provides penalized regression method riPEER()
to estimate a linear model: y=Xβ+Zb+ε where:
estimation method uses a penalty being a linear combination of a graph-based and ridge penalty terms:
ˆβ,ˆb=argminβ,b{(y−Xβ−Zb)T(y−Xβ−Zb)+λQbTQb+λRbTb}, where:
penalty propertiesA graph-originated penalty matrix Q allows imposing similarity between coefficients of variables which are similar (or connected), based on some graph given.
Adding ridge penalty term, λRbTb, even with very small λR, eliminates computational issues arising from singularity in a graph-originated penalty matrix.
Also, in cases when the graph information given is only partially informative / not informative about regression coefficients, ridge penalty provides partial / full regularization in the estimation.
They are estimated automatically as ML estimators of equivalent Linear Mixed Models optimization problem (see: Karas et al. (2017)).
used with informative graph informationlibrary(mdpeer)
n <- 100
p1 <- 10
p2 <- 40
p <- p1 + p2
# Define graph adjacency matrix
A <- matrix(rep(0, p*p), nrow = p, ncol = p)
A[1:p1, 1:p1] <- 1
A[(p1+1):p, (p1+1):p] <- 1
diag(A) <- rep(0,p)
# Compute graph Laplacian matrix
L <- Adj2Lap(A)
vizu.mat(A, "graph adjacency matrix", 9); vizu.mat(L, "graph Laplacian matrix", 9)
graph adjacency matrix represents connections between p=100 nodes on a graph (speaking graph-constrained regression language: represents connections / similarity between p=100 regression coefficients b)
1 value of [ij] adjacency matrix entry denotes i-th and j-th nodes are connected on a graph; 0 value means they are not
generally, adjacency matrices with continuous (both positive and negative) values might be used
# simulate data objects
Z <- scale(matrix(rnorm(n*p), nrow = n, ncol = p))
X <- cbind(1, scale(matrix(rnorm(n*3), nrow = n, ncol = 3))) # cbind with 1s col. for intercept
b.true <- c(rep(1,p1), rep(0,p2)) # coefficients of interest (penalized)
beta.true <- c(0, runif(3)) # intercept=0 and 3 coefficients (non-penalized)
eta <- Z %*% b.true + X %*% beta.true
R2 <- 0.5 # assumed variance explained
sd.eps <- sqrt(var(eta) * (1 - R2) / R2)
error <- rnorm(n, sd = sd.eps)
y <- eta + error
b estimation
: graph Laplacian matrix L
used as a penalty matrix QriPEER
: graph highly informative about regression coefficients -> relatively high contribution of graph-based penalty over contribution of ridge penalty (lambda.Q
>> lambda.R
)# estimate with riPEER
riPEER.out <- riPEER(Q = L, y = y, Z = Z, X = X, verbose = FALSE)
b.est.riPEER <- riPEER.out$b.est
# (graph penalty regulatization parameter, ridge penalty regularization parameter)
c(riPEER.out$lambda.Q, riPEER.out$lambda.R)
## [1] 14.92846 1.83456
# estimate with cv.glmnet
cv.out.glmnet <- cv.glmnet(x = cbind(X,Z), y = y, alpha = 0, intercept = FALSE) <- unlist(coef(cv.out.glmnet))[5:54] # exclude intercept and covs
b estimates plot
b estimation error
MSEr <- function(b.true, b.est) sum((b.true-b.est)^2)/sum(b.true^2)
# (riPEER error, cv.glmnet error)
c(MSEr(b.true,b.est.riPEER), MSEr(b.true,
## [1] 0.04080697 0.59165654
used with non-informative graph information# simulate data objects
Z <- scale(matrix(rnorm(n*p), nrow = n, ncol = p))
X <- cbind(1, scale(matrix(rnorm(n*3), nrow = n, ncol = 3)))
b.true <- rep(c(-1,1), p/2)
# coefficients of interest (penalized)
beta.true <- c(0, runif(3)) # intercept=0 and 3 coefficients (non-penalized)
eta <- Z %*% b.true + X %*% beta.true
R2 <- 0.5 # assumed variance explained
sd.eps <- sqrt(var(eta) * (1 - R2) / R2)
error <- rnorm(n, sd = sd.eps)
y <- eta + error
b estimation
: graph non-informative about regression coefficients -> relatively high contribution of ridge penalty over contribution of graph-based penalty (lambda.Q
<< lambda.R
)# estimate with riPEER
riPEER.out <- riPEER(Q = L, y = y, Z = Z, X = X, verbose = FALSE)
b.est.riPEER <- riPEER.out$b.est
c(riPEER.out$lambda.Q, riPEER.out$lambda.R)
## [1] 1.44594 14.96809
# estimate with cv.glmnet
cv.out.glmnet <- cv.glmnet(x = cbind(X,Z), y = y, alpha = 0, intercept = FALSE) <- unlist(coef(cv.out.glmnet))[5:54] # exclude intercept and covs
b estimates plot
b estimation error
MSEr <- function(b.true, b.est) sum((b.true-b.est)^2)/sum(b.true^2)
# (riPEER error, cv.glmnet error)
c(MSEr(b.true,b.est.riPEER), MSEr(b.true,
## [1] 0.5596557 1.5799423
used as ordinary ridge estimatorriPEERc
- method for Graph-constrained regression with addition of a small ridge term to handle the non-invertibility of a graph Laplacian matrix
one might provide diagonal matrix as its Q
argument to use it as ordinary ridge estimator
# example based on `glmnet::cv.glmnet` CRAN documentation
fx= x[,seq(nzc)] %*% beta
cvob1=cv.glmnet(x,y, alpha = 0) <- coef(cvob1)[-c(1)] # exclude intercept and covs
# use riPEERc (X has column of 1s to represent intercept in a model)
riPEERc.out <- riPEERc(Q = diag(p), y = matrix(y), Z = x, X = matrix(rep(1,n)))
est.riPEERc <- riPEERc.out$b.est
b estimates plot
b estimation error
MSEr <- function(b.true, b.est) sum((b.true-b.est)^2)/sum(b.true^2)
# (riPEER error, cv.glmnet error)
c(MSEr(beta,est.riPEERc), MSEr(beta,
## [1] 9.398393 9.415188
Example 1: graph highly informative about regression coefficients: riPEER
outperforms cv.glmnet
in b coefficients estimation significantly
Example 2: graph non-informative about regression coefficients: riPEER
still outperforms cv.glmnet
in b coefficients estimation
Example 3: riPEERc
used as ordinary ridge estimator (with regularization parameter being estimated automatically) outperforms cv.glmnet
in coefficients estimation
might be also used as ridge regression estimator by supplying a diagonal matrix as Q
argument. see: Examples. Example 3.↩