The rationale of graph4lg
package in R is to make easier
the construction and analysis of genetic and landscape graphs in
landscape genetic studies (hence the name graph4lg
, meaning
Graphs for Landscape Genetics). This package provides users with tools
Each one of the included tutorials focuses on one of these points. This first tutorial will focus on landscape and genetic data processing. It will describe the package functions allowing users to:
The package already includes genetic and spatial simulated data sets
allowing users to discover its different functionalities. The first data
set (data_simul
) was simulated with CDPOP (Landguth and Cushman 2010) on a simulated
landscape. It consists of 1500 individuals from 50 populations genotyped
at 20 microsatellite loci. Individuals dispersed less when the
cost-distance between populations was large. A landscape graph was
created with Graphab (Foltête, Clauzel, and
Vuidel 2012) whose nodes were the 50 simulated populations and
the links were weighted by cost-distance values between populations. The
project created with Graphab was included into the package such that the
landscape graphs and the cost-distance matrix can be easily imported
into the R environment.
The second data set (data_ex
) was simulated as the first
one but included only 10 populations. It is used to generate quick
The first type of functions from this package allows users to process genetic data. These functions load genetic data in R environment and convert them when necessary.
In order to make the package user-friendly and compatible with
genetic data commonly used in landscape genetics, the functions
, structure_to_genind
and loci_to_genind
allow users
to convert genetic data from formats used respectively in the
(Dyer 2009) and
(Paradis 2010) packages
in R and in STRUCTURE (Pritchard, Stephens, and
Donnelly 2000) and GENEPOP (Raymond
1995) software into R objects with the class attribute
from ADEGENET package (Jombart 2008). The format
makes possible the use of time-efficient
functions from adegenet
package (coded in C). This package
was developed and is regularly maintained by Thibaut Jombart (his website). The
function genind_to_genepop
enables to convert
object into text files in format
in order to perform analyses with this commonly
used R package and executable software. All these functions work with
microsatellite data (with 2 or 3-digits allele
The package is compatible with SNPs data as soon as
they have been loaded into a genind
object (see package
for example).
The GENEPOP software (Raymond 1995) developed by M. Raymond and F. Rousset (Montpellier, France) can be used as an executable file, with or without graphical user interface, or as an R package. It is frequently used to compute FST values and to test for Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, linkage disequilibrium or genetic differentiation. Besides, when performing simulations with CDPOP (Landguth and Cushman 2010), individual genotypes can be saved as GENEPOP files at the end of the simulation.
The function genepop_to_genind
loads a GENEPOP file
(.txt extension) and converts it into a genind
object. To
use it, the path to the file, the total number and names of the loci and
the population names must be indicated.
<- genepop_to_genind(path = paste0(system.file('extdata',
data_genind package = 'graph4lg'),
n.loci = 20, pop_names = as.character(1:10))
#> Registered S3 method overwritten by 'ade4':
#> method from
#> print.amova pegas
data_genind#> /// GENIND OBJECT /////////
#> // 200 individuals; 20 loci; 124 alleles; size: 139.8 Kb
#> // Basic content
#> @tab: 200 x 124 matrix of allele counts
#> @loc.n.all: number of alleles per locus (range: 3-9)
#> @loc.fac: locus factor for the 124 columns of @tab
#> @all.names: list of allele names for each locus
#> @ploidy: ploidy of each individual (range: 2-2)
#> @type: codom
#> @call: adegenet::df2genind(X = as.matrix(x[, attr(x, "locicol"), drop = FALSE]),
#> sep = "/", pop = pop, ploidy = ploidy)
#> // Optional content
#> @pop: population of each individual (group size range: 20-20)
We get a genind
object. It contains the genotypes of the
1500 individuals from the 50 populations created during the simulation
(similar to the data set data_ex_genind
The genind_to_genepop
function performs the reverse
conversion, i.e. converts a genind
object into a GENEPOP
file. This file is created and saved in the working directory defined
genind_to_genepop(x = data_genind,
output = "data_gpop_test.txt")
This function can for example create a GENEPOP file to test for between population genetic differentiation or to compute fixation indices with GENEPOP software.
STRUCTURE software (Pritchard, Stephens, and
Donnelly 2000) is frequently used in population genetics and
landscape genetics. It enables to create population clusters through a
Bayesian approach aiming at minimising the deviation from Hardy-Weinberg
equilibrium when gathering populations with one another. The input files
have a particular structure. The function
converts this type of file into a
To use the function, we need to indicate the path to the file, the names of the loci, the individual ID and the population names in the same order as in the original file.
