The inTextSummaryTable
contains functionalities to set palettes up.
The palettes for visualization are retrieved from the clinUtils
package, whereas the palettes for the tables are defined in the inTextSummaryTable
Moreover, palettes are set through global options.
This has the main advantage that if you wish to change the default palettes, it is possible to set your preferences only once at the beginning of the R script or Rmd document.
When loading the package, the global options for palettes get automatically defined into the R session. If you wish to change the default color scheme, you can apply your preferences by changing the global options.
Below, we present what options are available and how to customize them.
The inTextSummaryTable
package has the following options:
The options with the wording colors.table.presentation and pageDim.presentation define the color scheme for tables and the dimensions of the page in a presentation, respectively.
Instead, the options with colors.plot, shapes.plot and linetype.plot set up the palettes for the visualization functionalities.
Note that the options have to be defined after loading the package. This because when loading the package, the default global options for palettes will overwrite the custom palettes.
In this way, you can see how the options are visible after loading the package:
# options for color scheme in in presentations
## $inTextSummaryTable.colors.table.presentation
## header headerBackground headerBackgroundHighlight body bodyBackground1 bodyBackground2
## "#FFFFFF" "#32648EFF" "#287D8EFF" "#000000" "#D9D9D9" "#D9D9D9"
## bodyBackgroundHighlight1 bodyBackgroundHighlight2 footer footerBackground line
## "#DCE318FF" "#DCE318FF" "#000000" "#FFFFFF" "#FFFFFF"
# options for colors in plots: viridis palette
## $inTextSummaryTable.colors.plot
## function (n, alpha = 1, begin = 0, end = 1, direction = 1, option = "D")
## {
## if (begin < 0 | begin > 1 | end < 0 | end > 1) {
## stop("begin and end must be in [0,1]")
## }
## if (abs(direction) != 1) {
## stop("direction must be 1 or -1")
## }
## if (n == 0) {
## return(character(0))
## }
## if (direction == -1) {
## tmp <- begin
## begin <- end
## end <- tmp
## }
## option <- switch(EXPR = option, A = "A", magma = "A", B = "B",
## inferno = "B", C = "C", plasma = "C", D = "D", viridis = "D",
## E = "E", cividis = "E", F = "F", rocket = "F", G = "G",
## mako = "G", H = "H", turbo = "H", {
## warning(paste0("Option '", option, "' does not exist. Defaulting to 'viridis'."))
## "D"
## })
## map <-[$opt ==
## option, ]
## map_cols <- grDevices::rgb(map$R, map$G, map$B)
## fn_cols <- grDevices::colorRamp(map_cols, space = "Lab",
## interpolate = "spline")
## cols <- fn_cols(seq(begin, end, length.out = n))/255
## grDevices::rgb(cols[, 1], cols[, 2], cols[, 3], alpha = alpha)
## }
## <bytecode: 0x563f9148ff00>
## <environment: namespace:viridisLite>
# options for shapes in plots
## $inTextSummaryTable.shapes.plot
## [1] 21 22 23 24 25 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19
# options for linetypes in plots
## $inTextSummaryTable.linetypes.plot
## [1] "solid" "dashed" "dotdash" "twodash" "dotted" "longdash"
In this section we discuss the options for reporting, namely the inTextSummaryTable.colors.table.presentation
and inTextSummaryTable.pageDim.presentation
By default, the reporting format makes tables with a black text on a white background.
On the contrary, the presentation format creates tables with a blue header and white text, whereas the body is grey with black text.
Below a demonstration for a dummy data set.
# default report style
data = data.frame(USUBJID = c(1, 2)),
style = "report"
# default presentation style
data = data.frame(USUBJID = c(1, 2)),
style = "presentation"
If you wish to define a personal color scheme, a named vector can be created and passed to the options
, as shown below.
Colors can be provided in hexadecimals or in rgb
specification. In the example we use hexadecimals just for convenience.
Note that the bodyBackground1
and bodyBackground2
allow to have alternating row colors.
# create named vector
customColorTable <- c(
# black text in the header
'header' = "#000000",
# green background in the header
'headerBackground' = "#74D055FF",
# black text in the body
'body' = "#000000",
# yellow background for all rows
'bodyBackground1' = "#FDE725FF",
'bodyBackground2' = "#FDE725FF",
# black footer
'footer' = "#000000",
# white footer background
'footerBackground' = "#FFFFFF",
# black line for footer
'line' = "#000000"
# set options
options(inTextSummaryTable.colors.table.presentation = customColorTable)
# create the table
data = data.frame(USUBJID = c(1, 2)),
style = "presentation"
By default, the inTextSummaryTable
ships with a default PowerPoint in the standard 4:3 size (7.5 x 10 inches).
However, it is often common to create a PowerPoint template with Widescreen size of 16:9 which consistts of 7.50 x 13.32 inches.
