We first introduce some basic definitions on binary relations. Let
X be a set. A set R⊆X×X is said a
binary relation on X. For
two elements x,y∈X, xRy refers to their relation, more
formally it means that (x,y)∈R.
A binary relation (x,y)∈R is
said to be
- reflexive, if for each x∈X,xRx,
- transitive, if for each x,y,z∈X,xRy and yRz⇒xRz,
- total, if for each x,y∈X,x≠y⇒xRy or yRx,
- symmetric, if for each x,y∈X,xRy⇔yRx,
- asymmetric, if for each x,y∈X,(x,y)∈R⇒(y,x)∉R, and
- antisymmetric, if for each x,y∈X,xRy∩yRx⇒x=y.
A preorder is defined as a reflexive and transitive
relation. If it is total, it is called a total preorder.
Additionally if it is antisymmetric, it is called a linear
Let N={1,2,…,n} be a
finite set of elements, sometimes also called players.
For some p∈{1,…,2n},
let P={S1,S2,…,Sp} be a set of coalitions such that Si⊆N for all i∈{1,…,p}. Thus P⊆2N, where 2N denotes the power set of N, the set of all subsets or coalitions
of N.
T(N) denotes the set
of all total preorders on N, T(P) the set of all
total preorders on P. A
single total preorder \succsim \in
\mathcal{T}(\mathcal{P}) is said a power relation.
In a given power relation \succsim \in
\mathcal{T}(\mathcal{P}) on \mathcal{P} \subseteq 2^N, its symmetric
part is denoted by \sim (i.e.,
S \sim T if S \succsim T and T \succsim S), whereas its asymmetric
part is denoted by \succ (i.e.,
S \succ T if S \succsim T and not T \succsim S). In other terms, for S \sim T we say that S is indifferent to T, whereas for S \succ T we say that S is strictly better than T.
Lastly, for a given power relation in the form of S_1 \succsim S_2 \succsim \ldots \succsim
S_m, coalitions that are indifferent to one another can be
grouped into equivalence classes \sum_i such that we get the quotient
order \sum_1 \succ \sum_2 \succ \ldots
\succ \sum_m.
Let N=\{1,2\} be two players
with its corresponding power set 2^N =
\{\{1,2\}, \{1\}, \{2\}, \emptyset\}. The following power
relation is given:
\succsim \ =\ \{(\{1,2\},\{1,2\}), & (\{1,2\},\{2\}), &
(\{1,2\},\emptyset), & (\{1,2\},\{1\}),\hphantom{\}}\\
& (\{2\}, \{2\}), & (\{2\}, \emptyset), &
\hphantom{1,}(\{2\}, \{1\}),\hphantom{\}}\\
& (\emptyset, \emptyset), & (\emptyset, \{2\}), &
(\emptyset, \{1\}),\hphantom{\}}\\
& & & (\{1\}, \{1\})\hphantom{,}\}
This power relation can be rewritten in a consecutive order as: \{1,2\} \succ \{2\} \sim \emptyset \succ
\{1\}. Its quotient order is formed by three equivalence
classes \sum_1 = \{\{1,2\}\}, \sum_2 =
\{\{2\}, \emptyset\}, and \sum_3 =
\{\{1\}\}; so the quotient order of \succsim is such that \{\{1,2\}\} \succ \{\{2\}, \emptyset\} \succ
Note that the way the set \succsim is presented in the example is
somewhat deliberate to better visualize occurring symmetries and
asymmetries. This also lets us neatly represent a power relation in the
form of an incidence matrix.
A power relation in the socialranking
package is defined
to be reflexive, transitive and total. In designing the package it was
deemed logical to have the coalitions specified in a consecutive order,
as seen in Example 1. Each coalition in that order
is split either by a ">"
(left side strictly better) or
a "~"
(two coalitions indifferent to one another). The
following code chunk shows the power relation from Example 1 and how a correlating PowerRelation
object can be constructed.
pr <- PowerRelation(list(
list(2, c()),
## 12 > (2 ~ {}) > 1
## [1] "PowerRelation" "SingleCharElements"
Notice how coalitions such as \{1,2\} are written as 12
improve readability. Similarly, passing a string to the function
saves some typing on the user’s end by
interpreting each character of a coalition as a separate element. Note
that spaces in that function are ignored.
as.PowerRelation("12 > 2~{} > 1")
## 12 > (2 ~ {}) > 1
The compact notation is only done in PowerRelation
objects where every element is one digit or one character long. If this
is not the case, curly braces and commas are added where needed.
prLong <- PowerRelation(list(
list(c("Alice", "Bob")),
list("Bob", c()),
## {Alice, Bob} > ({Bob} ~ {}) > {Alice}
## [1] "PowerRelation"
Some may have spotted a "SingleCharElements"
missing in class(prLong)
that has been there in
. "SingleCharElements"
influences how
coalitions are printed. If it is removed from class(pr)
the output will include the same curly braces and commas displayed in
class(pr) <- class(pr)[-which(class(pr) == "SingleCharElements")]
## {1, 2} > ({2} ~ {}) > {1}
Internally a PowerRelation
is a list with four
Attribute |
Description |
Value in pr |
elements |
Sorted vector of elements |
c(1,2) |
eqs |
List containing lists, each containing coalitions in the same equivalence class |
list(c(2), c()),
list(c(1))) |
coalitionLookup |
Function to determine a coalition's equivalence class index |
function(coalition) |
elementLookup |
Function to determine, which coalitions an element takes part in |
function(element) |
While coalitions are formally defined as sets, meaning the order
doesn’t matter and each element is unique, the package tries to stay
flexible. As such, coalitions will only be sorted during initialization,
but duplicate elements will not be removed.
prAtts <- PowerRelation(list(
list(c(2,1), c())
## Warning in createLookupTables(equivalenceClasses): Found 1 coalition that contain elements more than once.
## - 1, 2 in the coalition {1, 1, 2, 2, 2}
## 11222 > (12 ~ {})
## [1] 1 2
## [1] 2
## [1] 2
## [1] 1
## [[1]]
## [1] 1 1
## [[2]]
## [1] 1 1
## [[3]]
## [1] 1 1
## [[4]]
## [1] 2 1
It is strongly discouraged to directly manipulate
objects, as its attributes are so tightly
coupled. This would require updates in multiple places. Instead, it is
advisable to simply create new PowerRelation
To permutate the order of equivalence classes, it is possible to take
the equivalence classes in $eqs
and use a vector of indexes
to move them around.
pr <- as.PowerRelation("12 > (1 ~ {}) > 2")
PowerRelation(pr$eqs[c(2, 3, 1)])
## (1 ~ {}) > 2 > 12
## 2 > (1 ~ {}) > 12
For permutating individual coalitions, using
may be more convenient since it
doesn’t require nested list indexing.
coalitions <- unlist(pr$eqs, recursive = FALSE)
compares <- c(">", "~", ">")
as.PowerRelation(coalitions[c(2,1,3,4)], comparators = compares)
## 1 > (12 ~ {}) > 2
# notice that the length of comparators does not need to match
# length(coalitions)-1
as.PowerRelation(rev(coalitions), comparators = c("~", ">"))
## (2 ~ {}) > (1 ~ 12)
# not setting the comparators parameter turns it into a linear order
## 12 > 1 > {} > 2
Let \succsim \in
\mathcal{T}(\mathcal{P}). We may have not included all possible
coalitions, such that \mathcal{P} \subset
2^N, \mathcal{P} \neq 2^N.
appends all the missing
coalitions 2^N - \mathcal{P} as a
single equivalence class to the end of the power relation.
pr <- PowerRelation(list(
list(c("AT", "DE"), "FR"),
list(c("AT", "FR"), "AT")
## ({AT, DE} ~ {FR}) > {DE} > ({AT, FR} ~ {AT})
# since we have 3 elements, the super set 2^N should include 8 coalitions
## ({AT, DE} ~ {FR}) > {DE} > ({AT, FR} ~ {AT}) > ({AT, DE, FR} ~ {DE, FR} ~ {})
A power relation \succsim \in
\mathcal{T}(\mathcal{P}) is monotonic if
S \succsim T \quad \Rightarrow \quad T \subset S
for all S, T \subseteq N. In
other terms, given a monotonic power relation, for any coalition, all
its subsets cannot be ranked higher.
turns a potentially
non-monotonic power relation into a monotonic one by moving and
(optionally) adding all missing coalitions in 2^N - \mathcal{P} to the corresponding
equivalence classes.
pr <- as.PowerRelation("a > b > c ~ ac > abc")
## (abc ~ ab ~ ac ~ a) > (bc ~ b) > c
makePowerRelationMonotonic(pr, addMissingCoalitions = FALSE)
## (abc ~ ac ~ a) > b > c
# notice how an empty coalition in some equivalence class
# causes all remaining coalitions to be moved there
makePowerRelationMonotonic(as.PowerRelation("ab > c > {} > abc > a > b"))
## (abc ~ ab) > (ac ~ bc ~ c) > (a ~ b ~ {})
Creating power
As the number of elements n
increases, the number of possible coalitions increases to |2^N| = 2^n.