<- paste0("LOCI-", as.character(1:20))
<- as.character(1:200)
ind_names <- as.character(1:10)
pop_names <- structure_to_genind(path = paste0(system.file('extdata',
data_paru package = 'graph4lg'),
loci_names = loci_names,
pop_names = pop_names,
ind_names = ind_names)
data_paru#> /// GENIND OBJECT /////////
#> // 200 individuals; 20 loci; 124 alleles; size: 139.5 Kb
#> // Basic content
#> @tab: 200 x 124 matrix of allele counts
#> @loc.n.all: number of alleles per locus (range: 3-9)
#> @loc.fac: locus factor for the 124 columns of @tab
#> @all.names: list of allele names for each locus
#> @ploidy: ploidy of each individual (range: 2-2)
#> @type: codom
#> @call: adegenet::df2genind(X = as.matrix(x[, attr(x, "locicol"), drop = FALSE]),
#> sep = "/", pop = pop, ploidy = ploidy)
#> // Optional content
#> @pop: population of each individual (group size range: 20-20)
Packages gstudio
and popgraph
developed by
R. Dyer (Dyer 2009) use as input data R
with columns of class locus
. These
objects constitute gstud
Given these packages are often used to create genetic graphs, we created
a function to convert them into the genind
A gstud
object generally has the following structure
(simulations with 10 populations as an example):
To convert it with the function gstud_to_genind
, we
indicate the name of the data.frame
and of the columns
containing population names and individual names:
gstud_to_genind(x = data_ex_gstud, pop_col = "POP",
ind_col = "ID")
#> Individuals in 'x' were not ordered, they have
#> been ordered by populations and populations ordered in alphabetic
#> order for the conversion.
#> /// GENIND OBJECT /////////
#> // 200 individuals; 20 loci; 124 alleles; size: 139.8 Kb
#> // Basic content
#> @tab: 200 x 124 matrix of allele counts
#> @loc.n.all: number of alleles per locus (range: 3-9)
#> @loc.fac: locus factor for the 124 columns of @tab
#> @all.names: list of allele names for each locus
#> @ploidy: ploidy of each individual (range: 2-2)
#> @type: codom
#> @call: adegenet::df2genind(X = as.matrix(x[, attr(x, "locicol"), drop = FALSE]),
#> sep = "/", pop = pop, ploidy = ploidy)
#> // Optional content
#> @pop: population of each individual (group size range: 20-20)
Once a genetic dataset has been loaded in the R environment, the
function pop_gen_index
computes some genetic
diversity indices at the population level.
<- pop_gen_index(data_ex_genind)
gen_div head(gen_div)
By default, it computes all the available indices, i.e. the number of individuals (“Nb_ind”), the total allelic richness (“A”), the expected heterozygosity (“He”) and the observed heterozygosity (“Ho”).
In landscape genetics, apart from local population or landscape properties at the sampling site level, particular attention is given to between population/habitat patch distances. The package includes three functions to compute both genetic and landscape distances.
From a genind
object, the function
calculates several types of between
population genetic distances:
FST (Weir and Cockerham
1984) or linearised FST (Rousset 1997) (options ‘dist=FST
and ‘dist=FST_lin
G’ST (Hedrick 2005)
(option ‘dist=GST
’) (graph4lg <= 1.6.0).
DJost (Jost 2008)
(option ‘dist=D
’) (graph4lg <= 1.6.0).
DPS (1 - proportion of shared alleles) Murphy, Dyer, and Cushman (2015) (option
Euclidean genetic distance (Excoffier,
Smouse, and Quattro 1992) (option
Euclidean genetic distance with a weighting depending on allelic
frequencies giving more weight to rare alleles (Fortuna et al. 2009) (option
Euclidean genetic distance computed after a PCA of the matrix of
allelic frequencies by population. The axes considered to compute the
Euclidean distance are the non-collinear principal components (total
number of alleles - number of loci) Shirk,
Landguth, and Cushman (2017) (option
Euclidean genetic distance computed in the same way as with the
function popgraph
from popgraph
i.e. after a PCA and two SVD, among other computation steps (option
’). This distance differs from the conditional
genetic distance (cGD) computed from a population graph by summing
genetic distances along shortest paths.
