Compared to the univariate gridded Gaussian case, we now place the data irregularly and assume we observe counts rather than a Gaussian response.
<- 30 # coord values for jth dimension
SS <- 2 # spatial dimension
dd <- SS^2 # number of locations
n <- 3 # number of covariates
# irregularly spaced
<- cbind(runif(n), runif(n))
coords colnames(coords) <- c("Var1", "Var2")
<- 1.5
sigmasq <- 10
# covariance at coordinates
<- sigmasq * exp(-phi * as.matrix(dist(coords)))
CC # cholesky of covariance matrix
<- t(chol(CC))
LC # spatial latent effects are a GP
<- LC %*% rnorm(n)
# covariates and coefficients
<- matrix(rnorm(n*p), ncol=p)
X <- matrix(rnorm(p), ncol=1)
# univariate outcome, fully observed
<- rpois(n, exp(-3 + X %*% Beta + w))
# now introduce some NA values in the outcomes
<- y_full %>% matrix(ncol=1)
y sample(1:n, n/5, replace=FALSE), ] <- NA
<- coords %>%
simdata cbind(data.frame(Outcome_full= y_full,
Outcome_obs = y,
w = w))
%>% ggplot(aes(Var1, Var2, color=w)) +
simdata geom_point() +
scale_color_viridis_c() +
theme_minimal() + ggtitle("w: Latent GP")
%>% ggplot(aes(Var1, Var2, color=y)) +
simdata geom_point() +
scale_color_viridis_c() +
theme_minimal() + ggtitle("y: Observed outcomes")
We now fit the following spatial regression model y Poisson(η), where log(η)=X, and w∼MGP are spatial random effects.
For spatial data, an exponential covariance function is used by default:
where h is the spatial
The prior for the spatial decay ϕ is U[l,u] and the values of l and u must be specified. We choose l=1, u=30 for this dataset.1
Setting verbose
tells spmeshed
how many
intermediate messages to output while running MCMC. For brevity, we opt
to run a very short chain of MCMC with only 2000 iterations, of which we
discard the first third. Since the data are irregularly spaced, we build
a grid of knots of size 1600 using argument grid_size
which will facilitate computations. Then, just like in the gridded case
we use block_size=20
to specify the coarseness of domain
Finally, we note that NA
values for the outcome are OK
since the full dataset is on a grid. spmeshed
will figure
this out and use settings optimized for partly observed lattices, and
automatically predict the outcomes at missing locations. On the other
hand, X
values are assumed to not be missing.
<- 200 # too small! this is just a vignette.
mcmc_keep <- 400
mcmc_burn <- 2
<- system.time({
mesh_total_time <- spmeshed(y, X, coords,
meshout family="poisson",
grid_size=c(20, 20),
block_size = 20,
n_samples = mcmc_keep, n_burn = mcmc_burn, n_thin = mcmc_thin,
n_threads = 16,
verbose = 5,
)})#> Bayesian Meshed GP regression model fit via Markov chain Monte Carlo
#> Sending to MCMC.
#> 20.2% elapsed: 67ms (+ 61ms). ETR: 0.29s.
#> theta: Metrop. acceptance 29.00%, average 35.80%
#> theta = 2.783 0.175
#> lambda = 1.893
#> 40.4% elapsed: 124ms (+ 57ms). ETR: 0.20s.
#> theta: Metrop. acceptance 26.50%, average 31.27%
#> theta = 1.453 0.306
#> lambda = 2.467
#> 60.5% elapsed: 189ms (+ 64ms). ETR: 0.14s.
#> theta: Metrop. acceptance 21.50%, average 28.51%
#> theta = 1.283 0.640
#> lambda = 2.577
#> 80.6% elapsed: 251ms (+ 62ms). ETR: 0.07s.
#> theta: Metrop. acceptance 23.00%, average 26.98%
#> theta = 1.649 0.748
#> lambda = 2.196
#> MCMC done [0.303s]
We can now do some postprocessing of the results. We extract
posterior marginal summaries for σ2, ϕ, τ2, and β2. The model that
targets is a slight reparametrization of the
where w∼MGP has unitary
variance. This model is equivalent to the previous one and in fact we
find σ2=λ2. Naturally,
it is much more difficult to estimate parameters when data are
#> Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
#> 2.954 4.472 6.076 6.158 7.287 12.585
#> Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
#> 1.004 1.261 1.561 1.645 1.952 3.718
#> Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
#> -0.59923 -0.39025 -0.33478 -0.33508 -0.27247 -0.08278
We proceed to plot predictions across the domain along with the
recovered latent effects. We plot the latent effects at the grid we used
for fitting spmeshed
. Instead, we plot our predictions at
the original data locations. We may see some pattern by plotting the
data on the log scale.
# process means
<- data.frame(w_mgp = meshout$w_mcmc %>% summary_list_mean())
wmesh # predictions
<- data.frame(y_mgp = meshout$yhat_mcmc %>% summary_list_mean())
<- meshout$coordsdata %>%
outdf cbind(wmesh, ymesh) %>%
left_join(simdata, by = c("Var1", "Var2"))
%>% filter(forced_grid==1) %>%
outdf ggplot(aes(Var1, Var2, fill=w_mgp)) +
geom_raster() +
scale_fill_viridis_c() +
theme_minimal() + ggtitle("w: recovered")
%>% filter(forced_grid==0) %>%
outdf ggplot(aes(Var1, Var2, color=y_mgp)) +
geom_point() +
scale_color_viridis_c() +
theme_minimal() + ggtitle("y: predictions")
implements a model which can be
interpreted as assigning σ2 a
folded-t via parameter expansion if settings$ps=TRUE
, or an
inverse Gamma with parameters a=2
and b=1 if
, which cannot be changed at this time.
τ2 is assigned an exponential
At its core, spmeshed
implements the
spatial factor model Y(s) Poisson(exp(X(s)β+Λv(s))) where w(s)=Λv(s) is modeled via linear