is a convenient function that not only
creates a power set 2^N which can
be used to call PowerRelation
, but also formats the function call in
such a way that makes it easy to rearrange the ordering of the
coalitions. RStudio offers shortcuts such as Alt+Up or Alt+Down
(Option+Up or Option+Down on MacOS) to move one or multiple lines of
code up or down (see fig. below).
c("a", "b", "c"),
result = "print"
## as.PowerRelation("
## abc
## > ab
## > ac
## > bc
## > a
## > b
## > c
## > {}
## ")
Using Alt+Up or Alt+Down to move one or more
lines of code
By default, createPowerset()
returns the power set in
the form of a list. This list can be passed directly to
to create a linear order.
ps <- createPowerset(1:2, includeEmptySet = FALSE)
## [[1]]
## [1] 1 2
## [[2]]
## [1] 1
## [[3]]
## [1] 2
## 12 > 1 > 2
# equivalent
## (12 ~ 1 ~ 2)
## abcd > abc > abd > acd > bcd > ab > ac > ad > bc > bd > cd > a > b > c > d > {}
For the ease of experimentation, it is possible to have power
relations created automatically given a list of coalitions. Either,
- create random power relations using
, or
- generate a sequence of all possible power relations with
For the former, one may also specify if the generated power relation
should be a linear order (as in, there are no ~
but only
strict >
relations) and whether or not the power
relation should be monotonic (as in, \{1\}
\succ \{1,2\} is not monotonic because \{1\} \subset \{1,2\}).
coalitions <- createPowerset(1:3)
## 13 > (2 ~ 12) > {} > (1 ~ 123) > 23 > 3
## ({} ~ 1 ~ 2 ~ 12 ~ 123) > 3 > 13 > 23
generateRandomPowerRelation(coalitions, linearOrder = TRUE)
## 12 > 2 > 123 > 23 > 13 > 3 > {} > 1
generateRandomPowerRelation(coalitions, monotonic = TRUE)
## (123 ~ 23 ~ 12 ~ 13 ~ 1) > (2 ~ 3 ~ {})
generateRandomPowerRelation(coalitions, linearOrder = TRUE, monotonic = TRUE)
## 123 > 23 > 12 > 2 > 13 > 1 > 3 > {}
For looping through all possible power relations,
returns a generator function that,
when called repeatedly, returns one unique PowerRelation
object after the other. If all permutations have been exhausted,
is returned.
coalitions <- list(c(1,2), 1, 2)
gen <- powerRelationGenerator(coalitions)
while(!is.null(pr <- gen())) {
## (12 ~ 1 ~ 2)
## (12 ~ 1) > 2
## (12 ~ 2) > 1
## (1 ~ 2) > 12
## 12 > (1 ~ 2)
## 1 > (12 ~ 2)
## 2 > (12 ~ 1)
## 12 > 1 > 2
## 12 > 2 > 1
## 1 > 12 > 2
## 2 > 12 > 1
## 1 > 2 > 12
## 2 > 1 > 12
Permutations over power relations can be split into two parts:
- generating partitions, or, generating differently sized equivalence
classes, and
- moving coalitions between these partitions.
In the code example above, we started with a single partition of size
three, wherein all coalitions are considered equally preferable. By the
end, we have reached the maximum number of partitions, where each
coalition is put inside an equivalence class of size 1.
The partition generation can be reversed, such that we first receive
linear power relations.
gen <- powerRelationGenerator(coalitions, startWithLinearOrder = TRUE)
while(!is.null(pr <- gen())) {
## 12 > 1 > 2
## 12 > 2 > 1
## 1 > 12 > 2
## 2 > 12 > 1
## 1 > 2 > 12
## 2 > 1 > 12
## 12 > (1 ~ 2)
## 1 > (12 ~ 2)
## 2 > (12 ~ 1)
## (12 ~ 1) > 2
## (12 ~ 2) > 1
## (1 ~ 2) > 12
## (12 ~ 1 ~ 2)
Notice that the “moving coalitions” part was not reversed, only the
order the partitions come in.
Similarly, we are also able to skip the current partition.
gen <- powerRelationGenerator(coalitions)
# partition 3
gen <- generateNextPartition(gen)
# partition 2+1
gen <- generateNextPartition(gen)
# partition 1+2
## 12 > (1 ~ 2)
Note: the number of possible power relations grows tremendously fast
as the number of coalitions rises. To get to that number, first consider
how many ways n coalitions can be
split into k partitions, also known
as the Stirling number of second kind,
S(n,k) = \frac{1}{k!}\ \sum_{j=0}^k (-1)^j \binom{k}{j}(k-j)^n.
The number of all possible partitions given n coalitions is known as the Bell number
(see also numbers::bell()
B_n = \sum_{j=0}^k S(n,k).
Given a set of coalitions \mathcal{P} \in
2^N, the number of total preorders in \mathcal{T}(\mathcal{P}) is
|\mathcal{T}(\mathcal{P})| = \sum_{k=0}^{|\mathcal{P}|} k!\ *\
S(|\mathcal{P}|, k)
1 |
1 |
1 |
2 |
2 |
3 |
3 |
5 |
13 |
4 |
15 |
75 |
5 |
52 |
541 |
6 |
203 |
4.683 |
7 |
877 |
47.293 |
8 |
4.140 |
545.835 |
9 |
21.147 |
7.087.261 |
10 |
115.975 |
102.247.563 |
11 |
678.570 |
1.622.632.573 |
12 |
4.213.597 |
28.091.567.595 |
13 |
27.644.437 |
526.858.348.381 |
14 |
190.899.322 |
10.641.342.970.441 |
(2^4-1) 15 |
1.382.958.545 | |
16 |
10.480.142.147 |
5.315.654.681.940.580 |
The main goal of the socialranking
package is to rank
elements based on a given power ranking. More formally we try to map
R: \mathcal{T}(\mathcal{P}) \rightarrow
\mathcal{T}(N), associating to each power relation \succsim \in \mathcal{T}(\mathcal{P}) a
total preorder R(\succsim) (or
R^\succsim) over the elements of
In this context i R^\succsim j
tells us that, given a power relation \succsim and applying a social ranking
solution R(\succsim), i is ranked higher than or equal to j. From here on out, >
and ~
also denote the asymmetric and the symmetric part of
a social ranking, respectively, i
j indicating that
i is strictly better than j, whereas in i ~
j, i
is indifferent to j.
In literature, i I^\succsim j
and i P^\succsim j are often used
to denote the symmetric and asymmetric part, respectively. i I^\succsim j therefore means that i R^\succsim j and j R^\succsim i, whereas i P^\succsim j implies that i R^\succsim j but not j R^\succsim j.
In section 3.1 we show how a general
object can be constructed using the
function. In the following sections, we will
introduce the notion of dominance[4],
cumulative dominance[13] and CP-Majority
comparison[6] that lets us compare two
elements before diving into the social ranking solutions of the Ordinal
Banzhaf Index[5], Copeland-like and
Kramer-Simpson-like methods[10], and
lastly the Lexicographical Excellence Solution[9] (Lexcel) and the Dual Lexicographical
Excellence solution[14] (Dual Lexcel).
Let \{a,b\} \succ (\{a,c\} \sim \{b,c\})
\succ (\{a\} \sim \{c\}) > (\{a,b,c\} \sim \emptyset) \succ
\{b\} be a power ranking. Using the following social ranking
solutions, we get:
a > b > c
for lexcelRanking
and L2Ranking
a > c > b
for dualLexcelRanking
and LPSRanking
a > b ~ c
for copelandRanking
a ~ c > b
for ordinalBanzhafRanking
A SocialRanking
object represents a total preorder in
\mathcal{T}(N) over the elements of
N. Internally they are saved as a
list of vectors, each containing players that are indifferent to one
another. This is somewhat similar to the equivalenceClasses
attribute in PowerRelation
The function doRanking
offers a generic way of creating
objects. Given a sortable vector or list of
scores it determines the power relation between all players, where the
names of the elements are determined from the names()
attribute of scores
. Hence, a PowerRelation
object is not necessary to create a SocialRanking
# we define some arbitrary score vector where "a" scores highest.
# "b" and "c" both score 1, thus they are indifferent.
scores <- c(a = 100, b = 1, c = 1)
## a > b ~ c
# we can also tell doRanking to punish higher scores
doRanking(scores, decreasing = FALSE)
## b ~ c > a
When working with types that cannot be sorted (i.e.,
), a function can be passed to the
parameter that allows comparisons between arbitrary
elements. This function must take two parameters (i.e., a
and b
) and return a numeric value based on the
compare(a,b) > 0
: a
scores higher than
compare(a,b) < 0
: a
scores lower than
compare(a,b) == 0
: a
and b
are equivalent.
scores <- list(a = c(3, 3, 3), b = c(2, 3, 2), c = c(7, 0, 2))
doRanking(scores, compare = function(a, b) sum(a) - sum(b))
## a ~ c > b
# a and c are considered to be indifferent, because their sums are the same
doRanking(scores, compare = function(a,b) sum(a) - sum(b), decreasing = FALSE)
## b > a ~ c
Comparison functions only compare two elements in a given power
relation. They do not offer a social ranking solution. However in cases
such as CP-Majority comparison, those comparison functions may be used
to construct a social ranking solution in some particular cases.