Therefore, it possible to accomodate such widescreen size by providing
# default page dimension of a powerpoint created with Rmd
## [1] 7.5 10.0
# set custom dimension of page for presentation
# in this example, the dimension is the widescreen size
pageDimCustom <- c(7.5, 13.32)
options(inTextSummaryTable.pageDim.presentation = pageDimCustom)
## [1] 7.50 13.32
The defaults palettes for visualization are retrieved from the clinUtils
If you wish to know more about those palettes, we refer to the vignette of clinUtils
available with
vignette("clinUtils-vignette", "clinUtils")
Below a demonstration with a dummy data set.
# default colors, shapes and linetypes
summaryTable <- data.frame(
visit = c(1, 2, 1, 2),
TRT = c("A", "A", "B", "B"),
statMean = rnorm(4)
data = summaryTable,
xVar = "visit",
colorVar = "TRT"
For the visualization, the same spirit of the tables applies. The user can specify a vector of colors, shapes or linetypes. The vector do not necessarly have to be named.
# specify colors
options(inTextSummaryTable.colors.plot = c("red", "green"))
data = summaryTable,
xVar = "visit",
colorVar = "TRT"
# specify shape
options(inTextSummaryTable.shapes.plot = c("circle", "square"))
data = summaryTable,
xVar = "visit",
colorVar = "TRT"
# specify linetypes
options(inTextSummaryTable.linetypes.plot = c("dotdash", "longdash"))
data = summaryTable,
xVar = "visit",
colorVar = "TRT"
There is always to possibility to switch back to the default palettes of the package:
options(inTextSummaryTable.colors.table.presentation = tableColorsPresentation)
options(inTextSummaryTable.colors.plot = clinUtils::clinColors)
options(inTextSummaryTable.shapes.plot = clinUtils::clinShapes)
options(inTextSummaryTable.linetypes.plot = clinUtils::clinLinetypes)
The function getDimPage
extracts dimensions available for a content in a report or presentation, e.g. to specify the maximal width of a figure in A4 report or for a presentation.
# a4 format with one 1 inch margin
getDimPage(type = "width", style = "report")
## [1] 6.267717
getDimPage(type = "height", style = "report")
## [1] 9.692913
# Presentation format (according to template) with one 1 inch margin
getDimPage(type = "width", style = "presentation")
## [1] 11.32
getDimPage(type = "height", style = "presentation")
## [1] 5.5
R version 4.4.0 (2024-04-24)
Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
locale: C
attached base packages: tools, stats, graphics, grDevices, utils, datasets, methods and base
other attached packages: pander(v.0.6.5), clinUtils(v.0.2.0), inTextSummaryTable(v.3.3.3) and knitr(v.1.47)
loaded via a namespace (and not attached): gtable(v.0.3.5), xfun(v.0.44), bslib(v.0.7.0), ggplot2(v.3.5.1), htmlwidgets(v.1.6.4), ggrepel(v.0.9.5), vctrs(v.0.6.5), crosstalk(v.1.2.1), generics(v.0.1.3), curl(v.5.2.1), tibble(v.3.2.1), fansi(v.1.0.6), highr(v.0.11), pkgconfig(v.2.0.3), data.table(v.1.15.4), uuid(v.1.2-0), lifecycle(v.1.0.4), flextable(v.0.9.6), farver(v.2.1.2), stringr(v.1.5.1), compiler(v.4.4.0), textshaping(v.0.4.0), munsell(v.0.5.1), httpuv(v.1.6.15), fontquiver(v.0.2.1), fontLiberation(v.0.1.0), htmltools(v., sass(v.0.4.9), yaml(v.2.3.8), later(v.1.3.2), pillar(v.1.9.0), crayon(v.1.5.2), jquerylib(v.0.1.4), gfonts(v.0.2.0), openssl(v.2.2.0), DT(v.0.33), cachem(v.1.1.0), mime(v.0.12), fontBitstreamVera(v.0.1.1), tidyselect(v.1.2.1), zip(v.2.3.1), digest(v.0.6.35), stringi(v.1.8.4), reshape2(v.1.4.4), dplyr(v.1.1.4), labeling(v.0.4.3), forcats(v.1.0.0), cowplot(v.1.1.3), fastmap(v.1.2.0), grid(v.4.4.0), colorspace(v.2.1-0), cli(v.3.6.2), magrittr(v.2.0.3), crul(v.1.4.2), utf8(v.1.2.4), withr(v.3.0.0), gdtools(v.0.3.7), scales(v.1.3.0), promises(v.1.3.0), rmarkdown(v.2.27), officer(v.0.6.6), askpass(v.1.2.0), ragg(v.1.3.2), hms(v.1.1.3), shiny(v., evaluate(v.0.24.0), haven(v.2.5.4), viridisLite(v.0.4.2), rlang(v.1.1.4), Rcpp(v.1.0.12), xtable(v.1.8-4), glue(v.1.7.0), httpcode(v.0.3.0), xml2(v.1.3.6), jsonlite(v.1.8.8), R6(v.2.5.1), plyr(v.1.8.9) and systemfonts(v.1.1.0)