package use Paired Mass Distance (PMD) relationship
to analysis the GC/LC-MS based non-targeted data. PMD means the distance
between two masses or mass to charge ratios. In mass spectrometry, PMD
would keep the same value between two masses and two mass to charge
ratios(m/z). There are two kinds of PMD involved in this package: PMD
from the same compound and PMD from different compounds. In GC/LC-MS or
XCMS based non-targeted data analysis, peaks could be separated by
chronograph and same compound means ions from similar retention times or
ions co-eluted by certain column.
For MS1 full scan data, we could build retention time(RT) bins to assign peaks into different RT groups by retention time hierarchical clustering analysis. For each RT group, the peaks should come from same compounds or co-elutes. If certain PMD appeared in multiple RT groups, it would be related to the relationship about adducts, neutral loss, isotopologues or common fragments ions.
The peaks from different retention time groups would like to be different compounds separated by chronograph. The PMD would reflect the relationship about homologous series or chemical reactions.
GlobalStd algorithm use the PMD within same RT group to find independent peaks among certain data set. Then, structure/reaction directed analysis use PMD from different RT groups to screen important compounds or reactions.
The input data should be a list
object with at least two
elements from a peaks list:
, high resolution
mass spectrometry is requiredrt
However, I suggested to add intensity and group information to the list for validation of PMD analysis.
In this package, a data set from in vivo solid phase micro-extraction(SPME) was attached. This data set contain 9 samples from 3 fish with triplicates samples for each fish. Here is the data structure:
#> List of 4
#> $ data : num [1:1459, 1:9] 1095 10439 10154 2797 90211 ...
#> ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
#> .. ..$ : chr [1:1459] "100.1/170" "100.5/86" "101/85" "103.1/348" ...
#> .. ..$ : chr [1:9] "1405_Fish1_F1" "1405_Fish1_F2" "1405_Fish1_F3" "1405_Fish2_F1" ...
#> $ group:'data.frame': 9 obs. of 2 variables:
#> ..$ sample_name : chr [1:9] "1405_Fish1_F1" "1405_Fish1_F2" "1405_Fish1_F3" "1405_Fish2_F1" ...
#> ..$ sample_group: chr [1:9] "fish1" "fish1" "fish1" "fish2" ...
#> $ mz : num [1:1459] 100 101 101 103 104 ...
#> $ rt : num [1:1459] 170.2 86.3 84.9 348.1 48.8 ...
You could build this list
or mzrt
from the xcms
objects via enviGCMS
When you have a xcmsSet
object or XCMSnExp
object named xset
, you could use
to get such list. Of course you
could build such list by yourself.
GlobalStd algorithm try to find independent peaks among certain peaks list. The first step is retention time hierarchical clustering analysis. The second step is to find the relationship among adducts, neutral loss, isotopologues and common fragments ions. The third step is to screen the independent peaks.
Here is a workflow for this algorithm:
pmd <- getpaired(spmeinvivo)
#> 75 retention time cluster found.
#> 369 paired masses found
#> 5 unique within RT clusters high frequency PMD(s) used for further investigation.
#> The unique within RT clusters high frequency PMD(s) is(are) 28.03 21.98 44.03 17.03 18.01.
#> 719 isotopologue(s) related paired mass found.
#> 492 multi-charger(s) related paired mass found.
This plot would show the distribution of RT groups. The
in function getpaired
could be used
to set the cutoff of the distances in retention time hierarchical
clustering analysis. Retention time cluster cutoff should fit the peak
picking algorithm. For HPLC, 10 is suggested and 5 could be used for
Global PMD’s retention time group numbers should be around 20 percent
of the retention time cluster numbers. For example, if you find 100
retention time clusters, I suggested you use 20 as the cutoff of
empirical global PMD’s retention time group numbers. If you don’t
specifically assign a value to ng
, the algorithm will
select such recommendation by default setting.
Take care of the retention time cluster with lots of peaks. In this case, such cluster could be co-eluted compounds on certain column. It would be wise to trim the retention time window for high quality peaks. Another important hint is that pre-filter your peak list by black samples or other quality control samples. Otherwise the running time would be long and lots of pmd relationship would be just from noise.
The ng
in function getpaired
could be used
to set cutoff of global PMD’s retention time group numbers. If
is 10, at least 10 of the retention time groups should
contain the shown PMD relationship. You could use
to show the distribution.