(Dominance [4]) Given a power relation
\succsim \in
\mathcal{T}(\mathcal{P}) and two elements i,j \in N, i dominates j in \succsim if S
\cup \{i\} \succsim S \cup \{j\} for each S \in 2^{N\setminus \{i,j\}}. i also strictly dominates j if there exists S \in 2^{N\setminus \{i,j\}} such that
S \cup \{i\} \succ S \cup
The implication is that for every coalition i and j can join, i has at least the same positive impact
as j.
The function dominates(pr, e1, e2)
only returns a
logical value TRUE
if e1
, else FALSE
. Note that e1
dominating e2
does not indicate that
dominates e1
, nor does it imply that
is indifferent to e2
pr <- as.PowerRelation("3 > 1 > 2 > 12 > 13 > 23")
# 1 clearly dominates 2
dominates(pr, 1, 2)
## [1] TRUE
## [1] FALSE
# 3 does not dominate 1, nor does 1 dominate 3, because
# {}u3 > {}u1, but 2u1 > 2u3
dominates(pr, 1, 3)
## [1] FALSE
## [1] FALSE
# an element i dominates itself, but it does not strictly dominate itself
# because there is no Sui > Sui
dominates(pr, 1, 1)
## [1] TRUE
dominates(pr, 1, 1, strictly = TRUE)
## [1] FALSE
For any S \in 2^{N \setminus
\{i,j\}}, we can only compare S
\cup \{i\} \succsim S \cup \{j\} if both S \cup \{i\} and S \cup \{j\} take part in the power
Additionally, for S = \emptyset,
we also want to compare \{i\} \succsim
\{j\}. In some situations however a comparison between
singletons is not desired. For this reason the parameter
can be set to FALSE
such that
\emptyset \cup \{i\} \succsim \emptyset \cup
\{j\} is not considered in the CP-Majority comparison.
pr <- as.PowerRelation("ac > bc ~ b > a ~ abc > ab")
# FALSE because ac > bc, whereas b > a
dominates(pr, "a", "b")
## [1] FALSE
# TRUE because ac > bc, ignoring b > a comparison
dominates(pr, "a", "b", includeEmptySet = FALSE)
## [1] TRUE
When comparing two players i,j \in
N, instead of looking at particular coalitions S \in 2^{N \setminus \{i,j\}} they can
join, we look at how many stronger coalitions they can form at each
point. This property was originally introduced in [13] as a regular dominance axiom.
For a given power relation \succsim \in
\mathcal{T}(\mathcal{P}) and its corresponding quotient order
\sum_1 \succ \dots \succ \sum_m,
the power of a player i is given by
a vector \textrm{Score}_\textrm{Cumul}(i)
\in \mathbb{N}^m where we cumulatively sum the amount of times
i appears in \sum_k for each index k.
(Cumulative Dominance Score) Given a power relation \succsim \in \mathcal{T}(\mathcal{P}) and
its quotient order \sum_1 \succ \dots \succ
\sum_m, the cumulative score vector \textrm{Score}_\textrm{Cumul}(i) \in
\mathbb{N}^m of an element i \in
N is given by:
\textrm{Score}_\textrm{Cumul}(i) = \Big( \sum_{t=1}^k |\{S \in
\textstyle \sum_t : i \in S\}|\Big)_{k \in \{1, \dots, m\}}
(Cumulative Dominance) Given two elements i,j \in N, i cumulatively dominates j in \succsim, if \textrm{Score}_\textrm{Cumul}(i)_k \geq
\textrm{Score}_\textrm{Cumul}(j)_k for each k \in \{1, \dots, m\}. i also strictly cumulatively
dominates j if there exists a k such that \textrm{Score}_\textrm{Cumul}(i)_k >
For a given PowerRelation
object pr
and two
elements e1
and e2
returns the vectors described in
definition 2 for each element,
cumulativelyDominates(pr, e1, e2)
returns TRUE
based on definition 3.
pr <- as.PowerRelation("ab > (ac ~ bc) > (a ~ c) > {} > b")
## $a
## [1] 1 2 3 3 3
## $b
## [1] 1 2 2 2 3
## $c
## [1] 0 2 3 3 3
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "CumulativeScores"
# for each index k, $a[k] >= $b[k]
cumulativelyDominates(pr, "a", "b")
## [1] TRUE
# $a[3] > $b[3], therefore a also strictly dominates b
cumulativelyDominates(pr, "a", "b", strictly = TRUE)
## [1] TRUE
# $b[1] > $c[1], but $c[3] > $b[3]
# therefore neither b nor c dominate each other
cumulativelyDominates(pr, "b", "c")
## [1] FALSE
cumulativelyDominates(pr, "c", "b")
## [1] FALSE
Similar to the dominance property from our previous section, two
elements not dominating one or the other does not indicate that they are
The Ceteris Paribus Majority (CP-Majority) relation is a somewhat
relaxed version of the dominance property. Instead of checking if S \cup \{i\} \succsim S \cup \{j\} for
all S \in 2^{N \setminus \{i,j\}},
the CP-Majority relation iR^\succsim_\textrm{CP}j holds if the
number of times S \cup \{i\} \succsim S \cup
\{j\} is greater than or equal to the number of times S \cup \{j\} \succsim S \cup \{i\}.
(CP-Majority [6]) Let \succsim \in \mathcal{T}(\mathcal{P}).
The Ceteris Paribus majority relation is the binary relation
R^\succsim_\textrm{CP} \subseteq N \times
N such that for all i,j \in
iR^\succsim_\textrm{CP}j \Leftrightarrow d_{ij}(\succsim) \geq
where d_{ij}(\succsim)
represents the cardinality of the set D_{ij}(\succsim), the set of all
coalitions S \in 2^{N \setminus
\{i,j\}} for which S \cup \{i\}
\succsim S \cup \{j\}.
cpMajorityComparisonScore(pr, e1, e2)
calculates the two
scores d_{ij}(\succsim) and -d_{ji}(\succsim). Notice the minus sign
- that way we can use the sum of both values to determine the relation
between e1
and e2
pr <- as.PowerRelation("ab > (ac ~ bc) > (a ~ c) > {} > b")
cpMajorityComparisonScore(pr, "a", "b")
## [1] 2 -1
cpMajorityComparisonScore(pr, "b", "a")
## [1] 1 -2
if(sum(cpMajorityComparisonScore(pr, "a", "b")) >= 0) {
print("a >= b")
} else {
print("b > a")
## [1] "a >= b"
As a slight variation the logical parameter strictly
calculates d^*_{ij}(\succsim) and
-d^*_{ji}(\succsim), the number of
coalitions S \in 2^{N\setminus
\{i,j\}} where S\cup\{i\}\succ
# Now (ac ~ bc) is not counted
cpMajorityComparisonScore(pr, "a", "b", strictly = TRUE)
## [1] 1 0
# Notice that the sum is still the same
sum(cpMajorityComparisonScore(pr, "a", "b", strictly = FALSE)) ==
sum(cpMajorityComparisonScore(pr, "a", "b", strictly = TRUE))
## [1] TRUE
Coincidentally, cpMajorityComparisonScore
strictly = TRUE
can be used to determine if e1
(strictly) dominates e2
should be used for simple and
quick calculations. The more comprehensive function
cpMajorityComparison(pr, e1, e2)
does the same
calculations, but in the process retains more information about all the
comparisons that might be interesting to a user, i.e., the set D_{ij}(\succsim) and D_{ji}(\succsim) as well as the relation
iR^\succsim_\textrm{CP}j. See the
documentation for a full list of available data.
# extract more information in cpMajorityComparison
cpMajorityComparison(pr, "a", "b")
## a > b
## D_ab = {c, {}}
## D_ba = {c}
## Score of a = 2
## Score of b = 1
# with strictly set to TRUE, coalition c does
# neither appear in D_ab nor in D_ba
cpMajorityComparison(pr, "a", "b", strictly = TRUE)
## a > b
## D_ab = {{}}
## D_ba = {}
## Score of a = 1
## Score of b = 0
The CP-Majority relation can generate cycles, which is the reason
that it is not offered as a social ranking solution. Instead, we will
introduce the Copeland-like method and Kramer-Simpson-like method that make use of
the CP-Majority functions to determine a power relation between
elements. For further readings on CP-Majority, see [7] and [10].
