Hello! Hopefully you're reading this because you're having issues with one of the following former aliases to this server: centos.eecs.wsu.edu ubuntu.eecs.wsu.edu ubuntu-releases.eecs.wsu.edu These hostnames are being phased out in preparation of rolling out HTTPS support. Please use 'mirrors.vcea.wsu.edu' as the hostname for this mirror, additionally you may have to add /centos or /ubuntu to the URL as these aliases used to redirect users into a particular distro's directory. Additionaly previous changes have removed: the HTTP repo for squid (the ftp tree remains) repoforge/rpmforge/dag (mostly out of date / dead repo upstream that was coasting along) IF YOU RUN YOUR OWN MIRROR: Please note that we have rsync and syncing your mirror via http based means is discouraged. We run rsync for the following distros: rsync://mirrors.vcea.wsu.edu/centos rsync://mirrors.vcea.wsu.edu/epel rsync://mirrors.vcea.wsu.edu/ubuntu rsync://mirrors.vcea.wsu.edu/ubuntu-releases If you are attempting to mirror a distro not listed here that we have on http, please let us know and we will see what we can do about adding it to rsync! Sorry for the trouble! Feel free to contact us if you need any assistance -VCEA Mirror Team