You could also show the distribution of PMD relationship by index:
# show the unique PMD found by getpaired function
for(i in 1:length(unique(pmd$paired$diff2))){
diff <- unique(pmd$paired$diff2)[i]
index <- pmd$paired$diff2 == diff
This is an easy way to find potential adducts of the data by high frequency PMD from the same compound. For example, 21.98 Da could be the mass distances between [M+H]+ and [M+Na]+. In this case, user could find the potential adducts or neutral loss even when they have no preferred adducts list. If one adduct exist in certain analytical system, the high frequency PMD will reveal such relationship. The high frequency PMD list could also be used to check the fragmental pattern of in-source reactions as long as such patterns are popular among all collected ions.
You could use getstd
function to get the independent
peaks. Independent peaks mean the peaks list removing the redundant
peaks such as adducts, neutral loss, isotopologues and comment fragments
ions found by PMD analysis in STEP2. Ideally, those peaks could be
molecular ions while they might still contain redundant peaks.
std <- getstd(pmd)
#> 8 retention group(s) have single peaks. 14 23 32 33 54 55 56 75
#> 11 group(s) with multiple peaks while no isotope/paired relationship 4 5 7 8 11 41 42 49 68 72 73
#> 9 group(s) with multiple peaks with isotope without paired relationship 2 9 22 26 52 62 64 66 70
#> 4 group(s) with paired relationship without isotope 1 10 15 18
#> 43 group(s) with paired relationship and isotope 3 6 12 13 16 17 19 20 21 24 25 27 28 29 30 31 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 43 44 45 46 47 48 50 51 53 57 58 59 60 61 63 65 67 69 71 74
#> 291 std mass found.
Here you could plot the peaks by plotstd
function to
show the distribution of independent peaks:
You could also plot the peaks distribution by assign a retention time
group via plotstdrt
par(mfrow = c(2,3))
plotstdrt(std,rtcluster = 23,main = 'Retention time group 23')
plotstdrt(std,rtcluster = 9,main = 'Retention time group 9')
plotstdrt(std,rtcluster = 18,main = 'Retention time group 18')
plotstdrt(std,rtcluster = 67,main = 'Retention time group 67')
plotstdrt(std,rtcluster = 49,main = 'Retention time group 49')
plotstdrt(std,rtcluster = 6,main = 'Retention time group 6')
Original GlobalStd algorithm only use mass to charge ratio and retention time of peaks to select independent peaks. However, if intensity data across samples are available, correlation coefficient of paired ions could be used to further filter the random noise in high frequency PMDs. You could set up cutoff of Pearson Correlation Coefficient between peaks to refine the peaks selected by GlobalStd within same retention time groups. In this case, the numbers of selected independent peaks will be further reduced. When you use this parameter, make sure the intensity data are from real samples instead of blank samples, which will affect the calculation of correlation coefficient.
std2 <- getstd(pmd,corcutoff = 0.9)
#> 8 retention group(s) have single peaks. 14 23 32 33 54 55 56 75
#> 23 group(s) with multiple peaks while no isotope/paired relationship 2 4 5 7 8 10 11 15 18 26 35 39 41 42 49 50 59 62 68 69 70 72 73
#> 14 group(s) with multiple peaks with isotope without paired relationship 9 12 22 24 27 28 34 51 52 57 60 64 66 71
#> 3 group(s) with paired relationship without isotope 1 53 74
#> 27 group(s) with paired relationship and isotope 3 6 13 16 17 19 20 21 25 29 30 31 36 37 38 40 43 44 45 46 47 48 58 61 63 65 67
#> 120 std mass found.
You need to check the GlobalStd algorithm’s results by principal components analysis(PCA). If we removed too much peaks containing information, the score plot of reduced data set would show great changes.
par(mfrow = c(2,2),mar = c(4,4,2,1)+0.1)
plotpca(std$data,lv = as.numeric(as.factor(std$group$sample_group)),main = "all peaks")
plotpca(std$data[std$stdmassindex,],lv = as.numeric(as.factor(std$group$sample_group)),main = paste(sum(std$stdmassindex),"independent peaks"))
plotpca(std2$data[std2$stdmassindex,],lv = as.numeric(as.factor(std$group$sample_group)),main = paste(sum(std2$stdmassindex),"reduced independent peaks"))
You might find original GlobalStd algorithm show a similar PCA score plot with original data while GlobalStd algorithm considering intensity data seems change the profile. The major reason is that correlation coefficient option in the algorithm will remove the paired ions without strong correlation. It will be aggressive to remove low intensity peaks, which are vulnerable by baseline noise. However, such options would be helpful if you only concern high quality peaks for following analysis. Otherwise, original GlobalStd will keep the most information for explorer purpose.