Social Ranking
The Ordinal Banzhaf Score is a vector defined by the principle of
marginal contributions. Intuitively speaking, if a player joining a
coalition causes it to move up in the ranking, it can be interpreted as
a positive contribution. On the contrary a negative contribution means
that participating causes the coalition to go down in the ranking.
(Ordinal marginal contribution [5]) Let
\succsim \in
\mathcal{T}(\mathcal{P}). For a given element i \in N, its ordinal marginal
contribution m_i^S(\succsim)
with right to a coalition S \in
\mathcal{P} is defined as:
m_i^S(\succsim) = \begin{cases}
\hphantom{-}1 & \textrm{if } S \cup \{i\} \succ S\\
-1 & \textrm{if } S \succ S \cup \{i\}\\
\hphantom{-}0 & \textrm{otherwise}
(Ordinal Banzhaf relation) Let \succsim
\in \mathcal{T}(\mathcal{P}). The Ordinal Banzhaf
relation is the binary relation R^\succsim_\textrm{Banz} \subseteq N \times
N such that for all i,j \in
iR^\succsim_\textrm{Banz}j \Leftrightarrow
\text{Score}_\text{Banz}(i) \geq \text{Score}_\text{Banz}(j),
where \text{Score}_\text{Banz}(i) =
\sum_{S} m^S_i(\succsim) for all S
\in N\setminus\{i\}.
Note that if S \notin
\mathcal{P} or S \cup \{i\} \notin
\mathcal{P}, m_i^S(\succsim) =
The function ordinalBanzhafScores()
returns three
numbers for each element,
- the number of coalitions S
where a player’s contribution has a positive impact,
- the number of coalitions S
where a player’s contribution has a negative impact, and
- the number of coalitions S for
which no information can be gathered, because S \notin \mathcal{P} or S \cup \{i\} \notin \mathcal{P}.
The sum of the first two numbers determines the score of a player.
Players with higher scores rank higher.
pr <- as.PowerRelation(list(c(1,2), c(1), c(2)))
## 12 > 1 > 2
# both players 1 and 2 have an Ordinal Banzhaf Score of 1
# therefore they are indifferent to one another
# note that the empty set is missing, as such we cannot compare {}u{i} with {}
## $`1`
## [1] 1 0 1
## $`2`
## [1] 1 0 1
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "OrdinalBanzhafScores"
## 1 ~ 2
pr <- as.PowerRelation("ab > a > {} > b")
# player b has a negative impact on the empty set
# -> player b's score is 1 - 1 = 0
# -> player a's score is 2 - 0 = 2
sapply(ordinalBanzhafScores(pr), function(score) sum(score[c(1,2)]))
## a b
## 2 0
## a > b
The Copeland-like method of ranking elements based on the CP-Majority
rule is strongly inspired by the Copeland score from social choice
theory[15]. The score of an element i \in N is determined by the amount of
the pairwise CP-Majority winning comparisons i R^\succsim_\textrm{CP} j, minus the
number of all losing comparisons j
R^\succsim_\textrm{CP} i against all other elements j \in N \setminus \{i\}.
(Copeland-like relation [10]) Let \succsim \in \mathcal{T}(\mathcal{P}).
The Copeland-like relation is the binary relation R^\succsim_\textrm{Cop} \subseteq N \times
N such that for all i,j \in
iR^\succsim_\textrm{Cop}j \Leftrightarrow \text{Score}_\text{Cop}(i)
\geq \text{Score}_\text{Cop}(j),
where \text{Score}_\text{Cop}(i) = |\{j
\in N \setminus \{i\}: d_{ij}(\succsim) \geq d_{ji}(\succsim)\}| - |\{j
\in N \setminus \{i\}: d_{ij}(\succsim) \leq
returns two numerical values for each
element, a positive number for the winning comparisons (shown in \text{Score}_\text{Cop}(i) on the left)
and a negative number for the losing comparisons (in \text{Score}_\text{Cop}(i) on the
pr <- as.PowerRelation("(abc ~ ab ~ c ~ a) > (b ~ bc) > ac")
scores <- copelandScores(pr)
# Based on CP-Majority, a>=b and a>=c (+2), but b>=a (-1)
## [1] 2 -1
sapply(copelandScores(pr), sum)
## a b c
## 1 0 -1
## a > b > c
Strongly inspired by the Kramer-Simpson method of social choice
theory[16, 17], elements are ranked
inversely to their greatest pairwise defeat over all possible
CP-Majority comparisons.
(Kramer-Simpson-like relation [10])
Let \succsim \in
\mathcal{T}(\mathcal{P}). The Kramer-Simpson-like
relation is the binary relation R^\succsim_\textrm{KS} \subseteq N \times
N such that for all i,j \in
iR^\succsim_\textrm{KS}j \Leftrightarrow \text{Score}_\text{KS}(i)
\geq \text{Score}_\text{KS}(j),
where \text{Score}_\text{KS}(i) = -\max_j
d^*_{ji}(\succsim) for all j \in N
\setminus \{i\}.
Recall that d^*_{ji}(\succsim)
returns the number of strict relations of S \cup \{j\} \succ S \cup \{i\}.
returns a vector with a single
numerical value for each element which, sorted highest to lowest, gives
us the ranking solution.
pr <- as.PowerRelation("(abc ~ ab ~ c ~ a) > (b ~ bc) > ac")
## a b c
## -1 -1 -1
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "KramerSimpsonScores"
## a ~ b ~ c
Lexcel and Dual
Lexicographical Excellence Solution
The idea behind the lexicographical excellence solution (Lexcel) is
to reward elements appearing more frequently in higher ranked
equivalence classes.
For a given power relation \succsim and its quotient order \sum_1 \succ \dots \succ \sum_m, we
denote by i_k the number of
coalitions in \sum_k containing
i_k = |\{S \in \textstyle \sum_k: i \in S\}|
for k \in \{1, \dots, m\}. Now,
let \text{Score}_\text{Lex}(i) be
the m-dimensional vector \text{Score}_\text{Lex}(i) = (i_1, \dots,
i_m) associated to \succsim. Consider the lexicographic
order \geq_\textrm{Lex} among
vectors \mathbf{i} and \mathbf{j}: \mathbf{i} \geq_\textrm{Lex} \mathbf{j}
if either \mathbf{i} = \mathbf{j}
or there exists t : i_r = j_r, r \in
\{1,\dots,t-1\}, and i_t >
(Lexicographic-Excellence relation [8]) Let \succsim
\in \mathcal{T}(\mathcal{P}) with its corresponding quotient
order \sum_1 \succ \dots \succ
\sum_m. The Lexicographic-Excellence relation is the
binary relation R^\succsim_\textrm{Lex}
\subseteq N \times N such that for all i,j \in N:
iR^\succsim_\textrm{Lex}j \Leftrightarrow \text{Score}_\text{Lex}(i)
\geq_{\textrm{Lex}} \text{Score}_\text{Lex}(j)
pr <- as.PowerRelation("12 > (123 ~ 23 ~ 3) > (1 ~ 2) > 13")
# show the number of times an element appears in each equivalence class
# e.g. 3 appears 3 times in [[2]] and 1 time in [[4]]
lapply(pr$equivalenceClasses, unlist)
## list()
lexScores <- lexcelScores(pr)
for(i in names(lexScores))
paste0("Lexcel score of element ", i, ": ", lexScores[i])
# at index 1, element 2 ranks higher than 3
lexScores['2'] > lexScores['3']
## [1] TRUE
# at index 2, element 2 ranks higher than 1
lexScores['2'] > lexScores['1']
## [1] TRUE
## 2 > 1 > 3
For some generalizations of the Lexcel solution see also [9].
Lexcel score vectors are very similar to the cumulative score vectors
(see section on Cumulative Dominance) in that
the number of times an element appears in a given equivalence class is
of interest. In fact, applying the base function cumsum
an element’s lexcel score gives us its cumulative score.
lexcelCumulated <- lapply(lexScores, cumsum)
cumulScores <- cumulativeScores(pr)
paste0(names(lexcelCumulated), ": ", lexcelCumulated, collapse = ', ')
## [1] "1: 1:4, 2: c(1, 3, 4, 4), 3: c(0, 3, 3, 4)"
paste0(names(cumulScores), ": ", cumulScores, collapse = ', ')
## [1] "1: 1:4, 2: c(1, 3, 4, 4), 3: c(0, 3, 3, 4)"
Dual Lexicographical Excellence Solution
Similar to the Lexcel ranking, the Dual Lexcel also uses the Lexcel
score vectors from definition 9 to establish a
ranking. However, instead of rewarding higher frequencies in high
ranking coalitions, it punishes players that appear more frequently in
lower ranking equivalence classes. In a more interpreted sense, it
punishes mediocrity.
Take the values i_k for k \in \{1, \dots, m\} and the Lexcel
score vector \text{Score}_\text{Lex}(i) from the
section above. Consider the dual lexicographical order \geq_\textrm{DualLex} among vectors \mathbf{i} and \mathbf{j}: \mathbf{i} \geq_\textrm{DualLex}
\mathbf{j} if either \mathbf{i} =
\mathbf{j} or there exists t: i_t
< j_t and i_r = j_r, r\in\{t+1,
\dots, m\}.
