Much of this work has been adapted by the FSL guide for DTI:
We will show you a few steps that have been implemented in
: eddy_correct
and dtifit
Although xfibres
has been adapted for fslr
which is the backend for bedpostx
from FSL, it takes a long
time to run and the results are not seen in this vignette, though code
is given to illustrate how it would be run.
The data located in this tutorial is located at It contains 3 files:
- a 4D image of the DWI data.brain_mask.nii.gz
- A brain mask of the DTI datagrad_dirs.txt
- a 3 column text file with the b-vectors
as the first 3 columns. The b-values are either 0 or 1000 depending on
the b-vector.First, we download the data into a temporary directory the unzip it:
tdir = tempdir()
tfile = file.path(tdir, "")
result = try({download.file("",destfile = tfile, mode = "wb")}, silent = TRUE)
if (inherits(result, "try-error")) {
download.file("", destfile = tfile, mode = "wb")
out = unzip(zipfile = tfile, exdir = tdir, overwrite = TRUE)
As dtifit
requires the b-values and b-vectors to be
separated, and this data has b-values of 1000 when the b-vectors is not zero.
This is very important and you must know where your b-values and
b-vectors are when doing your analyses and what units they are
## Loading required package: oro.nifti
## oro.nifti 0.11.4
## Loading required package: neurobase
b_data_file = grep("[.]txt$", out, value = TRUE)
b_vecs = read.delim2(b_data_file, header = FALSE)
b_vecs = as.matrix(b_vecs)
class(b_vecs) = "numeric"
We will read in the information of the b-values and b-vectors from the 1 file and separate them. Here, the b-values are all 1000, except for places where the b-vector is all zero.
Here we ensure that the number of b-values/b-vectors is the same as the number of time points in the 4D image.
Here, we will run an eddy current correction using FSL’s
through fslr
. We will save the
result in a temporary file (outfile
), but also return the
result as a nifti
object ret
, as
retimg = TRUE
. We will use the first volume as the
reference as is the default in FSL. Note FSL is zero-indexed so
the first volume is the zero-ith index:
if (have.fsl()) {
outfile = tempfile(fileext = ".nii.gz")
ret = eddy_correct(infile = img, outfile = outfile,
retimg = TRUE, reference_no = 0)
## eddy_correct "/private/var/folders/1s/wrtqcpxn685_zk570bnx9_rr0000gr/T/Rtmpv3v5VZ/4Ddwi_b1000.nii.gz" "/var/folders/1s/wrtqcpxn685_zk570bnx9_rr0000gr/T//Rtmpv3v5VZ/file109232178d3e5" 0;
Note, from here on forward we will use either the filename for the
output of the eddy current correction or the eddy-current-corrected
Now that we have eddy current corrected our data, we can pass that
result into dtifit
to get FA maps and such:
if (have.fsl()) {
mask_fname = grep("mask", out, value = TRUE)
res = dtifit(infile = ret, bvecs = b_vecs,
bvals = b_vals, mask = mask_fname)
## dtifit --data="/private/var/folders/1s/wrtqcpxn685_zk570bnx9_rr0000gr/T/Rtmpv3v5VZ/file1092358967c7d.nii.gz" --out="/var/folders/1s/wrtqcpxn685_zk570bnx9_rr0000gr/T//Rtmpv3v5VZ/file109237fc71ffa" --mask="/private/var/folders/1s/wrtqcpxn685_zk570bnx9_rr0000gr/T/Rtmpv3v5VZ/brain_mask.nii.gz" --bvecs="/var/folders/1s/wrtqcpxn685_zk570bnx9_rr0000gr/T//Rtmpv3v5VZ/file109236a04979f.txt" --bvals="/var/folders/1s/wrtqcpxn685_zk570bnx9_rr0000gr/T//Rtmpv3v5VZ/file10923537e7e19.txt" --verbose
By default, the result of dtifit
is the filenames of the
resultant images. Here we will read in those images:
Using the ortho2
function, you can plot the fractional
anisotropy (FA) map
and the mean diffusivity (MD) map:
or both at the same time using the double_ortho
You can look at a scatterplot of the FA vs MD values of all values inside the mask using the following code:
if (have.fsl()) {
mask = readnii(mask_fname)
df = data.frame(FA = res_imgs$FA[ mask == 1], MD = res_imgs$MD[ mask == 1] )
According to,
the bedpostx
function from FSL stands for “Bayesian
Estimation of Diffusion Parameters Obtained using Sampling Techniques.
The X stands for modelling Crossing Fibres”. It also states “bedpostx
takes about 15 hours to run”. We have implemented xfibres
the function bedpostx
calls. Running it with the default
options, the command would be:
We are currently implementing probtracx2
and an overall
wrapper for all these functions to work as a pipeline.