Package for network sparsification.
An R package for network sparsification with a variety of novel and known network sparsification techniques. All network sparsification reduce the number of edges, not the number of nodes. A network is usually a large, complex weighted graph obtained from real-world data. It is commonly stored as an adjacency matrix or edge list. Network sparsification is sometimes referred to as network dimensionality reduction.
Install and load devtools package:
Use install_github function to pull and install simplifyNet in your session:
The following packages are required:
igraph, sanic, Matrix, tidyr, methods, fields, stats, dplyr
Also set up the working directory:
setwd("<em>working directory</em>")
simplifyNet is a R package for network sparsification. It contains a suite of different network sparsification algorithms to output a sparsified network.
Global Network Sparsification:
Global network sparsification. Uses a threshold cutoff to remove all edges below a certain edge weight or removes a certain proportion of lowest edge weight edges.
gns(E_List, remove.prop, cutoff)
Local Adaptive Network Sparsification from the paper by Foti et al.
lans(Adj, remove.prop, output)
Sparsification by Edge Effective Resistances:
Sparsification by sampling edges proportional to their effective resistances as formulated by Spielman and Srivastava. This requires two discrete steps: (1) approximating the effective resistances for all edges, (2) sampling them according to the method devised by Spielman and Srivastava.
effR = EffR(E_List, epsilon, type="kts", tol)
EffRSparse(n, E_List, q, effR)
EffR, effective resistances calculator.
E_List: Edge list formatted | n1 | n2 | weight |.
epsilon: Governs the relative fidelity of the approximation methods ‘spl’ and ‘kts’. The smaller the value, the greater the fidelity of the approximation and the greater the space and time requirements. Default value is 0.1.
type: There are three methods.
tol: Tolerance for the linear algebra (conjugate gradient) solver to find the effective resistances. Default value is 1e-10.
EffRSparse, network sparsification through sampling effective resistances.
n: The number of nodes in the network.
E_List: Edge list formatted | n1 | n2 | weight |.
q: The numbers of samples taken. The fidelity to the original network increases as the number of samples increases, but decreases the sparseness.
effR: Effective resistances corresponding to each edge. Should be in the same order as “weight”.