(Dual Lexicographical-Excellence relation [14]) Let \succsim
\in \mathcal{T}(\mathcal{P}). The Dual
Lexicographic-Excellence relation is the binary relation R^\succsim_\textrm{DualLex} \subseteq N \times
N such that for all i,j \in
iR^\succsim_\textrm{DualLex}j \Leftrightarrow
\text{Score}_\text{Lex}(i) \geq_\textrm{DualLex}
The only difference between the two functions
and dualLexcelScores()
is the
S3 class attached to the list, the former being
and the latter being
pr <- as.PowerRelation("12 > (123 ~ 23 ~ 3) > (1 ~ 2) > 13")
lexScores <- lexcelScores(pr)
# in regular Lexcel, 1 scores higher than 3
lexScores['1'] > lexScores['3']
## [1] TRUE
# turn Lexcel score into Dual Lexcel score
dualLexScores <- structure(
class = 'DualLexcelScores'
# now 1 scores lower than 3
dualLexScores['1'] > dualLexScores['3']
## [1] FALSE
# element 2 comes out at the top in both Lexcel and Dual Lexcel
## 2 > 1 > 3
## 2 > 3 > 1
L^{(1)}, L^{(2)}, L^p, L^{p^*}
The remaining social ranking solutions are a variation of the lexcel
solutions from the previous section. While they all rank individuals
using a lexicographical approach, they all not only consider the
equivalence classes, but also the size of the coalitions an element
appears in. In answering the question of what player has more influence
in a group than others, we may want to attribute a higher value to
smaller coalitions.
For a given coalitional ranking \succsim and its associated quotient
order \Sigma_1 \succ \dots \succ
\Sigma_m, \text{Score}_\text{Lex}(i) produced a
vector of length m with each index
signifying the number of times i
appears in each equivalence class. This is now further extended to a
M^\succsim_i = \text{Score}_\text{L}(i)
\in \mathbb{N}^{|N| \times m}
that produces a matrix. Each column q corresponds to an equivalence class,
each row p to a coalition size. The
values are then defined as
(M^\succsim_i)_{p,q} = |\lbrace S \in
\Sigma_q: |S| = p \text{ and } i \in S\rbrace|.
For a ranking such as (\{1, 2\} \sim
\{1\} \sim \{2, 3\}) \succ N \succ \varnothing \succ (\{1, 3\} \sim
\{2\} \sim \{3\}) this would give use the following three
M^\succsim_1 = \begin{bmatrix}
1 & 0 & 0 & 0\\
1 & 0 & 0 & 1\\
0 & 1 & 0 & 0
\end{bmatrix} M^\succsim_2 = \begin{bmatrix}
0 & 0 & 0 & 1\\
2 & 0 & 0 & 0\\
0 & 1 & 0 & 0
\end{bmatrix} M^\succsim_3 = \begin{bmatrix}
0 & 0 & 0 & 1\\
1 & 0 & 0 & 1\\
0 & 1 & 0 & 0
These matrices can be created with the L1Scores()
pr <- as.PowerRelation('(12 ~ 1 ~ 23) > 123 > {} > (13 ~ 2 ~ 3)')
## $`1`
## [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
## [1,] 1 0 0 0
## [2,] 1 0 0 1
## [3,] 0 1 0 0
## $`2`
## [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
## [1,] 0 0 0 1
## [2,] 2 0 0 0
## [3,] 0 1 0 0
## $`3`
## [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
## [1,] 0 0 0 1
## [2,] 1 0 0 1
## [3,] 0 1 0 0
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "L1Scores"
Comparing these matrices builds the foundation the the L^{(1)}, L^{(2)}, L^p and L^{p^*} solutions.
(L^{(1)} solution [9]) For i, j \in
N, the L^{(1)} solution
ranks i above j if there exists a p^0 \in \{1, \dots, n\} and q^0 \in \{1, \dots, m\} such that the
following conditions hold:
- (M^\succsim_i)_{p,q\hphantom{^0}} =
(M^\succsim_j)_{p,q\hphantom{^0}} for all 1 \leq p \leq n and 1 \leq q < q^0,
- (M^\succsim_i)_{p,q^0} =
(M^\succsim_j)_{p,q^0} for all 1
\leq p < p^0,
- (M^\succsim_i)_{p^0,q^0} >
Put into simple terms, when comparing two elements i and j with their corresponding matrices, we
first compare the first column, top to bottom. The first row in which
the value for one is higher than the other determines their relation. If
both their columns are the same, we move forward to the next column.
In the example above, the lexcel determines that 1 ~ 2
However, in their matrices, 1 has a higher value in the first row of the
first column. This implies that L^{(1)} prefers 1 > 2
simply because the singleton coalition \{1\} appears in the first equivalence
class, whereas \{2\} does not.
## 1 > 2 > 3
Compared to the lexcel, L^{(1)}
could be seen as a little too strict in enforcing a relation based on a
singular coalition while discarding all others in the same equivalence
class. Take for instance (\{1\} \sim \{2,
3\} \sim \{2, 4\} \sim \{2, 3, 4\}) \succ \dots. Even though
2 seems to have a lot more
possibilities to cooperate, L^{(1)}
prefers 1 simply because the
coalition it appears in is smaller than all others.
The L^{(2)} tries to find a
happy medium between these two solutions. For a given equivalence class,
it first compares the total number of times each element appears (aka.,
the lexcel score). If both scores are the same, only then does it
compare the corresponding column according to the L^{(1)}.
(L^{(2)} solution [9]) For i, j \in
N, the L^{(2)} solution
ranks i above j if there exists a p^0 \in \{1, \dots, n\} and q^0 \in \{1, \dots, m\} such that the
following conditions hold:
- (M^\succsim_i)_{p,q\hphantom{^0}} =
(M^\succsim_j)_{p,q\hphantom{^0}} for all 1 \leq p \leq n and 1 \leq q < q^0,
- Either (2.1) \text{Score}_\text{Lex}(i)_{q^0} >
\text{Score}_\text{Lex}(j)_{q^0}, or (2.2) (M^\succsim_i)_{p,q^0} =
(M^\succsim_j)_{p,q^0} for all 1
\leq p < p^0 and (M^\succsim_i)_{p^0,q^0} >
Note again that \text{Score}_\text{Lex}(i)_{q^0} =
\sum_{p=1}^{|N|} (M^\succsim_i)_{p,q^0}. To make finding the
sum of each column easier, these values are added as an extra row above.
This also conveniently allows us to use the traditional L^{(1)} comparison on these matrices.
The solution of L^{(2)} will
always coincide either with the lexcel or with the L^{(1)} solution. In the example of the
beginning of the section, in comparing 1 against 2, the relation for L^{(2)} coincides with L^{(1)}: the sum of the first column in
M^\succsim_1 and M^\succsim_2 equal both to 2, inducing a row-by-row comparison, same
as with L^{(1)}. In the latter
example in this subsection, the sum of the first column vectors of 1 and 2 are vastly different, causing L^{(2)} to coincide with the lexcel
## 1 > 2 > 3
pr2 <- as.PowerRelation('1 ~ 23 ~ 24 ~ 234')
pr2 <- appendMissingCoalitions(pr2)
## 1 > 2 > 3 ~ 4
## 2 > 3 ~ 4 > 1
L^p and L^{p^*} differ drastically in that they
compare the matrices on a row-by-row basis rather than column-by-column.
This puts a much higher value on smaller coalitions, regardless of which
equivalence class they are placed in.
Both of these solutions first consider the singleton coalition. For
two given elements i and j, if \{i\}
\succ \{j\}, then the relation according to the L^p and L^{p^*} is already determined. If \{i\} ~ \{j\}, every subsequent
comparison is done on the number of coalitions that rank strictly
higher. This may be practical in situation where we want individuals to
work in small groups and disregard any coalitions where they’d be better
off alone.
(L^p solution [11]) For i, j \in
N, the social ranking solution L^p ranks i above j if one of the following conditions
- \lbrace i \rbrace \succ \lbrace j
- \lbrace i \rbrace, \lbrace j \rbrace \in
\Sigma_k and there exists a row p^0
\in \lbrace 2, \dots, |N|\rbrace such that: \sum_{q < k} (M^\succsim_i)_{p,q} = \sum_{q
< k} (M^\succsim_j)_{p,q}\quad \forall p < p^0,\text{
and} \sum_{q < k}
(M^\succsim_i)_{p^0,q} > \sum_{q < k}
The L^p looks at the total
number of times an element has the chance to form a better coalition
than its singleton. Since a lot of the information from the matrix of an
element is therefore redundant, LPScores()
discards much of
it to save space. The first value then corresponds to the equivalence
class index that the singleton appears in, each subsequent value the
number of times it is able to form coalitions of size 2, 3, and so
## $`1`
## [1] 1 0 0
## $`2`
## [1] 4 2 1
## $`3`
## [1] 4 1 1
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "LPScores"
## 1 > 2 > 3
Only taking the sum of all coalitions of a certain size might not be
informative enough. Similarly to how L^{(1)} builds a more granual comparison
between two elements by incorporating the coalition size, L^{p^*} can be seen as a more granual
version of the L^p by incorporating
the specific equivalence class the element appears in.
