Processing math: 100%


#> Loading required package: data.table

1 Introduction

rcprd contains a number of functions which extract specific variables, namely:

The algorithms underpinning the extraction of these variables are given in section 2. A summary of the unit measurements recorded for these variables is given in section 3.

2 Algorithms for variable extraction

2.1 BMI (extract_BMI)

Extraction of BMI requires the user to specify three codelists. One for BMI scores (codelist_bmi), one for height measurements (codelist_height) and one for weight measurements (codelist_weight). All the BMI, height and weight measurements for each patient in the cohort of interest are then extracted. The algorithm is as follows:

2.2 Cholesterol/HDL ratio (extract_cholhdl_ratio)

Extraction of cholesterol/HDL ratio requires the user to specify three codelists. One for cholesterol/HDL ratio measurements (codelist_ratio), one for total cholesterol measurements (codelist_chol) and one for HDL measurements (codelist_hdl). All the cholesterol/HDL, total cholesterol and cholesterol/HDL measurements for each patient in the cohort of interest are then extracted. The algorithm is as follows:

2.3 Diabetes status (extract_diabetes)

Extraction of diabetes status requires the user to specify two codelists. One for type 1 diabetes (codelist_type1), and another for type 2 diabetes (codelist_type2). The reason this variable is not treated as a history of type variable and extracted using extract_ho is because often individuals will have a generic code such as diabetes mellitus, which would be used to identify type 2 diabetes, but will also have a specific code such as type 1 diabetes mellitus. This algorithm treats the two as mutually exclusive, and assigns individuals with a code for both type 1 and type 1 diabetes, as having type 1 diabetes. The algorithm is as follows:

2.4 Smoking status (extract_smoking)

Extraction of smoking status requires the user to specify five codelists. One for non-smoker (codelist_non), one for ex-smoker (codelist_ex), one for light smoker (codelist_light), one for moderate smoker (codelist.moderate) and one for heavy smoker (codelist_heavy). For records identified using the light, moderate or heavy smoker code lists, the value variable, which represents number of cigarettes smoker per day, is used to modify the outputted smoking status variable. This is to maximise the number of observations that are defined in the same way (< 10 day is light, 10 - 19 a day is moderate, > 19 is heavy). The value variable for observations recorded as ex-smoker are often denoting the number of cigarettes per day the individual used to smoke, therefore this data is not used to alter the smoking status. If an individuals most recent record is a non-smoker, but an individual has previous records which indicate a history of smoking, the smoking status is altered from non-smoker to ex-smoker. The algorithm is as follows:

3 Summary of units of measurement for test data

In this section we report the different units of measurement that the test data for the above variables may be recorded in. The unit of measurement is denoted with the numunitid variable in the observation file, which has a corresponding lookup file in the CPRD data. We queried the observation data for a large cohort of individuals aged 18 - 85 between 2005 - 2020 using the code lists provided within inst/codelists directory of rcprd.

list.files(system.file("codelists", package = "rcprd"))
#> [1] "edh_bmi_medcodeid.csv"           "edh_chol_medcodeid.csv"         
#> [3] "edh_cholhdl_ratio_medcodeid.csv" "edh_hdl_medcodeid.csv"          
#> [5] "edh_sbp_medcodeid.csv"           "height_medcodeid.csv"           
#> [7] "weight_medcodeid.csv"

The test data was searched separately using each code list, and the resulting unit measurements that were recorded in more than 0.01% of the query are presented. The results of this were fed into the programs for deriving each of those variables (see section 2). When defining a variable, the aim is to convert all measurements to be on the scame scale/unit of measurement. For example, height measurements in metres should be converted to the same scale as those recorded in centimeters. However, for some records, the unit of measurement might be something odd, or missing, meaning it is unclear how to convert onto the desired scale. For observations with such unit measurements, we do not exclude these observations, as they may be correct measurements with a mis-recorded unit measurement. Instead, when extracting variables, and converting relevant unit measurements, we define a minimum and maximum value, and exclude observations that do not fit into this range. As will be seen below, the proportion of observations with unclear unit measurement is small (with the exception of cholesterol/hdl ratio, which is a special case).

Unit measurements for cholesterol/high-density lipoprotein ratio
numunitid n Description prop
65 49 1/1 0.15
218 47 mmol/L 0.14
219 429 mmol/mmol 1.32
260 284 ratio 0.88
292 132 Unk UoM 0.41
405 18 UNKNOWN UNITS 0.06
421 24 . 0.07
986 154 Not given 0.47
4424 728 CHOL/HDL 2.24
NA 30580 NA 94.24

The most common is ‘NA’ (78.95%). The second most common is ‘ratio’ (12.49%) then 1/1 (2.33%). The confusion about unit of measurement is likely due to the fact that this ratio has no unit of measurement, because total cholesterol and high-density lipoprotein have the same unit of measurement. All measurements are therefore assumed to be in the same unit of measurement (ratio).

Unit measurements for total cholesterol
numunitid n Description prop
218 67168 mmol/L 92.74
NA 5256 NA 7.26

The majority of unit measurements are mmol/L (96.35%) or NA (3.54%). All observations are therefore assumed to be recorded in mmol/L.

Unit measurements for high-density lipoprotein
numunitid n Description prop
182 80 MG/DL 0.16
218 46573 mmol/L 92.04
288 12 units 0.02
NA 3936 NA 7.78

The majority of unit measurements are mmol/L (94.21%) or NA (5.67%). All observations are therefore assumed to be recorded in mmol/L.

Unit measurements for body mass index
numunitid n Description prop
108 21 Body Mass Index 0.02
157 64943 kg/m2 52.02
288 21 units 0.02
359 35 Kg/m? 0.03
568 99 BMI 0.08
657 105 Kg/m² 0.08
NA 59555 NA 47.70

The majority of unit measurements are kg/m2 (39.58%), kg/mA2 (1.26%) or NA (58.08%). All observations are therefore assumed to be recorded in kg/m2.

Unit measurements for weight
numunitid n Description prop
156 148873 kg 99.42
827 80 Kgs 0.05
NA 773 NA 0.52

The majority of unit measurements are kg (98.67%) or NA (1.24%). Most observations are therefore assumed to be recorded in kg, however we also know from that for numunitid 1691,2318,2997or6265, this refers to stone. Observations with these units of measurements are therefore converted to kg.

Unit measurements for height
numunitid n Description prop
210 174602 mm Hg 53.44
212 11013 mm/Hg 3.37
215 12296 mm[Hg] 3.76
216 128757 mmHg 39.41
NA 66 NA 0.02

The majority of unit measurements are cm (96.82%), m (1.7%), metres (0.02%) or NA (.37%). All observations with numunit not corresponding to metres, will be assumed to be in centimetres, and converted to metres to enable estimation of BMI.

Unit measurements for systolic blood pressure
numunitid n Description prop
210 174602 mm Hg 53.44
212 11013 mm/Hg 3.37
215 12296 mm[Hg] 3.76
216 128757 mmHg 39.41
NA 66 NA 0.02

While there is not a unique algorithm for SBP, we still present the results from the database query for this variable. All measurement are in mm/Hg.