We use the Deutsche Mark British Pound dataset for this demonstration throughout the document.
dmbp <- xts(dmbp, as.Date(1:nrow(dmbp), origin = '1970-01-01'))
spec <- garch_modelspec(dmbp[1:1500,1], model = 'fgarch', constant = TRUE,
init = 'unconditional', distribution = 'jsu')
mod <- estimate(spec)
Notice that the as_flextable
method provides for a
publication ready option for printing out the model summary.
We next take a look at a summary plot of the estimated model:
Notice the news impact curve which is both shifted and rotated, a particularly appealing feature of the Family GARCH model.
The code below shows how to predict from an estimated model and how to simulate using a specification with fixed parameters.
delta <- coef(mod)["delta"]
new_spec <- spec
new_spec$parmatrix <- copy(mod$parmatrix)
sim <- simulate(new_spec, nsim = 500, h = 10000, seed = 100, burn = 1000)
mean_sim <- mean(rowMeans(sim$sigma^delta))^(2/delta)
pred <- predict(mod, h = 1000, nsim = 0)
oldpar <- par(mfrow = c(1,1))
par(mar = c(2,2,2,2))
plot(as.numeric(pred$sigma^2), type = "l", xlab = "horizon",
ylab = expression(sigma^2), ylim = c(0.25, 0.41), main = "Family GARCH - JSU Prediction")
abline(h = as.numeric(unconditional(mod)), col = 2)
abline(h = mean_sim, col = 3)
legend("bottomright", c("h-step prediction","unconditional variance","simulated unconditional variance"), col = c(1,2,3), lty = 1, bty = "n")
There are other methods available such as one for profiling the
parameter distribution (tsprofile
), a backtest method
) as well as other methods for extracting
information from the estimated object such as vcov
(probability integral transform), confint
The package does not include any tests, as most of these have been moved to the tstests package and there are ample packages which include testing methods.