(L^{p^*} solution [11]) For i, j \in
N, the social ranking solution L^{p^*} ranks i above j if one of the following conditions
- \lbrace i \rbrace \succ \lbrace j
- \lbrace i \rbrace, \lbrace j \rbrace \in
\Sigma_k and there exists a row p^0
\in \lbrace 2, \dots, |N|\rbrace and column q^0 \in \lbrace 1, \dots, k-1\rbrace such
that: (M^\succsim_i)_{p,q} =
(M^\succsim_j)_{p,q}\quad \forall p < p^0, q < k, (M^\succsim_i)_{p^0,q} =
(M^\succsim_j)_{p^0,q}\quad \forall q < q^0,\text{ and}
(M^\succsim_i)_{p^0,q^0} >
The score matrices of LPSScores()
look similar to
then, the only difference being the number of
columns; as any equivalence class with \{i\}
\in \Sigma_k and \Sigma_k \succ
\Sigma_l does not influence the final ranking, these columns
are discarded in the final matrix.
## $`1`
## [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
## [1,] 1 0 0 0
## [2,] 1 0 0 1
## [3,] 0 1 0 0
## $`2`
## [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
## [1,] 0 0 0 1
## [2,] 2 0 0 0
## [3,] 0 1 0 0
## $`3`
## [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
## [1,] 0 0 0 1
## [2,] 1 0 0 1
## [3,] 0 1 0 0
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "L1Scores"
## $`1`
## [1,]
## [2,]
## $`2`
## [,1] [,2] [,3]
## [1,] 2 0 0
## [2,] 0 1 0
## $`3`
## [,1] [,2] [,3]
## [1,] 1 0 0
## [2,] 0 1 0
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "LP*Scores"
## 1 > 2 > 3
Incidence Matrix
In our vignette we focused more on the intuitive aspects of power
relations and social ranking solutions. To reiterate, a power relation
is a total preorder, or a reflexive and transitive relation \succsim \in \mathcal{P} \times
\mathcal{P}, where \sim
denotes the symmetric part and \succ its asymmetric part.
A power relation can be represented as an incidence matrix (b_{ij}) = B \in \{0,1\}^{|\mathcal{P}| \times
|\mathcal{P}|}. Given two coalitions i, j \in \mathcal{P}, if iRj then b_{ij} = 1, else 0.
With the help of the relations
package, the functions
turn a PowerRelation
object into a relation
object. relations
offers ways to display the relation
object as an incidence
matrix with relation_incidence(rel)
and to test basic
properties such relation_is_linear_order(rel)
(see relations
package for more [12]).
pr <- as.PowerRelation("ab > a > {} > b")
rel <- relations::as.relation(pr)
## Incidences:
## ab a {} b
## ab 1 1 1 1
## a 0 1 1 1
## {} 0 0 1 1
## b 0 0 0 1
Note that the columns and rows are sorted by their names in
, hence why each name is preceded by
the ordering number.
# a power relation where coalitions {1} and {2} are indifferent
pr <- as.PowerRelation("12 > (1 ~ 2)")
rel <- relations::as.relation(pr)
# we have both binary relations {1}R{2} as well as {2}R{1}
## Incidences:
## 12 1 2
## 12 1 1 1
## 1 0 1 1
## 2 0 1 1
Cycles and Transitive
A cycle in a power relation exists, if there is one coalition S \in 2^N that appears twice. For
example, in \{1,2\} \succ (\{1\} \sim
\emptyset) \succ \{1,2\}, the coalition \{1,2\} appears at the beginning and at
the end of the power relation.
Properly handling power relations and calculating social ranking
solutions with cycles is somewhat ill-defined, hence a warning message
is shown as soon as one is created.
as.PowerRelation("12 > 2 > (1 ~ 2) > 12")
## Warning in createLookupTables(equivalenceClasses): Found 2 duplicate coalitions, listed below. This violates transitivity and can cause issues with certain ranking solutions. You may want to take a look at socialranking::transitiveClosure().
## - {2}
## - {1, 2}
## 12 > 2 > (1 ~ 2) > 12
Recall that a power relation is transitive, meaning for three
coalitions x, y, z \in 2^N, if
xRy and yRz, then xRz. If we introduce cycles, we pretty
much introduce symmetry. Assume we have the power relation x \succ y \succ x. Then, even though
xRy and yRx are defined as the asymmetric part of
the power relation \succsim,
together they form the symmetric power relation x \sim y.
is a function that turns a power
relation with cycles into one without one. In the process of removing
duplicate coalitions, it turns all asymmectric relations within a cycle
into symmetric relations.
pr <- suppressWarnings(as.PowerRelation(list(1, 2, 1)))
## 1 > 2 > 1
## (1 ~ 2)
# two cycles, (1>3>1) and (2>23>2)
pr <- suppressWarnings(
as.PowerRelation("1 > 3 > 1 > 2 > 23 > 2")
## (1 ~ 3) > (2 ~ 23)
# overlapping cycles
pr <- suppressWarnings(
as.PowerRelation("c > ac > b > ac > (a ~ b) > abc")
## c > (ac ~ b ~ a) > abc
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Economic Theory. 1975;16:310–34.
ObjectsThe main goal of the
package is to rank elements based on a given power ranking. More formally we try to map R: \mathcal{T}(\mathcal{P}) \rightarrow \mathcal{T}(N), associating to each power relation \succsim \in \mathcal{T}(\mathcal{P}) a total preorder R(\succsim) (or R^\succsim) over the elements of N.In this context i R^\succsim j tells us that, given a power relation \succsim and applying a social ranking solution R(\succsim), i is ranked higher than or equal to j. From here on out,
also denote the asymmetric and the symmetric part of a social ranking, respectively, i>
j indicating that i is strictly better than j, whereas in i~
j, i is indifferent to j.In literature, i I^\succsim j and i P^\succsim j are often used to denote the symmetric and asymmetric part, respectively. i I^\succsim j therefore means that i R^\succsim j and j R^\succsim i, whereas i P^\succsim j implies that i R^\succsim j but not j R^\succsim j.
In section 3.1 we show how a general
object can be constructed using thedoRanking
function. In the following sections, we will introduce the notion of dominance[4], cumulative dominance[13] and CP-Majority comparison[6] that lets us compare two elements before diving into the social ranking solutions of the Ordinal Banzhaf Index[5], Copeland-like and Kramer-Simpson-like methods[10], and lastly the Lexicographical Excellence Solution[9] (Lexcel) and the Dual Lexicographical Excellence solution[14] (Dual Lexcel).Let \{a,b\} \succ (\{a,c\} \sim \{b,c\}) \succ (\{a\} \sim \{c\}) > (\{a,b,c\} \sim \emptyset) \succ \{b\} be a power ranking. Using the following social ranking solutions, we get:
a > b > c
a > c > b
a > b ~ c
a ~ c > b
3.1 Creating
object represents a total preorder in \mathcal{T}(N) over the elements of N. Internally they are saved as a list of vectors, each containing players that are indifferent to one another. This is somewhat similar to theequivalenceClasses
attribute inPowerRelation
objects.The function
offers a generic way of creatingSocialRanking
objects. Given a sortable vector or list of scores it determines the power relation between all players, where the names of the elements are determined from thenames()
attribute ofscores
. Hence, aPowerRelation
object is not necessary to create aSocialRanking
object.When working with types that cannot be sorted (i.e.,
), a function can be passed to thecompare
parameter that allows comparisons between arbitrary elements. This function must take two parameters (i.e.,a
) and return a numeric value based on the comparison:compare(a,b) > 0
scores higher thanb
,compare(a,b) < 0
scores lower thanb
,compare(a,b) == 0
are equivalent.3.2 Comparison Functions
Comparison functions only compare two elements in a given power relation. They do not offer a social ranking solution. However in cases such as CP-Majority comparison, those comparison functions may be used to construct a social ranking solution in some particular cases.
3.2.1 Dominance
(Dominance [4]) Given a power relation \succsim \in \mathcal{T}(\mathcal{P}) and two elements i,j \in N, i dominates j in \succsim if S \cup \{i\} \succsim S \cup \{j\} for each S \in 2^{N\setminus \{i,j\}}. i also strictly dominates j if there exists S \in 2^{N\setminus \{i,j\}} such that S \cup \{i\} \succ S \cup \{j\}.
The implication is that for every coalition i and j can join, i has at least the same positive impact as j.