GlobalStd algorithm in pmd
package could be treated as a
method to extract pseudo spectra. You could use getcluster
to get peaks groups information for all GlobalStd peaks. This function
would consider the merge of GlobalStd peaks when certain peak is
involved in multiple clusters. Then you could choose export peaks with
the highest intensities or base peaks in each GlobalStd merged peaks
groups. Meanwhile, you could also include the correlation coefficient
cutoff to further improve the data quality.
stdcluster <- getcluster(std)
# extract pseudospectra for std peak 71
idx <- unique(stdcluster$cluster$largei[stdcluster$cluster$i==71])
plot(stdcluster$cluster$mz[stdcluster$cluster$largei==idx],stdcluster$cluster$ins[stdcluster$cluster$largei==idx],type = 'h',xlab = 'm/z',ylab = 'intensity',main = 'pseudo spectra for GlobalStd peak 71')
# export peaks with the highest intensities in each GlobalStd peaks groups.
data <- stdcluster$data[stdcluster$stdmassindex2,]
# considering the correlation coefficient cutoff
stdcluster2 <- getcluster(std, corcutoff = 0.9)
# considering the correlation coefficient cutoff for both psedospectra extraction and GlobalStd algorithm
stdcluster3 <- getcluster(std2, corcutoff = 0.9)
We supplied getcorcluster
to find peaks groups by
correlation analysis only. The base peaks of correlation cluster were
selected to stand for the compounds.
corcluster <- getcorcluster(spmeinvivo)
#> 75 retention time cluster found.
# extract pseudospectra 1@46
peak <- corcluster$cluster[corcluster$cluster$largei == '1@46',]
plot(peak$ins~peak$mz,type = 'h',xlab = 'm/z',ylab = 'intensity',main = 'pseudo spectra for correlation cluster')
Then we could compare the compare reduced result using PCA similarity factor. A good peak selection algorithm could show a high PCA similarity factor compared with original data set while retain the minimized number of peaks.
par(mfrow = c(3,3),mar = c(4,4,2,1)+0.1)
plotpca(std$data[std$stdmassindex,],lv = as.numeric(as.factor(std$group$sample_group)),main = paste(sum(std$stdmassindex),"independent peaks"))
plotpca(std$data[stdcluster$stdmassindex2,],lv = as.numeric(as.factor(std$group$sample_group)),main = paste(sum(stdcluster$stdmassindex2),"independent base peaks"))
plotpca(std$data[stdcluster2$stdmassindex2,],lv = as.numeric(as.factor(std$group$sample_group)),main = paste(sum(stdcluster2$stdmassindex2),"independent reduced base peaks"))
plotpca(std$data[corcluster$stdmassindex,],lv = as.numeric(as.factor(std$group$sample_group)),main = paste(sum(corcluster$stdmassindex),"peaks without correlationship"))
plotpca(std$data[corcluster$stdmassindex2,],lv = as.numeric(as.factor(std$group$sample_group)),main = paste(sum(corcluster$stdmassindex2),"base peaks without correlationship"))
plotpca(std$data,lv = as.numeric(as.factor(std$group$sample_group)),main = paste(nrow(std$data),"all peaks"))
plotpca(std$data[stdcluster3$stdmassindex2,],lv = as.numeric(as.factor(std$group$sample_group)),main = paste(sum(stdcluster3$stdmassindex2),"reduced independent base peaks"))
pcasf(std$data, std$data[std$stdmassindex,])
#> pcasf
#> 0.9993497
pcasf(std$data, std$data[stdcluster$stdmassindex2,])
#> pcasf
#> 0.9993578
pcasf(std$data, std$data[stdcluster2$stdmassindex2,])
#> pcasf
#> 0.999346
pcasf(std$data, std$data[corcluster$stdmassindex,])
#> pcasf
#> 0.9471586
pcasf(std$data, std$data[corcluster$stdmassindex2,])
#> pcasf
#> 0.9497193
pcasf(std$data, std$data[stdcluster3$stdmassindex2,])
#> pcasf
#> 0.713527
In this case, five peaks selection algorithms are fine to stand for the original peaks with PCA similarity score larger than 0.9. However, the independent base peaks retain the most information with relative low numbers of peaks.
function could be used to perform
Structure/reaction directed analysis. The cutoff of frequency is
automate found by PMD network analysis with the largest mean distance of
all nodes.
sda <- getsda(std)
#> PMD frequency cutoff is 6 by PMD network analysis with largest network average distance 6.67 .
