The joint variable importance plot (jointVIP for short) is designed to help identify which variables to prioritize based on both treatment and outcome for adjustment. This plot should be used during the design stage of the observational study prior to the analysis phase.
Traditionally, balance tables and Love plots are used to show standardized mean differences and identify variables with high treatment imbalance. However, adjusting only based on treatment imbalance is not advised since they may not be confounders. The jointVIP helps researchers prioritize variables that contribute marginal bias on both dimensions that can be used in observational study design. Additionally, bias curves based on simple one variable (unadjusted) omitted variable bias framework are plotted for the ease of comparison.
You can install the released version of jointVIP with:
# install once its on CRAN!
# install.packages("jointVIP")
# devtools::install_github("ldliao/jointVIP")
# load jointVIP package
# data to use for example
# matching method shown in example
# weighting method shown in example
The example data uses data from the causaldata
package, specifically the cps_mixtape
datasets (Huntington-Klein and Barrett 2021). The
experimental version of the nsw_mixtape
is commonly known
as lalonde
and often an example that shows propensity score
matching, with propensity score estimated from the
data (Dehejia and Wahba
1999; LaLonde 1986).
Data set contains the following variables:
denoting whether the person was selected in the
National Supported Work Demonstration job-training programage
age in yearseduc
years of educationblack
whether the race of the person was Blackhisp
whether the ethnicity of the person was
whether the person was marriednodegree
whether the person has degree or notre74
real earnings in 1974re75
real earnings in 1975re78
outcome of interest: real earnings in 1978Here simple data cleaning is performed to log-transform the earnings. To avoid errors, those who earned 0 is transformed as log(1)=0. After transformation, the both data has new variables:
log-real earnings in 1974log_re75
log-real earnings in 1975log_re78
outcome of interest: log-real earnings in
1978The jointVIP
package uses pilot_df
to denote datasets used. The
is the matching/weighting dataset of interest
while pilot_df
contains the external controls not used in
the analysis. The pilot_df
is used to help inform the
outcome correlation and compare the cross-sample standardized mean
difference. If external data is not available, one may choose to
sacrifice a portion of the analysis controls to form the
# load data for estimating earnings from 1978
# treatment is the NSW program
pilot_df = cps_mixtape
analysis_df = nsw_mixtape
transform_earn <- function(data, variables){
data = data.frame(data)
log_variables = sapply(variables,
data[,log_variables] =
apply(data[,variables], 2,
function(x){ifelse(x == 0,
log(x + 1),
pilot_df <- cps_mixtape
pilot_df <- transform_earn(pilot_df, c('re74', 're75', 're78'))
analysis_df <- nsw_mixtape
analysis_df <- transform_earn(analysis_df, c('re74', 're75', 're78'))
functionTo visualize for the jointVIP, following parameters must be specified:
the treatment variable name; 0 for control
and 1 for treatedoutcome
the outcome of interestcovariates
covariates of interest that are common for
the two pilot_df
and analysis_df
— the
variables all should occur prior to treatment and be potential
pilot dataset consists of external
analysis dataset consists of both treated
and controls of interestThe new_jointVIP
is a jointVIP
treatment = 'treat'
outcome = 'log_re78'
covariates = c(names(analysis_df)[!names(analysis_df) %in% c(treatment,
outcome, "data_id",
"re74", "re75",
new_jointVIP = create_jointVIP(treatment = treatment,
outcome = outcome,
covariates = covariates,
pilot_df = pilot_df,
analysis_df = analysis_df)
objectThe summary()
function outputs the maximum absolute
bias, the number of variables are above the desired bias tolerance
(measured in absolute always), and the number of variables that can be
smd = "cross-sample",
use_abs = TRUE,
bias_tol = 0.01)
#> Max absolute bias is 0.113
#> 2 variables are above the desired 0.01 absolute bias tolerance
#> 8 variables can be plotted
The print()
function outputs the variables and its
associated bias above the absolute bias_tol
smd = "cross-sample",
use_abs = TRUE,
bias_tol = 0.01)
#> bias
#> log_re75 0.113
#> log_re74 0.045
By visualizing with the jointVIP
, several important
aspects stand out. First, the most important variables are the
and log_re74
. Traditional methods,
such as the Love plot or balance table would indicate
and hisp
variables to be more
important to adjust than log_re74
, but these variables show
low marginal bias contribution using the jointVIP.
Following matching examples are performed to illustrate the utility
of the jointVIP. Based on the plot shown above, the only variables that
need adjustment are the log_re75
and log_re74
Post-match results are plotted to help visualize for comparison.
As a simple example, optimal pair matching using Mahalanobis distance
is used (Ho et al. 2011; Hansen 2007).
Based on the desired bias tolerance, only log_re75
are inputted into the formula.
Optimal weighting example is performed below, basing the weights upon
and log_re74
(Greifer 2021). Please see documentation on
Zubizarreta (2015) for details.
# ordering for the weightit
ordered_analysis_df = analysis_df[order(analysis_df$treat, decreasing = T),]
optwt <- weightit(treat ~ log_re74 + log_re75,
data = ordered_analysis_df,
method = "optweight", estimand = "ATE",
tols = 0.005, include.obj = TRUE)
# summary(optwt)
optwt_df = ordered_analysis_df[, c(covariates, treatment, outcome)]
objectBelow are the examples showing how to plot after matching. The main
function to use is the create_post_jointVIP() function,
which takes in the original jointVIP object new_jointVIP
our example. The post-matched data frame need to be specified as
The functions: summary()
, print()
, and
all provide comparison between original and post
jointVIPs. Note that the post-matched data frames contain the
pair-matched individuals — for post-weighted data, an additional
processing step multiplying the weight by the original data.frame
subsetted on all the covariates.
All methods yielded satisfactory results based on desired bias tolerance.
post_optmatch_jointVIP <- create_post_jointVIP(new_jointVIP,
post_analysis_df = optmatch_df)
#> Max absolute bias is 0.113
#> 2 variables are above the desired 0.01 absolute bias tolerance
#> 8 variables can be plotted
#> Max absolute post-bias is 0.005
#> Post-measure has 0 variable(s) above the desired 0.005 absolute bias tolerance
post_optwt_jointVIP = create_post_jointVIP(new_jointVIP,
post_analysis_df = optwt_df,
wts = optwt$weights)
#> Max absolute bias is 0.113
#> 2 variables are above the desired 0.01 absolute bias tolerance
#> 8 variables can be plotted
#> Max absolute post-bias is 0.005
#> Post-measure has 0 variable(s) above the desired 0.005 absolute bias tolerance