The function
dominates(pr, e1, e2)
only returns a logical valueTRUE
, elseFALSE
. Note thate1
not dominatinge2
does not indicate thate2
, nor does it imply thate1
is indifferent toe2
.For any S \in 2^{N \setminus \{i,j\}}, we can only compare S \cup \{i\} \succsim S \cup \{j\} if both S \cup \{i\} and S \cup \{j\} take part in the power relation.
Additionally, for S = \emptyset, we also want to compare \{i\} \succsim \{j\}. In some situations however a comparison between singletons is not desired. For this reason the parameter
can be set toFALSE
such that \emptyset \cup \{i\} \succsim \emptyset \cup \{j\} is not considered in the CP-Majority comparison.3.2.2 Cumulative Dominance
When comparing two players i,j \in N, instead of looking at particular coalitions S \in 2^{N \setminus \{i,j\}} they can join, we look at how many stronger coalitions they can form at each point. This property was originally introduced in [13] as a regular dominance axiom.
For a given power relation \succsim \in \mathcal{T}(\mathcal{P}) and its corresponding quotient order \sum_1 \succ \dots \succ \sum_m, the power of a player i is given by a vector \textrm{Score}_\textrm{Cumul}(i) \in \mathbb{N}^m where we cumulatively sum the amount of times i appears in \sum_k for each index k.
(Cumulative Dominance Score) Given a power relation \succsim \in \mathcal{T}(\mathcal{P}) and its quotient order \sum_1 \succ \dots \succ \sum_m, the cumulative score vector \textrm{Score}_\textrm{Cumul}(i) \in \mathbb{N}^m of an element i \in N is given by:
\begin{equation} \textrm{Score}_\textrm{Cumul}(i) = \Big( \sum_{t=1}^k |\{S \in \textstyle \sum_t : i \in S\}|\Big)_{k \in \{1, \dots, m\}} \end{equation}
(Cumulative Dominance) Given two elements i,j \in N, i cumulatively dominates j in \succsim, if \textrm{Score}_\textrm{Cumul}(i)_k \geq \textrm{Score}_\textrm{Cumul}(j)_k for each k \in \{1, \dots, m\}. i also strictly cumulatively dominates j if there exists a k such that \textrm{Score}_\textrm{Cumul}(i)_k > \textrm{Score}_\textrm{Cumul}(j)_k.
For a given
and two elementse1
returns the vectors described in definition 2 for each element,cumulativelyDominates(pr, e1, e2)
based on definition 3.Similar to the dominance property from our previous section, two elements not dominating one or the other does not indicate that they are indifferent.
3.2.3 CP-Majority comparison
The Ceteris Paribus Majority (CP-Majority) relation is a somewhat relaxed version of the dominance property. Instead of checking if S \cup \{i\} \succsim S \cup \{j\} for all S \in 2^{N \setminus \{i,j\}}, the CP-Majority relation iR^\succsim_\textrm{CP}j holds if the number of times S \cup \{i\} \succsim S \cup \{j\} is greater than or equal to the number of times S \cup \{j\} \succsim S \cup \{i\}.
(CP-Majority [6]) Let \succsim \in \mathcal{T}(\mathcal{P}). The Ceteris Paribus majority relation is the binary relation R^\succsim_\textrm{CP} \subseteq N \times N such that for all i,j \in N:
\begin{equation} iR^\succsim_\textrm{CP}j \Leftrightarrow d_{ij}(\succsim) \geq d_{ji}(\succsim) \end{equation}
where d_{ij}(\succsim) represents the cardinality of the set D_{ij}(\succsim), the set of all coalitions S \in 2^{N \setminus \{i,j\}} for which S \cup \{i\} \succsim S \cup \{j\}.
cpMajorityComparisonScore(pr, e1, e2)
calculates the two scores d_{ij}(\succsim) and -d_{ji}(\succsim). Notice the minus sign - that way we can use the sum of both values to determine the relation betweene1
.As a slight variation the logical parameter
calculates d^*_{ij}(\succsim) and -d^*_{ji}(\succsim), the number of coalitions S \in 2^{N\setminus \{i,j\}} where S\cup\{i\}\succ S\cup\{j\}.Coincidentally,
withstrictly = TRUE
can be used to determine ife1
(strictly) dominatese2
should be used for simple and quick calculations. The more comprehensive functioncpMajorityComparison(pr, e1, e2)
does the same calculations, but in the process retains more information about all the comparisons that might be interesting to a user, i.e., the set D_{ij}(\succsim) and D_{ji}(\succsim) as well as the relation iR^\succsim_\textrm{CP}j. See the documentation for a full list of available data.The CP-Majority relation can generate cycles, which is the reason that it is not offered as a social ranking solution. Instead, we will introduce the Copeland-like method and Kramer-Simpson-like method that make use of the CP-Majority functions to determine a power relation between elements. For further readings on CP-Majority, see [7] and [10].
3.3 Social Ranking Solutions
3.3.1 Ordinal Banzhaf
The Ordinal Banzhaf Score is a vector defined by the principle of marginal contributions. Intuitively speaking, if a player joining a coalition causes it to move up in the ranking, it can be interpreted as a positive contribution. On the contrary a negative contribution means that participating causes the coalition to go down in the ranking.
(Ordinal marginal contribution [5]) Let \succsim \in \mathcal{T}(\mathcal{P}). For a given element i \in N, its ordinal marginal contribution m_i^S(\succsim) with right to a coalition S \in \mathcal{P} is defined as:
\begin{equation} m_i^S(\succsim) = \begin{cases} \hphantom{-}1 & \textrm{if } S \cup \{i\} \succ S\\ -1 & \textrm{if } S \succ S \cup \{i\}\\ \hphantom{-}0 & \textrm{otherwise} \end{cases} \end{equation}
(Ordinal Banzhaf relation) Let \succsim \in \mathcal{T}(\mathcal{P}). The Ordinal Banzhaf relation is the binary relation R^\succsim_\textrm{Banz} \subseteq N \times N such that for all i,j \in N:
\begin{equation} iR^\succsim_\textrm{Banz}j \Leftrightarrow \text{Score}_\text{Banz}(i) \geq \text{Score}_\text{Banz}(j), \end{equation}
where \text{Score}_\text{Banz}(i) = \sum_{S} m^S_i(\succsim) for all S \in N\setminus\{i\}.
Note that if S \notin \mathcal{P} or S \cup \{i\} \notin \mathcal{P}, m_i^S(\succsim) = 0.
The function
returns three numbers for each element,The sum of the first two numbers determines the score of a player. Players with higher scores rank higher.
3.3.2 Copeland-like method
The Copeland-like method of ranking elements based on the CP-Majority rule is strongly inspired by the Copeland score from social choice theory[15]. The score of an element i \in N is determined by the amount of the pairwise CP-Majority winning comparisons i R^\succsim_\textrm{CP} j, minus the number of all losing comparisons j R^\succsim_\textrm{CP} i against all other elements j \in N \setminus \{i\}.
(Copeland-like relation [10]) Let \succsim \in \mathcal{T}(\mathcal{P}). The Copeland-like relation is the binary relation R^\succsim_\textrm{Cop} \subseteq N \times N such that for all i,j \in N:
\begin{equation} iR^\succsim_\textrm{Cop}j \Leftrightarrow \text{Score}_\text{Cop}(i) \geq \text{Score}_\text{Cop}(j), \end{equation}
where \text{Score}_\text{Cop}(i) = |\{j \in N \setminus \{i\}: d_{ij}(\succsim) \geq d_{ji}(\succsim)\}| - |\{j \in N \setminus \{i\}: d_{ij}(\succsim) \leq d_{ji}(\succsim)\}|
returns two numerical values for each element, a positive number for the winning comparisons (shown in \text{Score}_\text{Cop}(i) on the left) and a negative number for the losing comparisons (in \text{Score}_\text{Cop}(i) on the right).3.3.3 Kramer-Simpson-like method
Strongly inspired by the Kramer-Simpson method of social choice theory[16, 17], elements are ranked inversely to their greatest pairwise defeat over all possible CP-Majority comparisons.
(Kramer-Simpson-like relation [10]) Let \succsim \in \mathcal{T}(\mathcal{P}). The Kramer-Simpson-like relation is the binary relation R^\succsim_\textrm{KS} \subseteq N \times N such that for all i,j \in N:
\begin{equation} iR^\succsim_\textrm{KS}j \Leftrightarrow \text{Score}_\text{KS}(i) \geq \text{Score}_\text{KS}(j), \end{equation}
where \text{Score}_\text{KS}(i) = -\max_j d^*_{ji}(\succsim) for all j \in N \setminus \{i\}.
Recall that d^*_{ji}(\succsim) returns the number of strict relations of S \cup \{j\} \succ S \cup \{i\}.
returns a vector with a single numerical value for each element which, sorted highest to lowest, gives us the ranking solution.3.3.4 Lexcel and Dual Lexcel
Lexicographical Excellence Solution
The idea behind the lexicographical excellence solution (Lexcel) is to reward elements appearing more frequently in higher ranked equivalence classes.