#> 53 groups were found as high frequency PMD group.
#> 0 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 1.98 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 2.01 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 2.02 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 6.97 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 11.96 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 12 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 13.98 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 14.02 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 14.05 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 15.99 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 16.03 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 19.04 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 28.03 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 30.05 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 31.99 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 33.02 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 37.02 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 42.05 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 48.04 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 48.98 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 49.02 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 54.05 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 56.06 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 56.1 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 58.04 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 58.08 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 58.11 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 63.96 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 66.05 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 68.06 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 70.04 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 70.08 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 74.02 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 80.03 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 82.08 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 88.05 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 91.1 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 93.12 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 94.1 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 96.09 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 101.05 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 108.13 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 110.11 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 112.16 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 116.08 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 122.15 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 124.16 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 126.14 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 144.18 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 148.04 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 150.2 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 173.18 was found as high frequency PMD.
Such largest mean distance of all nodes is calculated for top 1 to 100 (if possible) high frequency PMDs. Here is a demo for the network generation process.
#> Attaching package: 'igraph'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
#> decompose, spectrum
#> The following object is masked from 'package:base':
#> union
cdf <- sda$sda
# get the PMDs and frequency
pmds <- as.numeric(names(sort(table(cdf$diff2),decreasing = T)))
freq <- sort(table(cdf$diff2),decreasing = T)
# filter the frequency larger than 10 for demo
pmds <- pmds[freq>10]
cdf <- sda$sda[sda$sda$diff2 %in% pmds,]
g <- igraph::graph_from_data_frame(cdf,directed = F)
l <- igraph::layout_with_fr(g)
for(i in 1:length(pmds)){
g2 <- igraph::delete_edges(g,which(E(g)$diff2%in%pmds[1:i]))
plot(g2,edge.width=1,vertex.label="",vertex.size=1,layout=l,main=paste('Top',length(pmds)-i,'high frequency PMDs'))
Here we could find more and more compounds will be connected with more high frequency PMDs. Meanwhile, the mean distance of all network nodes will increase. However, some PMDs are generated by random combination of ions. In this case, if we included those PMDs for the network, the mean distance of all network nodes will decrease. Here, the largest mean distance means no more information will be found for certain data set and such value is used as the cutoff for high frequency PMDs selection.
You could use plotstdsda
to show the distribution of the
selected paired peaks.
You could also use index to show the distribution of certain PMDs.
par(mfrow = c(1,3),mar = c(4,4,2,1)+0.1)
plotstdsda(sda,sda$sda$diff2 == 2.02)
plotstdsda(sda,sda$sda$diff2 == 28.03)
plotstdsda(sda,sda$sda$diff2 == 58.04)
Structure/reaction directed analysis could be directly performed on all the peaks, which is slow to process:
sdaall <- getsda(spmeinvivo)
#> PMD frequency cutoff is 104 by PMD network analysis with largest network average distance 14.06 .
#> 6 groups were found as high frequency PMD group.
#> 0 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 2.02 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 28.03 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 31.01 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 58.04 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 116.08 was found as high frequency PMD.
par(mfrow = c(1,3),mar = c(4,4,2,1)+0.1)
plotstdsda(sdaall,sdaall$sda$diff2 == 2.02)
plotstdsda(sdaall,sdaall$sda$diff2 == 28.03)
plotstdsda(sdaall,sdaall$sda$diff2 == 58.04)
Structure/Reaction directed analysis could also use correlation to restrict the paired ions. However, similar to GlobalStd algorithm, such cutoff will remove low intensity data. Researcher should have a clear idea to use this cutoff.
sda2 <- getsda(std, corcutoff = 0.9)
#> PMD frequency cutoff is 6 by PMD network analysis with largest network average distance 6.67 .
#> 41 groups were found as high frequency PMD group.