To do these calculations with the function mat_gen_dist
we just have to indicate the name of the genind
which includes the genetic data of the individuals as well as the
populations to which each of them belongs. The other argument of the
function is the type of genetic distance to compute. Here are two
<- mat_gen_dist(x = data_genind, dist = "DPS") mat_dps
1:5, 1:5]
mat_dps[#> 1 10 11 12 13
#> 1 0.0000000 0.7883333 0.5900000 0.6816667 0.8733333
#> 10 0.7883333 0.0000000 0.5741667 0.5450000 0.8816667
#> 11 0.5900000 0.5741667 0.0000000 0.3750000 0.8658333
#> 12 0.6816667 0.5450000 0.3750000 0.0000000 0.8633333
#> 13 0.8733333 0.8816667 0.8658333 0.8633333 0.0000000
<- mat_gen_dist(x = data_genind, dist = "PG") mat_pg
1:5, 1:5]
mat_pg[#> 1 10 11 12 13
#> 1 0.00000 29.93508 21.67789 25.40865 29.17504
#> 10 29.93508 0.00000 19.15163 20.32432 29.99936
#> 11 21.67789 19.15163 0.00000 13.50181 24.69579
#> 12 25.40865 20.32432 13.50181 0.00000 25.18634
#> 13 29.17504 29.99936 24.69579 25.18634 0.00000
The package also calculates Euclidean geographical
distances between populations with the function
. It takes as arguments:
: A data.frame
with 3 columns
corresponding to point ID, longitude (x) and latitude (y) whose column
names are specified in other arguments below. It can also be a
created in R or by importing a
shapefile layer.ID
: population or point IDx
: population or point longitudey
: population or point latitudecrds_type
: “proj” or “polar”. Indicates whether
coordinates are from a projected (“proj”) or a polar (“polar”)
coordinate reference system.gc_formula
: if coordinates are polar, then it specifies
the formula to use. By default, the Vicenty formula is used.When geographical coordinates are given in a projected coordinate reference system (metric), Pythagoras’s theorem is used to compute the distances. Conversely, when they are given in a polar CRS (degrees), Great Circle distances are computed. A warning message is displayed in every case.
Example with the 50 point projected coordinates included in the
data set:
<- mat_geo_dist(data = pts_pop_simul,
mat_geo ID = "ID", x = "x", y = "y",
crds_type = "proj")
#> Coordinates were treated as projected coordinates. Check whether
#> it is the case.
1:5, 1:5]
mat_geo[#> 1 2 3 4 5
#> 1 0.000 3140.064 18555.86 7605.919 4810.405
#> 2 3140.064 0.000 15417.52 10278.619 6248.200
#> 3 18555.862 15417.522 0.00 25128.669 20209.404
#> 4 7605.919 10278.619 25128.67 0.000 5080.354
#> 5 4810.405 6248.200 20209.40 5080.354 0.000
Examples with 4 city polar coordinates:
<- data.frame(name = c("New York City", "Chicago",
city_us "Los Angeles", "Atlanta"),
lat = c(40.75170, 41.87440,
34.05420, 33.75280),
lon = c(-73.99420, -87.63940,
-118.24100, -84.39360))
<- mat_geo_dist(data = city_us,
mat_geo_us ID = "name", x = "lon", y = "lat",
crds_type = "polar")
#> Coordinates were treated as polar coordinates. Check whether
#> it is the case.
#> Atlanta Chicago Los Angeles New York City
#> Atlanta 0.0 367050.9 16225865 1168203
#> Chicago 367050.9 0.0 16590655 1523685
#> Los Angeles 16225865.1 16590655.5 0 15072934
#> New York City 1168203.4 1523684.7 15072934 0
Because straight line Euclidean distances cannot accurately reflect how species move in landscapes, methods have been developed to better represent how they move by incorporating information about the resistance of landscape features to their movements. Among them, the computation of least-cost paths and of their cumulated cost-distances along these paths is a very popular approach.
The function mat_cost_dist
makes possible the
computation of cost-distances between a set of points on a
raster with discrete cell values corresponding to land use
types. Each land use type is given a cost reflecting its resistance to
movement. A high value means that the cell is difficult to cross for an
The raster
input can be either:
character string
) to a raster file in format
.tif or .asc,RasterLayer
object already loaded in R
environment.The point (pts
) input can be either:
character string
) to a .csv file,data.frame
already loaded in R environmentSpatialPointsDataFrame
created in R or by importing a
shapefile layer.In all cases, this object must have three data columns indicating the point ID, x (longitude) and y (latitude) in a projected coordinate reference system.
To do the computation, we need to create a data.frame
with two columns (code
and cost
) specifying
the cost associated with every raster cell value.
