <- function(Theta, quantiles){
  qpois(quantiles, lambda = Theta)

#With Normal approximation
simulatorQ1N <- function(Theta, quantiles){
  qnorm(quantiles, mean = Theta, sd = sqrt(Theta))

nsim1 <- 10

#Sample Comparison: summary statistics

dsumstats1 <- function(simulations, data){
  #simulations : 2D array
  #data : 1D array
  mean_simu <- mean(rowMeans(simulations))
  mean_data <- mean(data)

There are optimization issues in R for normalized process and θ close to 0. Lower bound set to 1.

#Optimization with normal approximation of Poisson distribution

#Default mode: full R

system.time(optim1R <- flimoptim(ndraw1, data1, dsumstats1, simulatorQ1N,
                 ninfer = 10,
                 nsim = nsim1,
                 lower = 1, upper = 1000,
                 randomTheta0 = TRUE))
#> utilisateur     système      écoulé 
#>       0.044       0.003       0.052

#> $Mode
#> [1] "R"
#> $method
#> [1] "L-BFGS-B"
#> $number_inferences
#> [1] 10
#> $number_converged
#> [1] 10
#> $minimizer
#>       par1       
#>  Min.   : 99.00  
#>  1st Qu.: 99.81  
#>  Median :100.71  
#>  Mean   :101.05  
#>  3rd Qu.:101.88  
#>  Max.   :105.06  
#> $minimum
#>      Min.   1st Qu.    Median      Mean   3rd Qu.      Max. 
#> 1.140e-24 1.110e-22 2.989e-22 8.113e-21 6.841e-22 7.762e-20 
#> $median_time_inference
#> [1] 0.00235343

#Version with objective function provided

obj1 <- function(Theta, quantiles, data = data1){
  simulations <- simulatorQ1N(Theta, quantiles)
  dsumstats1(simulations, data)

system.time(optim1Rbis <- flimoptim(ndraw1,
                 obj = obj1,
                 ninfer = 10,
                 nsim = nsim1,
                 lower = 1, upper = 1000,
                 randomTheta0 = TRUE))
#> utilisateur     système      écoulé 
#>       0.008       0.000       0.009

#Second mode : full Julia

#Optimization with Automatic Differentiation
#Warning : you need to translate dsumstats and simulatorQ to Julia
#Both of these names for the Julia functions are mandatory !

#Most accurate config for complex problems : IPNewton with AD

if (juliaSetupOk()){
  julia_simulatorQ1N <-"
function simulatorQ(Theta, quantiles)
  quantile.(Normal.(Theta, sqrt.(Theta)), quantiles)
  julia_dsumstats1 <-"
function dsumstats(simulations, data)
  (mean(mean(simulations, dims = 2))-mean(data))^2
  system.time(optim1JAD <- flimoptim(ndraw1, data1, julia_dsumstats1, julia_simulatorQ1N,
                                     ninfer = 10,
                                     nsim = nsim1,
                                     lower = 0,
                                     upper = 1000,
                                     randomTheta0 = TRUE,
                                     mode = "Julia",
                                     load_julia = TRUE))

  #IPNewton without AD
  system.time(optim1J <- flimoptim(ndraw1, data1, julia_dsumstats1, julia_simulatorQ1N,
                                   ninfer = 10, nsim = nsim1, lower = 0, upper = 1000,
                                   randomTheta0 = TRUE, mode = "Julia", AD = FALSE))
    optim1JBrent <- flimoptim(ndraw1,
                              ninfer = 10,
                              nsim = nsim1,
                              lower = 0,
                              upper = 1000,
                              randomTheta0 = TRUE,
                              mode = "Julia",
                              method = "Brent")

#> Starting Julia ...
#> $Mode
#> [1] "Julia"
#> $method
#> [1] "Brent()"
#> $number_inferences
#> [1] 10
#> $number_converged
#> [1] 10
#> $minimizer
#>       par1      
#>  Min.   : 99.4  
#>  1st Qu.:100.5  
#>  Median :101.5  
#>  Mean   :101.3  
#>  3rd Qu.:102.1  
#>  Max.   :102.8  
#> $minimum
#>      Min.   1st Qu.    Median      Mean   3rd Qu.      Max. 
#> 0.000e+00 3.169e-16 1.429e-14 1.211e-13 2.065e-13 4.706e-13