#> 0 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 1.98 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 2.01 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 2.02 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 11.96 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 12 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 13.98 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 14.02 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 14.05 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 15.99 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 16.03 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 19.04 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 28.03 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 30.05 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 31.99 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 33.02 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 42.05 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 48.98 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 49.02 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 54.05 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 56.06 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 58.04 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 58.08 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 63.96 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 66.05 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 68.06 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 70.08 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 74.02 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 80.03 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 82.08 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 88.05 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 93.12 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 94.1 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 96.09 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 108.13 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 110.11 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 112.16 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 116.08 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 122.15 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 124.16 was found as high frequency PMD.
#> 126.14 was found as high frequency PMD.
When you only have data of peaks without retention time or compounds
list, structure/reaction directed analysis could also be done by
sda <- getrda(spmeinvivo$mz)
#> 164462 pmd found.
#> 20 pmd used.
# check high frequency pmd
#> [1] "0" "1.001" "1.002" "1.003" "1.004" "2.015" "2.016"
#> [8] "14.015" "17.026" "18.011" "21.982" "28.031" "28.032" "44.026"
#> [15] "67.987" "67.988" "88.052" "116.192" "135.974" "135.975"
# get certain pmd related m/z
idx <- sda[,'2.016']
# show the m/z
#> [1] 118.0651 118.0652 120.0812 159.1575 162.0552 170.0330 170.0932 170.1541
#> [9] 174.1363 174.9917 175.0873 176.0305 176.0418 181.9872 184.1695 188.6484
#> [17] 192.1487 192.1604 226.9522 226.9523 228.1969 228.1973 259.1148 261.1317
#> [25] 270.3185 271.3217 272.3230 272.3234 273.8902 274.8744 284.2955 285.3002
#> [33] 285.3002 286.3101 286.3101 291.0712 293.1755 294.9392 296.2961 304.3081
#> [41] 305.2480 305.3118 308.0889 308.2953 308.2954 309.1672 309.2046 315.1781
#> [49] 317.9344 319.3005 319.3002 319.9302 320.3041 320.3322 321.3165 322.3185
#> [57] 323.3221 324.3266 325.3294 327.2022 327.3449 329.0052 331.0031 350.3426
#> [65] 352.3214 352.3215 353.3244 354.3365 355.0696 359.2410 361.2353 372.3197
#> [73] 375.3066 383.2804 383.3723 384.3350 385.2753 385.3480 387.2851 397.1907
#> [81] 399.3274 400.9174 401.3420 403.2859 432.8860 433.2781 445.8289 447.1173
#> [89] 451.3633 462.8615 522.3557 524.1178 525.9831 526.4841 705.7223 708.8218
#> [97] 976.3139 976.8122 982.7763
function is a wrap function to process
GlobalStd algorithm and structure/reaction directed analysis in one
line. All the plot function could be directly used on the
objects from globalstd
function. If you
want to perform structure/reaction directed analysis, set the
in the globalstd
result <- globalstd(spmeinvivo, sda=FALSE)
#> 75 retention time cluster found.
#> 369 paired masses found
#> 5 unique within RT clusters high frequency PMD(s) used for further investigation.
#> The unique within RT clusters high frequency PMD(s) is(are) 28.03 21.98 44.03 17.03 18.01.
#> 719 isotopologue(s) related paired mass found.
#> 492 multi-charger(s) related paired mass found.
#> 8 retention group(s) have single peaks. 14 23 32 33 54 55 56 75
#> 11 group(s) with multiple peaks while no isotope/paired relationship 4 5 7 8 11 41 42 49 68 72 73
#> 9 group(s) with multiple peaks with isotope without paired relationship 2 9 22 26 52 62 64 66 70
#> 4 group(s) with paired relationship without isotope 1 10 15 18
#> 43 group(s) with paired relationship and isotope 3 6 12 13 16 17 19 20 21 24 25 27 28 29 30 31 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 43 44 45 46 47 48 50 51 53 57 58 59 60 61 63 65 67 69 71 74
#> 291 std mass found.
Independent peaks are supposing generated from different compounds.
We could use those peaks for MS/MS analysis instead of DIA or DDA. Here
we need multiple injections for one sample since it might be impossible
to get all ions’ fragment ions in one injection with good sensitivity.
You could use gettarget
to generate the index for the
injections and output the peaks for each run.