By default, the computation is performed with
function from gdistance
(method = "gdistance"
). For example :
<- raster::raster(ncol=10, nrow=10, xmn=0, xmx=100, ymn=0, ymx=100)
x ::values(x) <- sample(c(1,2,3,4), size = 100, replace = TRUE)
raster<- data.frame(ID = 1:4,
pts x = c(10, 90, 10, 90),
y = c(90, 10, 90, 10))
<- data.frame(code = 1:4,
cost cost = c(1, 10, 100, 1000))
<- mat_cost_dist(raster = x,
mat_cd pts = pts, cost = cost,
method = "gdistance")
#> as(<dsCMatrix>, "dgTMatrix") is deprecated since Matrix 1.5-0; do as(as(., "generalMatrix"), "TsparseMatrix") instead
#> 1 2 3 4
#> 1 0.0000 201.0904 0.0000 201.0904
#> 2 201.0904 0.0000 201.0904 0.0000
#> 3 0.0000 201.0904 0.0000 201.0904
#> 4 201.0904 0.0000 201.0904 0.0000
cannot perform the computation anymore when
the raster size and the number of points increase. Using another coding
language than R is a way to overcome this limitation. That is why the
function mat_cost_dist
includes another method for
computing cost distances. It relies upon the .jar file
(Java language), developed by Gilles
Vuidel (UMR TheMA, Besancon, France). It is automatically downloaded by
the user at the first use of the function mat_cost_dist
with the argument method = "java"
, provided Java is
installed in the user’s machine. This program makes possible the
parallelisation of the computation. The argument
takes values between 1 and the number of
cores in the user’s machine - 1, thereby setting the number of cores
used for the computation.
For example, when using method="java"
, the command
should be:
mat_cost_dist(raster = x,
pts = pts, cost = cost,
method = "java", = 2)
When method="java"
, least cost paths progress in 8
directions from one cell, whereas it can be controlled when
method = "gdistance"
with the argument
(or 8 or 16).
When choosing which method? Using
becomes more and more interesting as the
raster size and the number of points increase. In the previous example
(raster: 10 × 10 cells, 4
points), using method="gdistance"
is the fastest option
(0.67 s. vs 2.56 s.). With a raster of 100 × 100 cells and 4 points, both
methods are equivalent (2 s.). With a raster of 1000 × 1000 cells and 4 points,
is by far the fastest (120 s. vs 8 s.).
Besides, depending on the input data types, computation times can vary:
, the best option is to provide
a .asc raster file and a .csv point file.method="gdistance"
, the best option is to
provide a RasterLayer
object in R and a
object in R.The functions presented in the last sections create objects in R,
such as data.frame
and matrix
. The package
includes functions to process these objects, ordering them, comparing
them and converting them.
In landscape genetics, when comparing two matrices of distances
between the same sets of elements (e.g. doing a Mantel test to assess
isolation by distance patterns), the two matrices must be ordered the
same way. The function reorder_mat
reorders a symmetric
matrix according to a specified order of its row/column names.
For example, when computing a geographical distance from a
in which the ID
column contains
integer values, the resulting distance matrix is ordered in the
increasing order of these ID (1, 2, 3, …., 10). If the same IDs are
character strings, the resulting distance matrix will be ordered in
alphabetical order (“1”, “10”, “2”, “3”, …, “9”). In the following
example, we illustrate how to reorder a matrix in such a case.
<- mat_geo_dist(pts_pop_ex,
mat_g1 ID = "ID", x = "x", y = "y",
crds_type = "proj")
#> Coordinates were treated as projected coordinates. Check whether
#> it is the case.
#> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
#> 1 0.00 30050.125 21967.248 41694.12 26916.352 19313.21 37283.91 29098.797
#> 2 30050.12 0.000 8360.024 11800.42 6529.931 23825.41 19804.04 25766.063
#> 3 21967.25 8360.024 0.000 19746.39 5728.001 16843.99 20392.40 21332.135
#> 4 41694.12 11800.424 19746.392 0.00 15582.362 32572.99 20145.72 31270.753
#> 5 26916.35 6529.931 5728.001 15582.36 0.000 17629.80 15280.05 19293.781
#> 6 19313.21 23825.407 16843.990 32572.99 17629.804 0.00 20333.47 9790.812
#> 9 10
#> 1 33737.96 29230.81
#> 2 24485.91 30425.15
#> 3 22000.23 25242.03
#> 4 27789.39 36391.76
#> 5 18483.51 23900.84
#> 6 14827.34 10647.07
#> [1] "1" "2" "3" "4" "5" "6" "7" "8" "9" "10"
# Reorder mat_g1
<- reorder_mat(mat_g1,
mat_g2 order = as.character(1:10)[order(as.character(1:10))])
#> 1 10 2 3 4 5 6 7
#> 1 0.00 29230.81 30050.125 21967.248 41694.12 26916.352 19313.21 37283.91
#> 10 29230.81 0.00 30425.154 25242.028 36391.76 23900.837 10647.07 18775.78
#> 2 30050.12 30425.15 0.000 8360.024 11800.42 6529.931 23825.41 19804.04
#> 3 21967.25 25242.03 8360.024 0.000 19746.39 5728.001 16843.99 20392.40
#> 4 41694.12 36391.76 11800.424 19746.392 0.00 15582.362 32572.99 20145.72
#> 5 26916.35 23900.84 6529.931 5728.001 15582.36 0.000 17629.80 15280.05
#> 8 9
#> 1 29098.797 33737.96
#> 10 5147.815 10348.43
#> 2 25766.063 24485.91
#> 3 21332.135 22000.23
#> 4 31270.753 27789.39
#> 5 19293.781 18483.51
#> [1] "1" "10" "2" "3" "4" "5" "6" "7" "8" "9"
Cost-distances are expressed in cost units arbitrarily defined based on the cost values assigned to every land cover type when creating resistance surfaces. However, species dispersal distances are usually known as distances expressed in metric units. When we know that the probability that a species covers 10 km is 5 %, we can ask what is the equivalent of this distance in cost distance units according to the assumed cost value scenario. It can be useful in order to prune a landscape graph with a given distance threshold or simply to get an idea of the order of magnitude of cost-distance values.
To that purpose, a regression of the between population cost-distance values against the corresponding geographical distances can be performed. It estimates the relationship between both types of distance. Then, the resulting parameter estimates enable to convert a geographical distance into its cost-distance equivalent according to the cost scenario.
The function convert_cd
performs the linear regression
or log-log linear regression between the geographical distance matrix
and the cost-distance matrix, in the same way as Tournant et al. (2013) and as performed by
Graphab software.
Below, we estimate the relationship between geographical distance and cost-distance between the populations used to perform the gene-flow simulation. We convert 10 km into cost-distance units. The function also plots the relationship between these distances.
<- reorder_mat(mat_ld, order = row.names(mat_geo))
<- convert_cd(mat_euc = mat_geo, mat_ld = mat_ld,
convert_res to_convert = 10000, fig = TRUE,
method = "log-log", pts_col = "grey")
convert_res#> $`Converted values`
#> 10000
#> 1605.543
#> $`Model parameters`
#> Intercept Slope
#> -2.251216 1.045828
#> $`Model multiple R-squared`
#> Multiple R-squared
#> 0.6870757
#> $Plot
In this case, we can see that 10 km are equivalent to 1.606 cost-distance units. The log-log linear model estimates the relationship between geographical distance (GD) and cost-distance (CD) such that: log(CD)=−2.2512+1.0458×log(GD). The determination coefficient R2 associated to this linear model is 0.69.
A figure is returned as the fourth element of
. The black dot represented on this figure
refers to the 10 km value on the regression line characterising the
relationship between cost-distance and geographical distance.
Distance values can be stored in two main ways. First, they can be stored in pairwise distance matrices. The distance between point i and point j is the value at the ith row and the jth column, and also at the jth row and the ith column. Such a matrix is the required input of analyses such as Mantel tests and can be used to create graphs when considered as an adjacency matrix.
However, it is quite a heavy object and these values can be stored in smaller objects called edge lists, which are basically tables with three columns: from, to, distance.
The function pw_mat_to_df
converts a pairwise
into an edge list stored in a
<- pw_mat_to_df(pw_mat = mat_geo)
df_dist head(df_dist)
The resulting object df_dist
is a
with 4 columns: id_1
, id_link
and value
Conversely, the function df_to_pw_mat
converts an edge
list stored in a data.frame
object into a pairwise
<- df_to_pw_mat(data = df_dist,
mat_dist from = "id_1", to = "id_2", value = "value")
1:5, 1:5]
mat_dist[#> 1 2 3 4 5
#> 1 0.000 3140.064 18555.86 7605.919 4810.405
#> 2 3140.064 0.000 15417.52 10278.619 6248.200
#> 3 18555.862 15417.522 0.00 25128.669 20209.404
#> 4 7605.919 10278.619 25128.67 0.000 5080.354
#> 5 4810.405 6248.200 20209.40 5080.354 0.000
In the next tutorial, we present how to construct and analyse
genetic graphs with graph4lg