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The shadowr package enables to use the shadow selenium plugin to manage multi level shadow DOM elements on web page.

Shadow DOM is a web standard that offers component style and markup encapsulation. It is a critically important piece of the Web Components story as it ensures that a component will work in any environment even if other CSS or JavaScript is at play on the page.

Custom HTML Tags:

Custom HTML tags can’t be directly identified with selenium tools. Using this plugin you can handle any custom HTML tags.

Problem Statement:


You can use this plugin by adding jar file or by including maven dependency in your java selenium project.

How it works:


Depending on the method, either a RSelenium::WebElement or a boolean is returned. You can access the RSelenium::WebElement like you used to.

find_element(shadowObject, css_selector): Use this method if want single element from DOM

find_element(shadowObject, element, css_selector): Use this if you want to find a single elements from parent object

find_elements(shadowObject, css_selector): Use this if you want to find all elements from DOM

find_elements(shadowObject, element, css_selector): Use this if you want to find all elements from parent object

get_shadow_element(shadowObject, element,css_selector): Use this if you want to find a single element from parent DOM

get_all_shadow_element(shadowObject, element, css_selector): Use this if you want to find all elements from parent DOM

get_parent_element(shadowObject, element): Use this to get the parent element if web element

get_sibling_element(shadowObject, element, css_selector): Use this to get adjacent(sibling) element using css selector

get_previous_sibling_element(shadowObject, element): Use this to get previous adjacent(sibling) element

get_next_sibling_element(shadowObject, element): Use this to get next adjacent(sibling) element

scroll_to(shadowObject, element): Use this to scroll to web element

is_checked(shadowObject, element): Use this if you want to check if checkbox is selected

is_disabled(shadowObject, element): Use this if you want to check if element is disabled

is_visible(shadowObject, element): Use this if you want to find visibility of element




###### Examples: for html tag <paper-tab title="Settings"> You can use this code in your framework to grab the paper-tab element Object. ```r library(shadowr) library(RSelenium) remDr <- RSelenium::remoteDriver( remoteServerAddr = “host.docker.internal”, port = 4445 , browser = “chrome”) remDropen(silent=TRUE)remDrnavigate(url) shadow_rd <- shadow(remDr) element <- find_element(shadow_rd, ‘paper-tab[title=“Settings”]’) elements <- find_elements(shadow_rd, ‘paper-tab[title=“Settings”]’) element$getElementText()

for html tag that resides under a shadow-root dom element ``` <input title="The name of the employee"> ```
You can use this code in your framework to grab the paper-tab element Object.
remDr <- RSelenium::remoteDriver(
remoteServerAddr = "host.docker.internal",
port = 4445 , browser = "chrome")
remDr$open(silent = TRUE)
shadow_rd <- shadow(remDr)
element <- find_element(shadow_rd, 'input[title="The name of the employee"]')
elements <- find_elements(shadow_rd, 'input[title="The name of the employee"]')

for html tag that resides under a shadow-root dom element html <properties-page id="settingsPage"> <textarea id="textarea"> </properties-page> You can use this code in your framework to grab the textarea element Object. r library(shadowr) library(RSelenium) remDr <- RSelenium::remoteDriver( remoteServerAddr = "host.docker.internal", port = 4445 , browser = "chrome") remDr$open(silent = TRUE) remDr$navigate(url) shadow_rd <- shadow(remDr) element <- find_element(shadow_rd, "properties-page#settingsPage>textarea#textarea") element$getElementText()

###### Note: > is used to combine multi level dom structure. So you can combine 5 levels of dom. If you want some more level modify the script and ready to rock.

Documentation Link