For a given power relation \succsim and its quotient order \sum_1 \succ \dots \succ \sum_m, we denote by i_k the number of coalitions in \sum_k containing i:
\begin{equation} i_k = |\{S \in \textstyle \sum_k: i \in S\}| \end{equation}
for k \in \{1, \dots, m\}. Now, let \text{Score}_\text{Lex}(i) be the m-dimensional vector \text{Score}_\text{Lex}(i) = (i_1, \dots, i_m) associated to \succsim. Consider the lexicographic order \geq_\textrm{Lex} among vectors \mathbf{i} and \mathbf{j}: \mathbf{i} \geq_\textrm{Lex} \mathbf{j} if either \mathbf{i} = \mathbf{j} or there exists t : i_r = j_r, r \in \{1,\dots,t-1\}, and i_t > j_t.
(Lexicographic-Excellence relation [8]) Let \succsim \in \mathcal{T}(\mathcal{P}) with its corresponding quotient order \sum_1 \succ \dots \succ \sum_m. The Lexicographic-Excellence relation is the binary relation R^\succsim_\textrm{Lex} \subseteq N \times N such that for all i,j \in N:
\begin{equation} iR^\succsim_\textrm{Lex}j \Leftrightarrow \text{Score}_\text{Lex}(i) \geq_{\textrm{Lex}} \text{Score}_\text{Lex}(j) \end{equation}
For some generalizations of the Lexcel solution see also [9].
Lexcel score vectors are very similar to the cumulative score vectors (see section on Cumulative Dominance) in that the number of times an element appears in a given equivalence class is of interest. In fact, applying the base function
on an element’s lexcel score gives us its cumulative score.Dual Lexicographical Excellence Solution
Similar to the Lexcel ranking, the Dual Lexcel also uses the Lexcel score vectors from definition 9 to establish a ranking. However, instead of rewarding higher frequencies in high ranking coalitions, it punishes players that appear more frequently in lower ranking equivalence classes. In a more interpreted sense, it punishes mediocrity.
Take the values i_k for k \in \{1, \dots, m\} and the Lexcel score vector \text{Score}_\text{Lex}(i) from the section above. Consider the dual lexicographical order \geq_\textrm{DualLex} among vectors \mathbf{i} and \mathbf{j}: \mathbf{i} \geq_\textrm{DualLex} \mathbf{j} if either \mathbf{i} = \mathbf{j} or there exists t: i_t < j_t and i_r = j_r, r\in\{t+1, \dots, m\}.
(Dual Lexicographical-Excellence relation [14]) Let \succsim \in \mathcal{T}(\mathcal{P}). The Dual Lexicographic-Excellence relation is the binary relation R^\succsim_\textrm{DualLex} \subseteq N \times N such that for all i,j \in N:
\begin{equation} iR^\succsim_\textrm{DualLex}j \Leftrightarrow \text{Score}_\text{Lex}(i) \geq_\textrm{DualLex} \text{Score}_\text{Lex}(j) \end{equation}
The only difference between the two functions
is the S3 class attached to the list, the former beingLexcelScores
and the latter beingDualLexcelScores
.3.3.5 L^{(1)}, L^{(2)}, L^p, L^{p^*}
The remaining social ranking solutions are a variation of the lexcel solutions from the previous section. While they all rank individuals using a lexicographical approach, they all not only consider the equivalence classes, but also the size of the coalitions an element appears in. In answering the question of what player has more influence in a group than others, we may want to attribute a higher value to smaller coalitions.
For a given coalitional ranking \succsim and its associated quotient order \Sigma_1 \succ \dots \succ \Sigma_m, \text{Score}_\text{Lex}(i) produced a vector of length m with each index signifying the number of times i appears in each equivalence class. This is now further extended to a function
M^\succsim_i = \text{Score}_\text{L}(i) \in \mathbb{N}^{|N| \times m}
that produces a matrix. Each column q corresponds to an equivalence class, each row p to a coalition size. The values are then defined as
(M^\succsim_i)_{p,q} = |\lbrace S \in \Sigma_q: |S| = p \text{ and } i \in S\rbrace|.
For a ranking such as (\{1, 2\} \sim \{1\} \sim \{2, 3\}) \succ N \succ \varnothing \succ (\{1, 3\} \sim \{2\} \sim \{3\}) this would give use the following three matrices.
M^\succsim_1 = \begin{bmatrix} 1 & 0 & 0 & 0\\ 1 & 0 & 0 & 1\\ 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 \end{bmatrix} M^\succsim_2 = \begin{bmatrix} 0 & 0 & 0 & 1\\ 2 & 0 & 0 & 0\\ 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 \end{bmatrix} M^\succsim_3 = \begin{bmatrix} 0 & 0 & 0 & 1\\ 1 & 0 & 0 & 1\\ 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 \end{bmatrix}
These matrices can be created with the
function.Comparing these matrices builds the foundation the the L^{(1)}, L^{(2)}, L^p and L^{p^*} solutions.
(L^{(1)} solution [9]) For i, j \in N, the L^{(1)} solution ranks i above j if there exists a p^0 \in \{1, \dots, n\} and q^0 \in \{1, \dots, m\} such that the following conditions hold:
Put into simple terms, when comparing two elements i and j with their corresponding matrices, we first compare the first column, top to bottom. The first row in which the value for one is higher than the other determines their relation. If both their columns are the same, we move forward to the next column.
In the example above, the lexcel determines that
1 ~ 2
. However, in their matrices, 1 has a higher value in the first row of the first column. This implies that L^{(1)} prefers1 > 2
simply because the singleton coalition \{1\} appears in the first equivalence class, whereas \{2\} does not.L^{(2)}
Compared to the lexcel, L^{(1)} could be seen as a little too strict in enforcing a relation based on a singular coalition while discarding all others in the same equivalence class. Take for instance (\{1\} \sim \{2, 3\} \sim \{2, 4\} \sim \{2, 3, 4\}) \succ \dots. Even though 2 seems to have a lot more possibilities to cooperate, L^{(1)} prefers 1 simply because the coalition it appears in is smaller than all others.
The L^{(2)} tries to find a happy medium between these two solutions. For a given equivalence class, it first compares the total number of times each element appears (aka., the lexcel score). If both scores are the same, only then does it compare the corresponding column according to the L^{(1)}.
(L^{(2)} solution [9]) For i, j \in N, the L^{(2)} solution ranks i above j if there exists a p^0 \in \{1, \dots, n\} and q^0 \in \{1, \dots, m\} such that the following conditions hold:
Note again that \text{Score}_\text{Lex}(i)_{q^0} = \sum_{p=1}^{|N|} (M^\succsim_i)_{p,q^0}. To make finding the sum of each column easier, these values are added as an extra row above. This also conveniently allows us to use the traditional L^{(1)} comparison on these matrices.
The solution of L^{(2)} will always coincide either with the lexcel or with the L^{(1)} solution. In the example of the beginning of the section, in comparing 1 against 2, the relation for L^{(2)} coincides with L^{(1)}: the sum of the first column in M^\succsim_1 and M^\succsim_2 equal both to 2, inducing a row-by-row comparison, same as with L^{(1)}. In the latter example in this subsection, the sum of the first column vectors of 1 and 2 are vastly different, causing L^{(2)} to coincide with the lexcel solution.
L^p and L^{p^*} differ drastically in that they compare the matrices on a row-by-row basis rather than column-by-column. This puts a much higher value on smaller coalitions, regardless of which equivalence class they are placed in.
Both of these solutions first consider the singleton coalition. For two given elements i and j, if \{i\} \succ \{j\}, then the relation according to the L^p and L^{p^*} is already determined. If \{i\} ~ \{j\}, every subsequent comparison is done on the number of coalitions that rank strictly higher. This may be practical in situation where we want individuals to work in small groups and disregard any coalitions where they’d be better off alone.
(L^p solution [11]) For i, j \in N, the social ranking solution L^p ranks i above j if one of the following conditions hold:
The L^p looks at the total number of times an element has the chance to form a better coalition than its singleton. Since a lot of the information from the matrix of an element is therefore redundant,
discards much of it to save space. The first value then corresponds to the equivalence class index that the singleton appears in, each subsequent value the number of times it is able to form coalitions of size 2, 3, and so on.L^{p^*}
Only taking the sum of all coalitions of a certain size might not be informative enough. Similarly to how L^{(1)} builds a more granual comparison between two elements by incorporating the coalition size, L^{p^*} can be seen as a more granual version of the L^p by incorporating the specific equivalence class the element appears in.
(L^{p^*} solution [11]) For i, j \in N, the social ranking solution L^{p^*} ranks i above j if one of the following conditions hold:
The score matrices of
look similar toL1Scores()
then, the only difference being the number of columns; as any equivalence class with \{i\} \in \Sigma_k and \Sigma_k \succ \Sigma_l does not influence the final ranking, these columns are discarded in the final matrix.