Example 2: Normal distribution


#Create data

Theta_true2 <- c(3, 2) #data parameter
n2 <- 5 #data size

simulator2 <- function(Theta, n){
  #classical random simulator
  rnorm(n, mean = Theta[1], sd = Theta[2])

data2 <- simulator2(Theta_true2, n2)

#Simulations with quantiles

simulatorQ2 <- function(Theta, quantiles){
  qnorm(quantiles, mean = Theta[1], sd = Theta[2])

ndraw2 <- 5

dsumstats2 <-function(simulations, data){
  mean_simu <- mean(rowMeans(simulations))
  mean_data <- mean(data)
  sd_simu <-mean(apply(simulations, 1, sd))
  sd_data <- sd(data)

nsim2 <- 10

#Default mode: full R

optim2R <- flimoptim(ndraw2, data2, dsumstats2, simulatorQ2,
                 ninfer = 10, nsim = nsim2,
                 lower = c(-5, 0), upper = c(10, 10),
                 randomTheta0 = TRUE)

#> $Mode
#> [1] "R"
#> $method
#> [1] "L-BFGS-B"
#> $number_inferences
#> [1] 10
#> $number_converged
#> [1] 10
#> $minimizer
#>       par1            par2      
#>  Min.   :2.896   Min.   :1.824  
#>  1st Qu.:2.955   1st Qu.:1.979  
#>  Median :3.201   Median :2.168  
#>  Mean   :3.247   Mean   :2.128  
#>  3rd Qu.:3.422   3rd Qu.:2.229  
#>  Max.   :4.024   Max.   :2.393  
#> $minimum
#>      Min.   1st Qu.    Median      Mean   3rd Qu.      Max. 
#> 0.000e+00 0.000e+00 1.400e-20 1.395e-15 4.208e-18 1.394e-14 
#> $median_time_inference
#> [1] 0.01571453

#Second mode : full Julia
#Optimization with Automatic Differentiation
#Warning : you need to translate dsumstats and simulatorQ to Julia
#Both of these names for the Julia functions are mandatory !

if (juliaSetupOk()){
  julia_simulatorQ2 <-"
function simulatorQ(Theta, quantiles)
  quantile.(Normal.(Theta[1], Theta[2]), quantiles)
  julia_dsumstats2 <-"
 function dsumstats(simulations, data)
  (mean(mean(simulations, dims = 2))-mean(data))^2+
  (mean(std(simulations, dims = 2))-std(data))^2
  #Most accurate config for complex problems : IPNewton with AD
  optim2JIPAD <- flimoptim(ndraw2, data2, julia_dsumstats2, julia_simulatorQ2,
                           ninfer = 10, nsim = nsim2,
                           lower = c(-5, 0), upper = c(10, 10),
                           randomTheta0 = TRUE,
                           mode = "Julia")

  #IPNewton without AD
  optim2JIP <- flimoptim(ndraw2, data2, julia_dsumstats2, julia_simulatorQ2,
                         ninfer = 10, nsim = nsim2,
                         lower = c(-5, 0), upper = c(10, 10),
                         randomTheta0 = TRUE,
                         mode = "Julia")

  #No bounds allowed inside NM method: objective function is overridden
  julia_simulatorQ2NM <-"
function simulatorQ(Theta, quantiles)
  if Theta[2] < 0
    fill(Inf, size(quantiles))
    quantile.(Normal.(Theta[1], Theta[2]), quantiles)
  optim2JNM <- flimoptim(ndraw2,
                         data2, julia_dsumstats2, julia_simulatorQ2NM,
                         ninfer = 10,
                         nsim = nsim2,
                         lower = c(-5, 0),
                         upper = c(10, 10),
                         randomTheta0 = TRUE,
                         mode = "Julia",
                         method = "NelderMead")

#> $Mode
#> [1] "Julia"
#> $method
#> [1] "NelderMead{Optim.AffineSimplexer,Optim.AdaptiveParameters}"
#> $number_inferences
#> [1] 10
#> $number_converged
#> [1] 10
#> $minimizer
#>       par1            par2      
#>  Min.   :3.118   Min.   :1.917  
#>  1st Qu.:3.243   1st Qu.:2.124  
#>  Median :3.332   Median :2.174  
#>  Mean   :3.381   Mean   :2.189  
#>  3rd Qu.:3.547   3rd Qu.:2.259  
#>  Max.   :3.640   Max.   :2.580  
#> $minimum
#>      Min.   1st Qu.    Median      Mean   3rd Qu.      Max. 
#> 2.032e-10 1.391e-09 3.262e-09 2.677e-09 3.843e-09 4.524e-09