# you need retention time for independent peaks
index <- gettarget(std$rt[std$stdmassindex])
#> You need 10 injections!
# output the ions for each injection
#> index
#> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
#> 24 41 25 37 17 28 26 34 29 30
# show the ions for the first injection
#> [1] 112.0183 134.1185 137.9879 140.0600 149.0236 149.9530 158.9617 161.0600
#> [9] 161.0967 165.0787 170.1541 175.0873 181.1597 186.1854 198.1854 206.0898
#> [17] 214.9181 226.1822 244.0288 245.0787 252.0721 255.9443 258.8998 259.1148
#> [25] 265.4216 270.3185 270.3184 271.3217 273.1854 273.8902 282.9806 283.2838
#> [33] 283.3000 285.3002 293.1755 299.1113 304.9038 307.9421 315.1781 320.3040
#> [41] 328.0132 335.1258 352.3214 353.3244 359.0292 364.3575 365.3196 366.3006
#> [49] 372.3197 383.3313 386.3523 389.2529 394.4045 394.8754 404.2360 405.2616
#> [57] 406.2651 410.2585 416.8073 421.2521 429.3192 431.0687 445.2767 447.3469
#> [65] 460.3112 472.9023 507.3409 512.4158 522.1371 528.4989 533.9698 534.9708
#> [73] 541.3942 557.0950 560.3877 562.1811 566.8886 567.1783 580.1907 581.1925
#> [81] 581.3659 586.4524 599.4366 607.4028 616.4645 622.4229 643.4632 651.8520
#> [89] 665.4664 675.6790 704.6384 707.6675 712.8208 723.4865 730.6517 731.7391
#> [97] 744.8477 765.5253 771.8544 773.3274 779.3404 779.5153 794.6305 795.6669
#> [105] 797.5461 803.5434 815.4180 831.6037 839.3409 845.5232 870.7857 873.4237
#> [113] 884.7221 900.8085 946.7398 949.3083 973.4945 982.7763 984.7703 985.7859
#> [1] 85.3860 355.8470 165.4680 511.0515 583.7690 1079.6400 154.9830
#> [8] 620.6270 645.5280 511.3690 638.9930 511.2940 615.0530 501.3300
#> [15] 415.9985 583.3410 76.9220 416.1050 212.6665 511.0800 678.3130
#> [22] 76.7060 217.2010 144.0380 145.8285 838.9070 465.0070 744.1460
#> [29] 581.1950 145.9680 146.0980 595.2325 679.6010 716.7800 553.5540
#> [36] 447.6060 145.4960 146.3215 401.2135 622.7700 509.1510 581.4100
#> [43] 582.4820 582.4830 717.0520 616.7710 656.2235 561.9110 659.8815
#> [50] 656.0300 644.4580 383.1060 682.3135 217.1550 601.4480 547.3380
#> [57] 547.4460 633.9130 503.1515 634.3425 557.1970 762.3630 421.8915
#> [64] 711.4240 169.9670 213.7270 422.9630 550.3385 762.5750 643.4925
#> [71] 639.2075 639.0995 628.3425 762.5765 533.3660 762.3630 213.7720
#> [78] 762.3630 762.3610 762.4690 533.7950 439.2500 454.9350 434.9630
#> [85] 454.9350 455.1500 449.3200 215.7110 528.0080 638.8870 639.0980
#> [92] 594.4830 214.7985 463.1855 594.6980 659.2430 214.3560 773.7190
#> [99] 213.7720 370.5620 214.9615 519.6690 613.5560 643.3860 519.7585
#> [106] 665.0290 490.4010 503.6870 213.6370 517.5090 216.5120 471.3075
#> [113] 632.0920 213.7720 800.2900 214.8495 500.9015 640.2780 215.0690
#> [120] 215.0680
An interactive document has been included in this package to perform
PMD analysis. You need to prepare a csv file with m/z and retention time
of peaks. Such csv file could be generated by run
on the list
object from
function. The xset
should be XCMSnExp
object or xcmsSet
You could also generate the csv file by
enviGCMS::getmzrt(xset,name = 'test')
. You will find the
csv file in the working dictionary named test.csv
Then you could run runPMD()
to start the Graphical user
interface(GUI) for GlobalStd algorithm and structure/reaction directed
package could be used to reduce the redundancy peaks
for GC/LC-MS based research and perform structure/reaction directed
analysis to screen known and unknown important compounds or