In this vignette, we briefly illustrate the different ways susie_rss
can be called, and draw connections between running
on summary data, and running susie
on individual-level data.
Simulate a data set with 200 samples and 1,000 variables, in which the only first 4 variables affect the outcome.
<- 200
n <- 1000
p <- rep(0,p)
beta 1:4] <- 1
beta[<- matrix(rnorm(n*p),nrow = n,ncol = p)
X <- scale(X,center = TRUE,scale = FALSE)
X <- drop(X %*% beta + rnorm(n)) y
Compute summary statistics ˆbj,ˆsj and the correlation matrix, R. These quantities will be provided as input to susie_rss.
<- univariate_regression(X,y)
ss <- compute_suff_stat(X,y,standardize = FALSE)
dat <- cov2cor(dat$XtX) R
The susie and susie_rss analyses produce the exact same results when
the summary statistics bhat
, shat
and n
are provided to susie_rss (and
when R
is an “in sample” correlation estimate—that is, when
it was computed from the same matrix X
that was used to
obtain the other statistics). If the covariate effects are removed from
the genotypes in univariate regression, the in-sample LD matrix should
compute from the genotype residuals where the covariate effects have
been removed.
<- susie(X,y,L = 10)
res1 <- susie_rss(bhat = ss$betahat,shat = ss$sebetahat,R = R,n = n,
res2 var_y = var(y),L = 10,estimate_residual_variance = TRUE)
# HINT: For estimate_residual_variance = TRUE, please check that R is the "in-sample" LD matrix; that is, the correlation matrix obtained using the exact same data matrix X that was used for the other summary statistics. Also note, when covariates are included in the univariate regressions that produced the summary statistics, also consider removing these effects from X before computing R.
plot(coef(res1),coef(res2),pch = 20,xlab = "susie",ylab = "susie_rss")
abline(a = 0,b = 1,col = "skyblue",lty = "dashed")
When some but not all of these statistics are provided, the results should be similar, but not exactly the same.
Next let’s compare the susie and susie_rss outputs when X,y are standardized before computing the summary statistics (by “standardize”, we mean that y and the columns of X are each divided by the sample standard deviation so that they each have the same standard deviation).
<- univariate_regression(scale(X),scale(y))
ss <- compute_suff_stat(X,y,standardize = TRUE)
dat <- cov2cor(dat$XtX) R
Then we compute the z-scores:
<- ss$betahat/ss$sebetahat zhat
When standardizing, providing susie_rss with summary data
(or bhat
, shat
), R
and n
is sufficient for susie_rss to recover the same
results as susie:
<- susie(scale(X),scale(y),L = 10)
res1 <- susie_rss(bhat = ss$betahat,shat = ss$sebetahat,R = R,n = n,
res2 L = 10,estimate_residual_variance = TRUE)
<- susie_rss(zhat,R,n = n,L = 10,estimate_residual_variance = TRUE)
res3 layout(matrix(1:2,1,2))
plot(coef(res1),coef(res2),pch = 20,xlab = "susie",
ylab = "susie_rss(bhat,shat)")
abline(a = 0,b = 1,col = "skyblue",lty = "dashed")
plot(coef(res1),coef(res3),pch = 20,xlab = "susie",ylab = "susie_rss(z)")
abline(a = 0,b = 1,col = "skyblue",lty = "dashed")
When the residual variance is not estimated in susie_rss, the susie_rss results may be close to susie, but may no longer be exactly the same:
<- susie_rss(zhat,R,n = n,L = 10)
res4 plot(coef(res1),coef(res4),pch = 20,xlab = "susie",ylab = "susie_rss")
abline(a = 0,b = 1,col = "skyblue",lty = "dashed")
Whenever R
is an “in sample” correlation matrix, we
recommend estimating the residual variance.
Without providing the sample size, n
, the coefficients
are interpreted as the “noncentrality parameters” (NCPs), and are
(roughly) related to the susie parameters by a factor of √n:
<- susie_rss(zhat,R,L = 10)
res5 plot(coef(res1),coef(res5)/sqrt(n),pch = 20,xlab = "susie",
ylab = "susie_rss/sqrt(n)")
abline(a = 0,b = 1,col = "skyblue",lty = "dashed")
Whenever possible, the sample size, or a reasonable estimate of the sample size, should be provided.