This vignette demonstrates an example workflow for heterogeneous
treatment effect models using the BART
package for fitting
Bayesian Additive Regression Trees and tidytreatment
investigating the output of such models. The tidytreatment
package can also be used with bartMachine
models, support
for bcf
is coming soon (see branch bcf-hold
Below we load packages and simulate data using the scheme described
by J. Hill and Su (2013) with the
additional of 1 categorical variable. It it implemented in the function
# load packages
# set seed so vignette is reproducible
# simulate data
sim <- simulate_su_hill_data(n = 100, treatment_linear = FALSE, omega = 0, add_categorical = TRUE,
n_subjects = 10, sd_subjects = 0.1,
coef_categorical_treatment = c(0,0,1),
coef_categorical_nontreatment = c(-1,0,-1)
Now we can take a look at some data summaries.
# non-treated vs treated counts:
#> 0 1
#> 48 52
dat <- sim$data
# a selection of data
dat %>% select(y, z, c1, x1:x3) %>% head()
#> y z c1 x1 x2 x3
#> 1 7.4280183 1 3 0.1820194 -0.06353599 0.3524953
#> 2 0.5275992 0 1 -2.3814015 0.20423903 0.8935155
#> 3 3.5616838 0 2 -0.5518608 -1.10040685 1.9034043
#> 4 9.3384301 1 2 0.7267062 -0.11821280 -0.5202530
#> 5 3.7328197 1 1 -1.8133403 0.73768934 0.2913854
#> 6 -1.7501469 0 2 -0.8688956 -0.38677915 -0.7522927
# repeated observation counts for subjects:
#> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
#> 8 10 6 14 14 10 9 8 13 8
Run the model to be used to assess treatment effects. Here we will
use the bartCause
, for causal inference with Bayesian
additive regression trees (BART) (J. L. Hill
2011). For more on BART see Chipman,
George, and E. McCulloch (2010) and Sparapani et al. (2016). The package can be
found on CRAN.
We are following the procedure in Hahn,
Murray, and Carvalho (2020) (albeit without their causal forest
model) where we estimate a propensity score for being assigned to the
treatment regime, which improves estimation properties. This is done
automatically in bartCause
. The procedure is roughly as
Note: Using the automatic treatment assignment model in
ignores step 1-2 uses all potential confounders
to estimate the PS model.
# STEP 1 VS Model: Regress y ~ covariates
vs_bart <- stan4bart(y ~ bart(. - subject_id - z) + (1|subject_id),
data = dat, iter = 5000, verbose = -1)
# STEP 2: Variable selection
# select most important vars from y ~ covariates model
# very simple selection mechanism. Should use cross-validation in practice
covar_ranking <- covariate_importance(vs_bart)
var_select <- covar_ranking %>%
filter(avg_inclusion > mean(avg_inclusion) - sd(avg_inclusion)) %>% # at minimum: within 1 sd of mean inclusion
# change categorical variables to just one variable
var_select <- unique(gsub("c1.[1-3]$","c1", var_select))
#> [1] "c1" "x1" "x2" "x3" "x4" "x5" "x6" "x7" "x8" "x9" "x10"
# includes all covariates
# STEP 3 PS Model: Regress z ~ selected covariates
ps_bart <- stan4bart(z ~ bart(. - subject_id - y) + (1|subject_id),
data = dat, iter = 5000, verbose = -1)
# store propensity score in data
prop_score <- fitted(ps_bart)
# Step 4 TE Model: Regress y ~ z + covariates + propensity score
te_bart <- bartc(response = y, treatment = z, confounders = x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5 + x6 + x7 + x8 + x9 + x10,
parametric = (1|subject_id), data = dat, method.trt = prop_score,
iter = 5000, bart_args = list(keepTrees = TRUE))
#> fitting response model via method 'bart'
#* The posterior samples are kept small to manage size on CRAN
Methods for extracting the posterior in a tidy format is included in
the tidytreatment
packageSince tidytreatment
follows the tidybayes
output specifications, functions from tidybayes
treatment_var_and_c1 <-
dat %>%
select(z,c1) %>%
mutate(.row = 1:n(), z = as.factor(z))
posterior_fitted %>%
left_join(treatment_var_and_c1, by = ".row") %>%
ggplot() +
stat_halfeye(aes(x = z, y = fitted)) +
facet_wrap(~c1, labeller = as_labeller( function(x) paste("c1 =",x) ) ) +
xlab("Treatment (z)") + ylab("Posterior predicted value") +
theme_bw() + ggtitle("Effect of treatment with 'c1' on posterior fitted values")
Posterior conditional (average) treatment effects can be calculated
using the treatment_effects
function. This function finds
the posterior values of τ(x)=E(y | T=1,X=x)−E(y | T=0,X=x) for each unit of measurement, i, (e.g. subject) in the data sample.
Some histogram summaries are presented below.
# sample based (using data from fit) conditional treatment effects, posterior draws
posterior_treat_eff <- treatment_effects(te_bart)
# check lines up with summary results...
# Histogram of treatment effect (all draws)
posterior_treat_eff %>%
ggplot() +
geom_histogram(aes(x = icate), binwidth = 0.1, colour = "white") +
theme_bw() + ggtitle("Histogram of treatment effect (all draws)")
# Histogram of treatment effect (median for each subject)
posterior_treat_eff %>% summarise(cte_hat = median(icate)) %>%
ggplot() +
geom_histogram(aes(x = cte_hat), binwidth = 0.1, colour = "white") +
theme_bw() + ggtitle("Histogram of treatment effect (median for each subject)")